I used to work with John Brooks and he left Ruxandra because she was banging the manager of Cowboyz so then he moved on to Bicuriousrose (Krista Hearne)who is the biggest slut in Ocean City.
so John Brooks ex wife and his current girlfriend were doing porn videos together?how does a man pull that one off and where do i sign up.i knew this story was hot but didnt know how hot
Jacque Bradbury was the girl in the video not Ruxandra. John and Ruxandra separated in May. Jacque Bradbury and Krista Hearne have been fighting in court for months. Jacque has been harassing Krista since the incident. Hearne filed a peace order against Bradbury.
Joe, Just thought you might want to know the true story behind all this Romanian papers. Ruxandra Brooks has a psycho EX boyfriend named Marian Petruta. He is from Romania and is currently a writer in Chicago. He got Romania to print this article which was false and now the newspaper in Romania are being sued by Ruxandra Brooks, John Brooks, and me. Our lawyers are on it. First off, Ruxandra Brooks had nothing to do with the video or Cowboyz. She was out of the picture when it happenedand and was seperated from John Brooks way before any of this started. Not to mention it was not a porn video or anything like that. I did all of the pictures/video along with Jacque Bradbury. No one else was involved. So, if you want the true story talk to me. I do not know why you haven't bothered trying to find the true story anyway! Please post this with the rest of the story if you want. Also, as soon as my lawyer gives me the papers I will scan them to you. Have a great day!
finally ROSE speaks out.where have you been and please tell us some more details on all this. ha, i cant believe how big a story this is and i want to meet u
To the person who keeps sending me suggestive and threatening messages, e-mail me directly of F-Off. I have been forwarding your messages to the States Attorney's Office. If they choose to do something with them, so be it. One thing is for sure, at least your message and IP Address will be on file.
I hope Ruxandra Brooks gets what she deserves.She wants attention she got it. I have already sent this story to my cousin who works for the NewYork Gazzette
What exactly does Ruxandra Brooks deserve? She had nothing to do with it? So you sent the story to you cousin? What do you care? and by the way WTF is the New York Gazette...is that like the Post?
Ruxandra and John Brooks were faking their marriage,they trick the US immigration in order to get her a green card. For about a year their secret marriage was hidden from the public, and when the true came out, they were pretending is for real, publishing a picture in the local news paper about their so called "real" wedding in Vegas... Everyone knew it was fake, and will end with a divorce as soon as she gets the permanent green card. When she got it, she moved out. She married him just to get the papers to stay in US. She is just using people to get what she wants and then play the role of a victim. What a lier...
everyone knows their marriage is and was a hoax guess immigration doesnt think that though or else they would do something right.why else would they hide their marriage for a year? normal people dont do that unless their hiding something.i hope the U.S. sends her back to Romania
Do you people really have nothing better to do than make up stories about people you do not even know.how many divorces happen everyday? A lot I can tell you. John and Ruxandra's marriage was legal and the reason they did not tell the world at first was because her psycho ex boyfriend Marian Petruta was still living in town and he was harrasing her.They fell out of love like people do everyday. I'm glad they did because I have the most wonderful man alive no matter what any of you say about him. Really listen to Joe and let this story drop. You know nothing about it and all your doing is running your mouths.John and I sit here every night and laugh at everyone's comments.
Wow Rose Speaks! At least she has the balls to show herself...which none of the other anonymous people on here do....yes including myself but mine is strictly because I'd get introuble for posting from work. Its funny how everyone has opinions when they know no one knows who they are...
I can say I know Ruxy and she not only had nothign to do with this but she married JB for real. She founf out about some things and left him. She doesnt even have a green card...idiots...if she had waited she would have got one..but she left..whats that say?
ha, you obviously don't know ruxandra because when she married john brooks she did get a green card. i know both of them and she left after she was legal and because john brooks left her for a younger woman. Hypocrite in OC, you're obviously related to Ruxandra, were not stupid. As, for Rose, well you are a total story in and of yourself. Joe, keep us posted on the story you are the only one who will write the truth.
