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Friday, January 08, 2010

WMDT Channel 47 News To Run Special Segment On Dr. Nolte At 6:00 PM Tonight

Don't miss 47 News at 6:00 PM TONIGHT.


  1. I guess I need a new vet! What a disgrace to his profession!

  2. Its simple Dont go there

  3. Watched the News----Something more should be done!!----For someone who passed his boards & has been practicing for yrs----something bad is wrong with this guy-----could it be drugs or what?

    I switched from him some time ago when I read about people having problems with their animals there, from Joes site. When I took my animals to a new Vet & he ask where I taken them before-- & I told him---He just stared at me & widen his eyes-----so the other Vets have known something was going on with him too! I thank God none of my animals were harmed !

  4. what other local vets have been put on probation or fined? Is there a list like the sex offenders list? I don't want my Precious going to any vet with a record like that.

  5. I heard years ago that he kept poor records because he used the "meds" himself instead of giving to animals in need. Poor excuse for a human lot alone a vet.

  6. what did he do? I missed it. I've heard stories tho

  7. Go to WMDT.com and look at the three stories on Dr. Nolte.

    Stacy Sakai did a fantastic job on each article and my hat is truly tipped to her. Every one of you should know that Stacy has been working on this story for almost a year and has been subjected to waiting months for the veterinarian board to get back with her with answers.

    To those of you who are trying to leave stories about Dr. Nolte claiming he's the greatest veterinarian on the shore, use your names or you will not get published.

  8. I agree with you. If they support the man so much they should put their name up. There's a reason why they call this guy Dr. Death.

  9. Another anonymous negative. Another published comment. Why not ask them to publish their name Joe? If they want to attack him, why don't you ask them to put their name up? The reason is you only want comments that agree with you and you won't put the comments on that don't. You call this a service and fair? Right!

  10. anonymous 9:57, think about what you just said. Look, if you truly support Dr. Nolte, why wouldn't youput your name with your comments. What's the big deal. I'll tell you what it is. It's a few of you lying, putting up comments just to stir the pot and discredit the information provided.

    The rest of you need to realize that there are very few News Sources willing to put it on the line for guys like this. Stacy, (as well as WMDT management) chose to do a serious investigative story, detailed with FACTS.

    Try to state Nolte is a great guy all you want. The FACTS remain that he has lost a LOT of animals for basic surgeries and there's NOT another Veterinarian around who has a similar record and or complaints. If there were, we would have heard about it along the way.

    So quit your bellyaching. Put up your name or shut up.

  11. i dont know if he is a bad guy or not. i honestly dont care. One reason MANY people goto him is because he is cheap. You can argue, well you shouldnt have an animal if you cant afford to take it to a GREAT vet who will run tons of tests and make you pay 300+ bux. Well go ahead and argue that. Maybe some of the GREAT vets can volunteer their time to give Poor people's pets medical care. until that happens, people go where they can go. Noone making 150k a year will take their pet to nolte. and poor people will still have pets. The fact is that people might not even take their pets anywhere if they cant afford it. thats my 2 cents.

  12. Well i have lived here for many years and I don't think there has ever been any other reports on vets unless it was a single incident. Once a vet at Ocean Downes. I think Rufus Johnson had a couple of complaints during his 40+ years as a vet, but never never anything like this. Nolte needs to go for sure. But, think about it, all those little children in Delaware subjected to that terrible Dr. Bradley and look how long it took and that was a human being. Unfortunately, animals are not looked on as the same even though we all on this blog know they are our family as well.

  13. Cheaper does not mean better. There is a problem with that Vetenarian. He should be checked and stripped of his licences if he is truely that bad.

  14. Mike you make a good and important point here. However, don't think that a lot of local veterinarians don't donate quite a bit of their time towards their industry, because they do. Take the Humane Society for example.

    This Blog simply opens the mind towards awareness on many issues. If 47 News went so far as to report such a matter, there's a problem and there's no denying that.

    ALL MSM Media sources are so afraid of lawsuits, most would not touch such a story without documentation and facts. Nolte has no recourse because the issues Salisbury News and WMDT have presented are documented.

  15. Hello Mr. Albero, i cant attest to whether or not dr. nolte was or is a great guy. I know you wont publish this because im not going to sign it but that is only because i dont want to put myself out there to be personally attacked. I do want to say that we used Dr. Nolte for all of our pets, including the ones i have now. He has spayed two dogs for us with no bad results. maybe we were just lucky i dont know. also, about 6 years ago my dog injured herself when she ran nose first into a tree at her top speed. she was bleeding from her snout and stumbling. it was 11 oclock on a saturday night, and we called dr. noltes office. he met us at his office around midnight and treated her. he gave us medication and a full exam without complaint, in addition he only charged us around 45.00. all of that for a middle of the night call that im sure was an inconvenience to him. if anything, i am just extremely disappointed that he did not provide that level of care to all of his patients. We wont be using his office anymore now that we know about all of this, but i was truly surprised to hear of it. thank you for hearing (or reading) me out.

