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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Today's Survey Question

How Many Of You Actually Believe Unemployment Is At Or About 10%?


  1. NOT ME--The number is probably more like 22%.

  2. 5% are not going to work in a pie shop as long as the Goverment hands it out!

  3. Let me make this clear. There are MILLIONS of people who own businesses that do NOT qualify for unemployment, as well as upper management, in case you didn't know that.

    There are also millions of people who's unemployment has run its course and no longer qualify.

    WHY is it that the MSM refuses to share that with all of you? Because they're already controlled by the Government.

    Blogs are NOT controlled but need to grow to spread such information.Mind you, Salisbury News is already up there with some of the biggest news sources in the entire country. However, spreading the word about this Site will only help others become more educated with the TRUTH.

  4. I believe the number is around 17%,
    it will get worse. The democrates will kill this country , they will use the previous admin. as an excuse like they have been doing.
    It's all in the plan for socialism.
    The answer is " higher"

  5. Believe, to do that you first have to trust. My answer is no, we are near total collapse as a middle class nation, dont doubt that for a minute. If your proffession or industry hasnt been directly affected by this DEPRESSION give it time. How the hell did we get here?

  6. You are right on this Joe.

    I agree with the now dead George Carlin:

    "I believe NOTHING our government tells us"

  7. I did know and I believe its much higher than reported. It amazes me that when we lose 85,000 jobs in Dec. it's praised as a win because it wasn't worse. Thats still 85K more people with out a job

  8. Who controls the Media
    Who controls the Money
    Who makes up the share holders of the federal reserve

  9. This guy in Washington has no clue and if you asked how much is 2+2 he would tell us 5. What an idiot!!!

  10. Joe the unemployment rate hasn't been 10% since we fell into this. We are nearer to 25% I think. We've talked about this many times. The worst of this is yet to come. Investors have had to work with their banks (on a local level) to re-visit their terms - you know - lower the interest, stretch out the number of years. All this so that they can continue to make the payments. They 're kicking the can further down the road hoping that the economy will make a comeback. This too will soon run it's course. Every banker you talk to will tell you the same thing. No one in the banking industry today has ever lived through a recession/depression like this. It is deeper, wider, and longer lasting than anything anyone has ever seen. No one really knows what to do. People are still being laid off all the time. Private sector jobs aren't increasing. Remember, small business is the backbone of our nations economy and they are shutting down left and right. No sir, this is going to get much, much worse.

  11. AS a former marine, I know for a fact our government lies to everyone every day! If they ever told the truth about what they are doing, planning or how bad it really is there would be such a revolt in this country! hence give john q public his beer, food and american idol. best to keep the public fat stupid and ignorant!
    And the really sad thing is look around you, how many people fit this fat stupid ignorant comment? Just the way the govmnt wants it!

  12. I've been looking for a job since I was laid off in November. For every job application I put in for, I have been told that 100+ apply as well. This area has been hit hard. How in the hell can you compete with that?

  13. if it were 25% then 1 in 4 of my friends would be unemployed. and thats CERTAINLY NOT the case. not even 1 in 8. in fact, i have ZERO unemployed friends and i have close to 1000 friends... all over the country. lazy, good for nothings are unemployed, and the VERY unfortunate who WANT to be employed are or are finding it... there are jobs in the paper every DAY, how can there be unemployment if there are jobs to be filled???

  14. anonymous 1:00, why do I get the feeling you're about to get eaten alive with other comments. Let's see what happens.

  15. 1000 friends, your a fool.

  16. If you look at the actual U.S. statistics it is much closer to 4 percent. Maybe 5.

  17. 10% maybe but how many people had to take pay cuts and reduced hours because of the recession. I think these numbers need to be taken into account also.

  18. Anonymous 1:00pm I would hate to have your Christmas card list - 1,000 friends my a@# . You can not say the someone in your lifes path has not lost thier job , or maybe they ever a job to lose !!!

  19. Actual unemployment as of January 2010 is 17.3%. Obama's trickle up Acorn economics is really working great!

  20. Anon 1:00 you have 1000 imaginary friends is probably more like it

  21. It's at 18% that's proven !

  22. anonymous 1:00, how many of those 1,000 friends of yours work for the government. Also, how many of them had to accept a furlough to keep their jobs. I personally consider each and every minute of those furloughs unemployment. Obama and the Democrats came up with that idea to make sure unemployment wasn't 60% right now.

    Just give it time Folks. It's actually VERY simple. Just look at Wicomico County as an example. Rick Pollitt knows for a fact that he should have started laying people off last year. The fact that we're giving up services and quality of life after WE'VE already been taxed is complete BS!

    Now look at what'c coming this year, even BIGGER cuts from the State. Just when will Mr. Pollitt get ity that he's going to have to get rid of employees FIRST. Instead, he'll close parks and watch children turn into criminals because there will be NOTHING for them to do in the summer. ALL because they want to save the world and keep people working. ALL because they, (the democrats) don't want Obama remembered as the President who had the highest unemployment rate in all of America's history.