I will bet you a million dollars ruxandra does not have a green card. she could work becaucse she married an american. it takes 3 years to get a green card. she will have to wait 2 more years now to get on. not related to her just worked with her. google it bitch!
ruxandra married in 2006. her dicorce is not even finalized therefore its been three years as of last year and she is still married the scum bag john brooks. she is legal here in the U.S. and has a green card.
Is BiCurious Rose B's spokeswoman? You are so “well informed”.... Maybe you can give us few more explanations. The fact that he was so in love with this Romanian girl and he was afraid to tell people they got married because of that ex-boyfriend, I will describe it as a big BS, or throwing dust in someone's eyes. But, let's give him the benefit of the doubt. Then why did he keep it secret from his own girlfriend?! Was he afraid of her, too? Was he afraid that she will stop managing his CCF restaurant? ( in fact yes she did that, later on, by moving to Florida…) Why did he spent the 2006 holidays together with his girlfriend, not telling her anything about his astonishing marriage, while his "wife" Ruxandra went back to Romania, right after she got her green card? We are sure he's got a great story for everything and you are ready to believe him, and that's OK... but not everyone is that stupid or blind around here.
First of all. No, I am not a spokesperson for John Brooks. He is my boyfriend, so, yes I am well "informed". Yes, they decided to keep their marriage on the low while Ruxandra's psycho ex boyfriend Marian Petruta was in the city. As, for John's ex girlfriend. What business was it of hers that he got married. They were well over when Ruxandra and John got married. So, once again someone else who can't put their name out there is talking out their butt. And you seem to be pretty well informed yourself or should I say miss informed. And, it takes three years to get a green card and no Ruxandra did not go back to Romania. John and her fell out of love end of story. So, I would appreciate it if everyone would get on with their pathetic lives and stop writing bull all over Joes Blog. I'm sure he has better things to do than moderate what everyone is saying. Better yet, why don't you all just keep my name, my boyfriends name and his EX wifes name out of your mouths and off of Joes blog. If you really have something worth saying then why not contact me personally? I will tell you why you won't because your all cowards and don't care aboout the truth! Rose
Rose may be telling some of the truth. I was in Ocean City District Court this morning and Ruxandra Brooks was granted a Peace Order against Marian Petruta; who from her statement to the judge has been harrasing her for five years and most recently had the article in Romania published and started a website about her. So, maybe Rose does have some truth to what she has been saying. Feel free to check the facts don't just take my word on it.
Anyone who sleeps with someone for a green card is a whore. Nuff said.
John and Roxy were cheating on his former girlfriend Sue, behind her back, which makes them both scumbags. Sue was actually responsible for most of Crabcake Factory's success as both operations manager and head waitress. The Bloody Mary recipe John claims for himself,which won best Bloody Mary in OC a few years ago, was her recipe.
John Brooks has a criminal history in MD and obtained funding for his first restaurant with illgotten funds. He was convicted for stealing from and defrauding Direct TV satellite service by selling both instructions and devices to bypass their boxes in order to receive free services, on Ebay.
Karma has caught up with cheap Johnny Brooks and his public reputation is now dirt and he is choking on those lease payments for the closed down Cowboyz Smokehouse.
if ruxi is so innocent then why is there naked pictures of her on a website. she does not look innocent posing in the nude. excuse me, she has a string around her bottom.
Hmmm.. I smell some common two faced mutts! Karma is going bite your fat ass =)
-You old hags: Take those shoes off your teeth, and stop running your mouth ;-)
-"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect -and I don't live to be- but before you start pointing fingers... make sure you hands are clean!"
*Rux Rux go the H. E. double hockey sticks home haha, you know where you belong & then all this drama will go away! Nuff said.
RUXANDRA BROOKS is a whore. I caught my husband having an affair with her in the summer of 2008. Strangely, it was the greatest thing that happened to my marriage.My husband and I became closer. I hope that she gets deported back to Romania though.
I also hope John Brooks is happier with his new woman/fiance.
Joe, you need a round of applause. this is the best story the shore has seen.