  16. anonymous 10:30, I think we've proven to be a voice for the animals.

  17. Some people go to him becuase they went to church with him, played ball with him, knew him as a good guy and he took good care of their pets. Joe might not put this one up either but he has done a great job for our family and other families. We took 5-6 litters to him over the years and he took great care with our puppies. There are two sides to this coin and it would be nice if both points of view could be published. We aren't poor and could afford whatever. We took our pets to him becuase we trusted him and he did a very good job for us. Thanks Joe!

  18. Joe, We as a family love our pets as valued members of our family and I am so sorry others have lost pets to what they regard as poor care by Dr. Nolte. I have lived here my entire life and have had "bad" experiences with 3 different vets in the area resulting in the death of an animal and in the 15 yrs. Dr Nolte has cared for our approximately 6 cats and 8 dogs we have received nothing but quality care from Dr. Nolte. Like others these family pets have each held a special place in our hearts. Now all this took me 3 minutes to type out in order to also mention, in an attempt to draw comparisons, that about 3700 unborn babies were aborted today in the U.S. of A. (1.47 million worldwide) and no matter how much I miss my pets that have died all the heartache I can muster for them does not even touch the heartache I have for each of those murdered babies. I say all this not to make this subject political, but only to see if perhaps other causes might not warrant as much fervor and effort as our precious pets.
    Chip Carper
    Hebron, MD

  19. I have taken my animals to different vets over the years, but the last 10 years have been with Dr. Nolte. I have no complaints whatsoever. I like him, I like the fact he explains everything and offers options if needed and his staff is friendly. It's sad there are some unfortunate incidents. I as well would be extremely upset, but personally I do not have one complaint only good to say.

  20. I think she needs to do a story on Pet ER by Kmart too. There have been many horror stories out of that place too. Unfortunately that's the only place to go if your animal is sick when your vet's office is closed. Plus the prices they charge is insane. I think you'd find some similar type situations.

  21. He is a horrible vet and person. And, as far as the "expensive" vets giving their time, Healing Hands Animal Hospital has a spay/neuter clinic for cats almost monthly and volunteer their time and it only costs the owner $30-$35, which inlcudes operation, rabies shot, flea and tick meds for one month, ear cleaning. So, don't say the so called expensive vets are just in it for the money, not all are. Kare

  22. I remember one evening, several years ago my husband and I were in Goin Nuts cafe enjoying dinner and this bozo Nolte and his date were there as well dining with another couple. They happened to be sitting at the table next to us and, during the course of dinner, Nolte made a comment to those at his table that I will NEVER forget. He said it in an elevated voice and I don't know if he was drunk or coked-up or both, but he said "I'm telling you right now, if your dog acts like it's going to bite me, I'm going to punch it in its head!" I know I had the most horrified look on my face because his date leaned over and whispered something to him and he shut up. I know that no one wants to be bitten, and surely a professional would have ways to deal with scared, hurt animals other than with physical violence. It's scary to think what he's done to those animals that have been in his "care" when no one else was around. I will never forget his comment; and ever since then, when I hear someone speak of Nolte I tell them this story. He should never be allowed within 50 feet of any animal ever again...for fear of A PUNCH TO HIS HEAD!!!

  23. To the person complaining they used their name and didn't get published, (Core) Salisbury News is NOT here for you to self promote your business. You used a business name, not a personal name. Kiss Off.

  24. (In response to Mike and Joes reply to him) I have a dog that is like another child to me. A few years ago I had two labs that were poisoned by an Ahole nieghbor right before Christmas, both of those dogs were also like children to me. When the first dog became ill very quickly I started calling vets that were close by, none of the offices that I called would even agree to see my dog, that was dying by the way, unless I could put up $1500 up front. I even offered to bring in a down payment and make payments because I do not have $1500 in my possession at any given time but none would agree to it. I eventually found a rescue group that agreed to get treatment for the dog if I would sign him over to the rescue group. Like I said those dogs were like family so I cried through signing the papers in order for him to recieve treatment. When I got back from transporting him to a vet in Baltimore my other dog was then ill as well. The day before Christmas eve I was signing over the other dog to the rescue so he could be treated.

    It was and still is heart wrenching that I had to give those dogs up when I had three children sitting here heart broken because of it. I was very disappointed and as a result I do not support any local vets. I take the dog I have now to a vet on the other side of the bridge because I know he will be treated well and if there is ever a need for treatment they will work with us in the event it should be an expensive procedure. I look at it this way if a local vet would not be willing to help when death was an alternative why should I pay them to examine and give vaccinations?

  25. Eastern Shore Veterinary (Dr. Dykstra) treats both our dogs and cat. Our 2yr old dog got VERY sick last summer with a fever and dehydrated and not eating. Our vet saw him right away and kept him for two days to get him all fixed up. The bill was $600 and we didn't have it. They let us pay $100 every pay period until it was done. We will never forget how much they cared and how sweet they are to work with us in emergency situations.



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