    The walls will be crumbling down over the next two years. You see, you people thought we were near the tail end of a recession, you were absolutely wrong. I have been telling you this for years, it's going to get a lot worse, you'll se.

    Start protecting yourself NOW. Obama can only do so much. He can only give away so much. They can only print a certain amount of money. I said it on my Show with Andy Harris. There will come a time when American's for the very first time will be looking for other Countries to live because there's just no way we're climbing back out of this mess we're in.

  23. The American dream is dead for the middle class, or we just cant afford it anymore. At what point of stress, lost family time, bills never ending debt does the American Dream turn into the American Nightmare. At what point is your sanity more important. At what point do you just give up.

  24. Go to work for the county of WICOMICO they will give you off on your birthday and pay you.

  25. Hey anonymous 1:00 lets be friends that way you can say you know 2 people on unemployment.As me and my mother are on unemployment LOL I have been on unemployment since October 8th. I work in the medical field and have sent resumes to about 90 employers and no bites as of yet!

  26. This country is like a high performance engine that has been run constantly to red line and not been properly maintained. Sooner or later it is going to blow, and it's will require a COMPLETE overhaul to get back up to spec, not a bunch of half ass patches.As far as unemployment, I think it is much worse than we are being told.The automobile industry created most of it and the sad part is the UNIONS were mainly responsible.

  27. My guess is somewhere between 18-25%. Sad...

  28. Its alot higher because many people are being summarily denied unemployment benefits and they give up on trying to get them.My husband is among that group.Unless you can afford a lawyer an appeal is hopleess because the State is so broke from extending benefits to everyone else they are denying ALL new claims. Meanwhile I know of someone who hasnt worked in two years because they are a a drunk and they still collect 2-3 hundred a week in unemployment,plus they get food stamps and crap!What gives?
    1 pm I am soo happy for you,obviously your 1,00 pals either all have government jobs,or they are independently wealthy.

  29. 10% does not figure people who are not collecting employment, have simply stopped looking for work, does not factor people who are underemployed, and people who are working part time because they cant find a full time job.

    The reason the rate is somewhat level is people are falling off the radar (reasons above) as more people join into unemployment.

    Most people (including my wife) can not find jobs that pay what unemployment pays; so why work for the same pay as you get for doing nothing. If she could get a job waiting tables and only get paid the difference from unemployment then she would take it.
    The unemployment system is really screwed up, like the rest of our government.

  30. I believe it is higher. And you are correct, sm busniess employers that have folded are not included.

  31. 1:00

    BS There are people out there that WANT and NEED to work. There are no jobs out there. Take a closer look at the paper again. Most in there you have to have a certain degree to get the job. My husband has been on unemployment for about 3 weeks now and its driving him crazy each and every day. He was even going to take a job in Balitmore and that fell thru also. Stop with your holier than thou attidude. I didn't think it could happen to us.... so watch out karma might just bite you in the A55.

  32. Let's be honest here. Flippin' burgers is supposed to be the job your teenager does so she/he can go to the movies.

    Flippin' burgers is not what I'm supposed to be doing to support myself and kid. I can't even support myself flippin' burgers.

    Having said that, if the only job I can get is flippin' burgers then I'm there! Question is: how do I support myself?

  33. I heard on the radio the other day that 1 in 5 adult males is unemployed.

    One refinery in Delaware that is closing this month will leave 550 unemployed.

    The old Chrysler plant was just purchased by the University of Delaware.

    These were good paying jobs that will not come back.

  34. Oh Joe. It's much higher than the reported 10%. I feel sorry for the many business owners that do not qualify for unemployment.

    As far as there being plenty of jobs out there, sure there are businesses advertising that they're hiring, but have any of you actually researched these positions, gone on interviews for these jobs? Dedicating a day to go on an interview, spending money on transportation costs, finding out the job has crazy part time hours, no health benefits, poor pay, the list goes on. For the many unemployed Americans out there sometimes these part time, limited income jobs just aren't worth the hassle. When you include the time needed to get ready for work, transportation costs, transportation time, purchasing appropriate attire for the position, juggling the family schedule to fit the needs of the job, is it really worth the time and effort and commitment? Is it worth the upset in the family routine, did I mention the taxes taken out of your pay? Did I also mention that often people are turned away from these teriffic jobs because they're "overqualified"? Something to think about. I know I'm going hear flack over my opinion, but that's what so great about living in this fine country, freedom of speech......

    I also feel sorry for the people employed that are feeling the crunch of downsizing, cutting back hours, and/or transferring positions to other locations. We'll let you keep your job, however... we're just going to cut your hours just enough so you can still get a paycheck, but not enough to cover the cost of living..... the perk of cutting back your hours is now you're classified as part time, your health benefits have been reduced, and we're going to start charging you more for these reduced benefits! HA!

    I am employed, and glad to have a job, however I too am feeling the well known "cutting back" crunch. Receiving last minute phone calls telling me I'm not needed today, we have enough help today, or it's your turn to get cancelled tonight.... this is a very scary feeling when I have children to feed, a mortgage and car payment to pay, utility bills that seem to get farther and farther behind....