I actually know all three of them, John Brooks, Krista Hearne(Bicuriousrose), and Ruxandra Brooks.
John and Krista were together back in 2008. That's when I met them all but he was also still with Ruxandra. It was a big secret and a dirty mess. I do not know how a man pulls that one off but he did and he got the younger one with big WOW WOW'S in the end. How?
What a freaking joke this story is becoming. So many many comments from people hiding behind a computer screen but thats what cowards do.
I have no opinions either way but at least get the facts straight. If anybody has anything to say to Mr. Brooks why not go see him at his business where he is every day.
I worked at Terrapin Station 15 years ago with Sue and John and I worked at CCFUSA when it first opened for several years. I now live in Bethesda, MD and I dont miss the drama at the beach thats for sure. Nothing better to do in the winter. John has turned into the Stallion or Nick Idoni of the winter. People just bash him anonymously cause its easy and I guess it somehow makes them feel better about themselves. I am here this week and boy is it dead down here. People have nothing to do but follow this story I guess. Losers.
Anyway. I think its funny that people are saying that Sue was responsible for the success at Crabcake Factory. Sue is a 45 year old alcoholic waitress who is still a waitress somewhere I assure you. Saying she was a manager is a joke. Back when she was there it was not even half as busy. Its been the last four years when it really took off. Now there are lines all summer long and Sue is somewhere back in PA.
Heres some facts...Sue was only JB's girl for about 10 months. He broke up with her and she continued to try and hold on just like she had for the previous 8 years when she was banging him behind his old girlfriends back for years. Her name was Trish and she worked at the Olive Tree. So yes Karma is a bitch, but for Sue as well. John was caught selling the equivalent of cable descramblers for DTV but was never convicted. Check the records. Crabcake Factory stopped using Sues Bloody Recipe when Megan A. Became the bar manager and she won the contest. I dont recall Sue building anything, doing any marketing, cooking, making menus, designing any logos or doing much of anything the last few years she was there except get hammered at work.
Bash JB all you want. I'm sure he's not too worried about anonymous bloggers. He's busy working on the Cowboyz sale while working everyday to get ready for Spring. He's definately not a saint by any stretch but I cannot sit here anymore and watch all these lies be written. Last you'll here from me but I say......
Look at yourself first. How would you stand up to such scrutiny?
You don't stay in Business for 20 years as your own boss by being lucky. I think he'll be ok...How will you people be?
Well based on what I have read it is clear that John Brooks is a womanizer, cheating on every girlfriend he has had with the next, prior to breaking up with his current one. But I guess Bicurious Rose thinks she will be the one he remains faithful to.
Legal technicalities aside, whether John Brooks had charges of his illegal acts expunged or not, he did conduct himself in an unlawful manner, willfully stealing and selling intellectual property for personal gain.
Based on those actions along with what transpired at Cowboyz Smokehouse, the gross health code violations and sale of alcohol to minors, it is evident that John Brooks is a lowlife.
I feel bad for his family, especially Brooks SR who I met in the past and was a really nice guy. John Brooks must be a great disappointment and source of embarrassment to his dad.
I'm just curious? Who are you preaching to? Who cares?
These responses are getting way too thought out. I smell a rat!
I just want to see the videos!!!
I'm sure this guy is the first womanizer to grace Ocean City. Like the other poster said, wonder how most of you folks would hold up under such scrutiny?
So Libertatea (Freedom in Romania) has removed all articles concerning Ruxandra Brooks. I guess they got a letter too. I guess Joe doesnt care as much as they did huh?
Every news outlet and blog in Romania has run this story. Ruxandra's family must be horrified. John Brooks should be ashamed of himself for ruining this girl and her family's reputation.
I would love to see your faces when Ruxandra manages to get the tracking done for all the comments above. She probably can't do anything about the Post on Joe's blog (and I agree that's freedom of speech) but with the comments... oh well different story there.
There are a lot of precedents in the law which will give access to these details and I hope she sues all your asses for defamation. Every comment is tracked, in case you didn't know by multiple sources. Not just IP addresses (which is a simple, lame way)
PS: Don't you worry, Libertatea hasn't removed the articles just "because of a letter". They are a scandal newspaper with lots of lawyers, so go figure.
