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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

U.S. Asks Israel 'In No Uncertain Terms' To Refrain From Retaliatory Strikes

The United States has renewed pressure on Israel to refrain from any operation that could spark another war in the Middle East.

Government sources said the administration of President Barack Obama has renewed appeals by senior officials for Israel to refrain from massive retaliation to missile and rocket launches from either the Gaza Strip or Lebanon.

The sources said the White House warned Israel that renewed military tension in the Middle East could harm U.S. plans to withdraw from Iraq and expand the NATO stabilization campaign in Afghanistan.

"This message was relayed to Israel in no uncertain terms," a government source said.

The sources said Israeli leaders, particularly Defense Minister Ehud Barak, urged National Security Adviser James Jones to approve requests for weapons for Israel. Israel has privately complained of the administration's refusal to approve a range of requests for new military platforms and upgrades over the last year.

The White House has also relayed warnings to Israel to halt preparations for an attack on Iran and its nuclear program. The sources said Jones and other senior Obama aides have been concerned that Israel's military preparations would harm U.S. efforts to reconcile with the Teheran regime.

"As the administration sees it, U.S. arms exports to Israel have become dependent on whether this upsets Iran and the Arab world," the source said. "The fear in Washington and Europe is that Israel will do something unilaterally against Iran."

Read more here.


  1. I hope Netanyahu tells obamanation to stick it up his a$$. I'm not Jewish but I support Israel and hope they have the courage to knock out Irans nuclear program because we won't bomb one of barry's islamic friends.

  2. hey dummy 10:15am,

    Sounds like another Bush-Cheney strategists. Well just a few facts;

    #1 we know the munitions are likely NOT going to destroy their capability to produce nuclear arms.

    #2 whats the end game? Let Isreal start a war that they can't fight and then WE have to defend them. Yeah, lets open up another theater of war while we are bogged down in 2 already.

    I just love the shoot first, think second mentality. As Denzel says, "this is chess, not checkers".

  3. 10:15
    You may want to reconsider your stance. Do some research for yourself. Go to Rense.com for starters. You will link onto other very informative sites from there.

  4. gather up all the "I support Isreal crowd". I'm sure in this economy many are out of work. Use some of that foreign aid we send Isreal to train and arm them, then let them go over there and fight for em.

    I say since Isreal seems to think it's their "holy right" to the land, them let them fight it out on their own since apparently God is on their side.

  5. 10:15 has it right!
    and as far as God on their side, last time I read the Bible I am pretty sure it stated somewhere in there the Jews were God's chosen people. But then considering reading the Bible and studying prophecy might be a little out of your realm of things to do, yo might want to become acquainted with both!
    Bomb the bastards out of existence! next?
    This sh@t will stop when we've killed enough of them!

  6. 11:58, sounds like the same sentiments I hear from Bin Laden.


  7. The young people in Iran want a real goverment, aid them in getting it for themselves.

  8. And while we continue to bungle primitive terrorist attacks Iran is devleoping nuclear weapons that they WILL USE AGAINST US in the future. They are patient, and they are relentless, and they are intent on destroying Western culture and Christians. If you do not realise this than you are not paying attention.

  9. 2:28 is caught up in the hype.

    It's not about religion; it's about money, power, and respect. If you can't see the game for what it is, you're not going to be an effective player.

    12:50, attacking Iran would ruin all credibility anti-government young Iranians have. Many poeople don't like Obama but how many of you would support a Chinese attack against the US in the name of regime change?

  10. 3:53 It's all about Ego's and pissing matches. Who wants to be a player if GOD is left out of the game. He reigns as the highest strongest player.

  11. 3:53
    I respectfully disagree. It is all about Religion.

    There is one side saying their god has ordained that they "rule over" the rest of us.

    There is another side who understands Israel believes that position, and intends to exterminate them.

    Then, there are the Americans who don't understand a darn thing about either of those religions. Americans pretend to identify with the New Testament and pretend to be Christians. Yet we go over there and throughout the world and kill for the Zionists. Our children fight and die not for our safety. No country is going to attack us. We fight for a religious war we do not understand and we have taken a particular side.

    Our media has indoctrinated our society with a fairy tale of good vs evil. There is plenty of evil on "our" side and we should all know plenty to convince us that "our" side can't be trusted.

    Thank you


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