    It's tought out there right now! The economy is being felt by everyone right now. It's a shame the government isn't going to be truthful and release accurate unemployment rates, they'd much rather sugar coat it. But then again, with their stellar record...since when have they been known to be truthful and accurate with data?

  35. While I understand that there are legitimitly unemployed people out there, it really burns me up when people take advantage of the system. My husband has recieved countless requests from people on unemployment for jobs "under the table" so they don't lose their benefits. When offered a real job, on the record with taxes coming out, it is unbeliveable how fast these guys disappear!

    What about the MD picking houses that had to close last year because no one would work there? People in seafood industry actually had to go request extra temporary worker visas so they could keep them going, and when that was denied, the picking houses closed down. How many waterman suffered this year because all the unemployed are too good to work in the crab picking business - never mind that this area was founded on that kind of work!

    Sherman Williams had 50+ openings in Crisfield last fall, but couldn't fill them all locally, because not enough people applied that could pass a simple drug test! I wonder why those folks don't have a job?

    All that to say that while I don't trust Obama's numbers for a second, I am hesitant place blame soley on the government - there has to be some personal responsibility out there.

  36. How about the "under" employed....doesn't count that either. All the people who have taken lower paying jobs because it is all they can find...

  37. Who will lead you when the shit hits the fan? Who will you follow? What type of human being will he be?

  38. Who says its a he?

  39. People need to start supporting local main street businesses more vs online. Last year for Christmas, I received a Macys gift card which was purchased in Pennsylvania - I called Macys in Salisbury to ask them if I spend it there does it count as credit for a sale or did it count at the card purchase. I was told if I spent it in store, that gives the store credit for a sale. It would have been much more convenient to buy online, but I understand Macys was struggling, so I braved the outside world to shop. This helps to keep jobs. People shop online, but have the nerve to hit up the local business for donations and project support. I am not saying stop shopping online all together,after all, UPS drivers and Fed Ex drives need a job too - but be conscious of who you support how often when making your purchases.

    Main street and small businesses are strugging and shrinking - jobs are being eliminated. Some are cutting back and working from home. To keep our economy thriving and our forces working - we have to try to leverage our spending to support our local businesses. A local business takes ads in a paper or TV, hires employees, uses utilities, pays taxes, orders supplies and so forth..

    Off the topic but this is something I am passionate about.

    answer is - higher than 10pct

  40. my husband has been unemployed for over a year, off and on taking jobs where he can get it. he can't get umemployment so he's one of the many off the radar. the unemployment rate is at least 20% here on the shore. most of the people we know are working part time, like myself, or not working at all. my stepdad lives in VA and he's been out of work for a year as well. he got unemployment but it ran out now and there are no jobs. He used to be in the navy and has IT and construction/foreman experience. my husband does remodeling work and the market completely bottomed out here. he has applied to every job he can only to be told there are 100's of applications for them to wade through. no one will even talk to you much less call for an interview. people that aren't qualified are applying for everything. THEN the employers know they have people over a barrel so they are asking experienced workers who deserve $15+ an hr to work for $8 or less. Laborers starting out were getting $10 an hr. And don't tell me people should be thankful for work when they're getting taken advantage of, working their butts off at physically draining jobs and then still can't pay their bills. somethings gotta give! people are getting desperate. you can see that by all of the robberies and home invasions. I fear its not going to get better anytime soon.

  41. I feel ya lady, I also feel your passion and love for your family, it will be tough but it will end one way or the other. Makes a man go inside himself. We do it out of shame when we have nothing to be ashamed about. Hang on.

  42. Must not be too bad, have not had one person come to ask to clean my roof or rake leaves (of course it is a bit cold), but soon it will be 50 degrees, maybe someone will need the work.

  43. 17 - 20% at least gotta love obamanomics

  44. @9:38pm: Are you serious? In this day and age, with people being held up, homes broken into, telephone scams, bank robberies, kidnappings, etc, do you really want some stranger knocking at your door soliciting work? Do you want to become a statistic? Seriously think about this. I have gotten into the habit of always keeping my doors locked. When someone does come a knocking, if I don't recognize them, I do not open the door for them.... I do not want to become another victim or statistic! Even when the UPS guy or Postal worker stops by, if I don't recgnize them I leave the door shut. They can always leave their calling card; I can then take the documents they left and visit their business establishment for whatever was needed of me. Think about it: do you really want an unlicensed stranger knocking at your door, taking inventory of your vehicles in the driveway, of the items stored on your property, watching your every move from your yard, scoping out alternate exit routes of your home? Would you like them to come back calling for you in teh middle of the night, or even better yet, when you're not home? Seriously! TRUST NO ONE!

  45. Anon, 1:00 Facebook and Myspace friends dont count ya Obama supporter!

    I know someone who is unemployed. Has many applications out. Times are hard and he wont collect welfare. Unemployment has helped but not much. These numbers are way higher. Just like there was no gangs and the crime was low last year right?

    9:38, Advertise then, Ppl dont have esp!


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