..and let's see some proof with comments tracking.
Anonymous with "has this girl for a while". check your ISP provider. It says "Mediacom" right? Not going to publish more details here - but I know who you are, where you are and where this info needs to go to.
good luck to you ....and more to follow. Let's see who's laughing next.
Interesting to see what people say when they don't have the correct info...Dave the wave was right on point, BUT 20 years of business...your own boss??? Dave you know as well as most people that know Johnny B that all the businesses he's been involved with were funded by other peoples pocket with the sole intention of NEVER repaying the debt.He is his father's son, both con men that are parasites sucking others dry and moving on to new suckers.Florida doesn't want you, Maryland doesn't want you and the same goes for Delaware.
LOL. Holy Shizzle. Looks like somebody was scorned. This story and the comments are so comical. Dude should write a book. Is it jealousy or love that makes you all so passionate.
Some sort of weird attraction methinks. Love - Hate ?
Famous in a small town?
I guess everybody has a story and its gets bigger and bolder as it grows. Every play telephone?
I agree there is so much freaking drama. I mean thats the way Ocean City works isnt it? Get succesful and you're an a-hole all of the sudden. No one ever remembers the hard work and sacrifice it takes to get to the top only how fast they fall. So be it. Who needs you?
I have been coming to OC and Crabcake Factory and before that Terrapin Station and Northside Grille for about 18 years. My husband Gary and I began our courtship watching Ravens games when Crabcake was a little pub. It makes me so mad to see all these people who dont have the balls or ability to look someone in the eyes when they bash them. I dont know wether its ex employees, ex wifes, ex girlfriends or ex friends but some of this stuff is so way off.
Ron Brooks is on of the kindest and generous men I have had the pleasure of meeting. His son is the sole owner and has worked hard through all kinds of adversity to make his business a success. He is young and made mistakes just like all of you hypocrites who write on here. I know for a fact that hes always been the first one to help people out who need it. He spent many years losing money so his employees had somewhere to work year round, he took his employees on trips, gave them bonuses and paid thousands of dollars in severance to a few who left after years of living off his business. Now when hes down the roaches come out of the woodwork to kick him. I am sure he will come out on top and laugh at you stupid freaks and I will have a drink with him and laugh along. You people have no idea what its like to run a business for 15 years in Oceean City. The great majority have never had the strength to even attempt it on your own much less be a good employer.
Like the guys said above. Before you start casting stones...look at yourself...I doubt you can handle the heat.
Its SOOOO EASY to post on here when no one knows who you are....hope it makes your pathetic little lives seem important...but honestly you are just jokes and you know it. That is why you have to come somewhere and hide to voice your opinions and biased facts in public. Why not write a blog and post your names? because you are gutless cowards.
Biff Lomans of the world...well liked and living in a fantasy.
LOL Good old Johnny Brooks. You tried to ruin my business and failed.
Looks like you ruined your own by yourself. Dirty kitchens, illegal alcohol sales, porn videos and an Eastern European taking you for a green card.
I always knew you were a loser the day my wife rescued you from the beach on Isla Mujeres, Cancun when you were out of your mind on drugs and alcohol. And then you turned around and tried to fuck with my business.
Ruxandra Brooks is hot and now I want to see some video myself.
ReplyDeleteSo Johnny Brooks has a hot ass 28 year old Romanian chick and was cheating on her with a hot ass 20 year old bicurious chick???
ReplyDeleteWTF? does he have a babys arm in his pants?
I used to work with John Brooks and he left Ruxandra because she was banging the manager of Cowboyz so then he moved on to Bicuriousrose (Krista Hearne)who is the biggest slut in Ocean City.
ReplyDeleteRuxanra married John and get green card now they getting a divorce. She is a ugly romanian he is better with 21 yr girl
ReplyDeleteso John Brooks ex wife and his current girlfriend were doing porn videos together?how does a man pull that one off and where do i sign up.i knew this story was hot but didnt know how hot
ReplyDeleteJacque Bradbury was the girl in the video not Ruxandra. John and Ruxandra separated in May. Jacque Bradbury and Krista Hearne have been fighting in court for months.
