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Tuesday, February 02, 2010



  1. Yea come to my nieghborhood your A$$holes! We got a big gift for you! Meet the business end of a .223!

  2. Lets not forget that we will fight for AMERICA to the death !!!!!!

  3. how embarassing,
    where's the feds?
    can't the spec-ops use these people for training purposes?

  4. obama will not let the feds. do anything to hurt his religion! Expect many more of these camps in the near feature. The friggin democrates have crossed the line , what a bunch of idiots.

  5. I have a question , why don't you see many whites as muslims? Most of the ones I see on the news etc. are black or african americans.

  6. Wow , it's comming ladies and gents , lock and load.

  7. and yet Right Wing Extremist are on the Department of Homelands Security's watch list. The right wing extremist are the ones who aren't afraid to stand up and fight for our freedom. Yet the left wants to protect them. Once they are attacked they will run screaming like little girls hiding behind the right wing extremist for protection.

  8. The feds worry about a man having more than one wife or owning a little pot or moonshine but they let bullshit go on under their nosed. What a bunch of dumb asses we are letting them get away with it. Remember the religious cult in Texas and other places. Look what our government did there but they let this nut do this.

  9. 10:42
    The NOI is recruiting from the prisons. The whites that you see joining islam are the females. I guess a horrible man is better than no man at all. Many you dont see because they are covered from head to toe.


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