ReplyDeleteJacque has been harassing Krista since the incident. Hearne filed a peace order against Bradbury.
ReplyDeleteJust thought you might want to know the true story behind all this Romanian papers. Ruxandra Brooks has a psycho EX boyfriend named Marian Petruta. He is from Romania and is currently a writer in Chicago. He got Romania to print this article which was false and now the newspaper in Romania are being sued by Ruxandra Brooks, John Brooks, and me. Our lawyers are on it. First off, Ruxandra Brooks had nothing to do with the video or Cowboyz. She was out of the picture when it happenedand and was seperated from John Brooks way before any of this started. Not to mention it was not a porn video or anything like that. I did all of the pictures/video along with Jacque Bradbury. No one else was involved. So, if you want the true story talk to me. I do not know why you haven't bothered trying to find the true story anyway! Please post this with the rest of the story if you want. Also, as soon as my lawyer gives me the papers I will scan them to you. Have a great day!
Rose/ Krista
This story just keeps getting better and better. Joe you are always right on top of everything.
ReplyDeletefinally ROSE speaks out.where have you been and please tell us some more details on all this. ha, i cant believe how big a story this is and i want to meet u
ReplyDeleteTo the person who keeps sending me suggestive and threatening messages, e-mail me directly of F-Off. I have been forwarding your messages to the States Attorney's Office. If they choose to do something with them, so be it. One thing is for sure, at least your message and IP Address will be on file.
ReplyDeleteWell that may be but he has some hot women and GREAT crabcakes!
I think I'll go there tonite. Hey Joe are you busy for Dinner?
I hope Ruxandra Brooks gets what she deserves.She wants attention she got it. I have already sent this story to my cousin who works for the NewYork Gazzette
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly does Ruxandra Brooks deserve? She had nothing to do with it? So you sent the story to you cousin? What do you care? and by the way WTF is the New York Gazette...is that like the Post?
ReplyDeleteQuality Journalism I say.
What a tool.
Ruxandra and John Brooks were faking their marriage,they trick the US immigration in order to get her a green card. For about a year their secret marriage was hidden from the public, and when the true came out, they were pretending is for real, publishing a picture in the local news paper about their so called "real" wedding in Vegas...
ReplyDeleteEveryone knew it was fake, and will end with a divorce as soon as she gets the permanent green card. When she got it, she moved out. She married him just to get the papers to stay in US. She is just using people to get what she wants and then play the role of a victim. What a lier...
everyone knows their marriage is and was a hoax guess immigration doesnt think that though or else they would do something right.why else would they hide their marriage for a year? normal people dont do that unless their hiding something.i hope the U.S. sends her back to Romania
ReplyDeleteDo you people really have nothing better to do than make up stories about people you do not even know.how many divorces happen everyday? A lot I can tell you. John and Ruxandra's marriage was legal and the reason they did not tell the world at first was because her psycho ex boyfriend Marian Petruta was still living in town and he was harrasing her.They fell out of love like people do everyday. I'm glad they did because I have the most wonderful man alive no matter what any of you say about him. Really listen to Joe and let this story drop. You know nothing about it and all your doing is running your mouths.John and I sit here every night and laugh at everyone's comments.
ReplyDeleteWow Rose Speaks! At least she has the balls to show herself...which none of the other anonymous people on here do....yes including myself but mine is strictly because I'd get introuble for posting from work. Its funny how everyone has opinions when they know no one knows who they are...
ReplyDeleteI can say I know Ruxy and she not only had nothign to do with this but she married JB for real. She founf out about some things and left him. She doesnt even have a green card...idiots...if she had waited she would have got one..but she left..whats that say?
-Hypocrite in OC :-)
ha, you obviously don't know ruxandra because when she married john brooks she did get a green card. i know both of them and she left after she was legal and because john brooks left her for a younger woman. Hypocrite in OC, you're obviously related to Ruxandra, were not stupid. As, for Rose, well you are a total story in and of yourself. Joe, keep us posted on the story you are the only one who will write the truth.
ReplyDeleteI will bet you a million dollars ruxandra does not have a green card. she could work becaucse she married an american. it takes 3 years to get a green card. she will have to wait 2 more years now to get on. not related to her just worked with her. google it bitch!
ReplyDeleteruxandra married in 2006. her dicorce is not even finalized therefore its been three years as of last year and she is still married the scum bag john brooks. she is legal here in the U.S. and has a green card.
ReplyDeleteIs BiCurious Rose B's spokeswoman?
ReplyDeleteYou are so “well informed”....
Maybe you can give us few more explanations.
The fact that he was so in love with this Romanian girl and he was afraid to tell people they got married because of that ex-boyfriend, I will describe it as a big BS, or throwing dust in someone's eyes.
But, let's give him the benefit of the doubt.
Then why did he keep it secret from his own girlfriend?! Was he afraid of her, too?
Was he afraid that she will stop managing his CCF restaurant? ( in fact yes she did that, later on, by moving to Florida…)
Why did he spent the 2006 holidays together with his girlfriend, not telling her anything about his astonishing marriage, while his "wife" Ruxandra went back to Romania, right after she got her green card?
We are sure he's got a great story for everything and you are ready to believe him, and that's OK... but not everyone is that stupid or blind around here.
First of all. No, I am not a spokesperson for John Brooks. He is my boyfriend, so, yes I am well "informed". Yes, they decided to keep their marriage on the low while Ruxandra's psycho ex boyfriend Marian Petruta was in the city. As, for John's ex girlfriend. What business was it of hers that he got married. They were well over when Ruxandra and John got married. So, once again someone else who can't put their name out there is talking out their butt. And you seem to be pretty well informed yourself or should I say miss informed. And, it takes three years to get a green card and no Ruxandra did not go back to Romania. John and her fell out of love end of story. So, I would appreciate it if everyone would get on with their pathetic lives and stop writing bull all over Joes Blog. I'm sure he has better things to do than moderate what everyone is saying. Better yet, why don't you all just keep my name, my boyfriends name and his EX wifes name out of your mouths and off of Joes blog. If you really have something worth saying then why not contact me personally? I will tell you why you won't because your all cowards and don't care aboout the truth!
Rose may be telling some of the truth. I was in Ocean City District Court this morning and Ruxandra Brooks was granted a Peace Order against Marian Petruta; who from her statement to the judge has been harrasing her for five years and most recently had the article in Romania published and started a website about her. So, maybe Rose does have some truth to what she has been saying. Feel free to check the facts don't just take my word on it.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who sleeps with someone for a green card is a whore. Nuff said.
ReplyDeleteJohn and Roxy were cheating on his former girlfriend Sue, behind her back, which makes them both scumbags.
Sue was actually responsible for most of Crabcake Factory's success as both operations manager and head waitress. The Bloody Mary recipe John claims for himself,which won best Bloody Mary in OC a few years ago, was her recipe.
John Brooks has a criminal history in MD and obtained funding for his first restaurant with illgotten funds.
He was convicted for stealing from and defrauding Direct TV satellite service by selling both instructions and devices to bypass their boxes in order to receive free services, on Ebay.
Karma has caught up with cheap Johnny Brooks and his public reputation is now dirt and he is choking on those lease payments for the closed down Cowboyz Smokehouse.
if ruxi is so innocent then why is there naked pictures of her on a website. she does not look innocent posing in the nude. excuse me, she has a string around her bottom.
ReplyDeleteHmmm.. I smell some common two faced mutts! Karma is going bite your fat ass =)
ReplyDelete-You old hags: Take those shoes off your teeth, and stop running your mouth ;-)
-"Who are you to judge the life I live?
I know I'm not perfect
-and I don't live to be-
but before you start pointing fingers...
make sure you hands are clean!"
*Rux Rux go the H. E. double hockey sticks home haha, you know where you belong & then all this drama will go away! Nuff said.
RUXANDRA BROOKS is a whore. I caught my husband having an affair with her in the summer of 2008. Strangely, it was the greatest thing that happened to my marriage.My husband and I became closer.
ReplyDeleteI hope that she gets deported back to Romania though.
I also hope John Brooks is happier with his new woman/fiance.
All this is really about John Brooks isn't it?
ReplyDeleteJoe's posted the story, fair enough. nothing bad.
But the comments above are disgusting. All you can do is sit there, type and masturbate. (The only power you have in your life, looser)
Get a life!
Joe, you need a round of applause. this is the best story the shore has seen.
ReplyDeleteI actually know all three of them, John Brooks, Krista Hearne(Bicuriousrose), and Ruxandra Brooks.
John and Krista were together back in 2008. That's when I met them all but he was also still with Ruxandra. It was a big secret and a dirty mess. I do not know how a man pulls that one off but he did and he got the younger one with big WOW WOW'S in the end. How?
What a freaking joke this story is becoming. So many many comments from people hiding behind a computer screen but thats what cowards do.
ReplyDeleteI have no opinions either way but at least get the facts straight. If anybody has anything to say to Mr. Brooks why not go see him at his business where he is every day.
I worked at Terrapin Station 15 years ago with Sue and John and I worked at CCFUSA when it first opened for several years. I now live in Bethesda, MD and I dont miss the drama at the beach thats for sure. Nothing better to do in the winter. John has turned into the Stallion or Nick Idoni of the winter. People just bash him anonymously cause its easy and I guess it somehow makes them feel better about themselves. I am here this week and boy is it dead down here. People have nothing to do but follow this story I guess. Losers.
Anyway. I think its funny that people are saying that Sue was responsible for the success at Crabcake Factory. Sue is a 45 year old alcoholic waitress who is still a waitress somewhere I assure you. Saying she was a manager is a joke. Back when she was there it was not even half as busy. Its been the last four years when it really took off. Now there are lines all summer long and Sue is somewhere back in PA.
Heres some facts...Sue was only JB's girl for about 10 months. He broke up with her and she continued to try and hold on just like she had for the previous 8 years when she was banging him behind his old girlfriends back for years. Her name was Trish and she worked at the Olive Tree. So yes Karma is a bitch, but for Sue as well. John was caught selling the equivalent of cable descramblers for DTV but was never convicted. Check the records. Crabcake Factory stopped using Sues Bloody Recipe when Megan A. Became the bar manager and she won the contest. I dont recall Sue building anything, doing any marketing, cooking, making menus, designing any logos or doing much of anything the last few years she was there except get hammered at work.
Bash JB all you want. I'm sure he's not too worried about anonymous bloggers. He's busy working on the Cowboyz sale while working everyday to get ready for Spring. He's definately not a saint by any stretch but I cannot sit here anymore and watch all these lies be written. Last you'll here from me but I say......
Look at yourself first. How would you stand up to such scrutiny?
You don't stay in Business for 20 years as your own boss by being lucky. I think he'll be ok...How will you people be?
Dave the Wave
Well based on what I have read it is clear that John Brooks is a womanizer, cheating on every girlfriend he has had with the next, prior to breaking up with his current one. But I guess Bicurious Rose thinks she will be the one he remains faithful to.
ReplyDeleteLegal technicalities aside, whether John Brooks had charges of his illegal acts expunged or not, he did conduct himself in an unlawful manner, willfully stealing and selling intellectual property for personal gain.
Based on those actions along with what transpired at Cowboyz Smokehouse, the gross health code violations and sale of alcohol to minors, it is evident that John Brooks is a lowlife.
I feel bad for his family, especially Brooks SR who I met in the past and was a really nice guy. John Brooks must be a great disappointment and source of embarrassment to his dad.
I'm just curious? Who are you preaching to? Who cares?
ReplyDeleteThese responses are getting way too
thought out. I smell a rat!
I just want to see the videos!!!
I'm sure this guy is the first womanizer to grace Ocean City.
Like the other poster said, wonder how most of you folks would hold up under such scrutiny?
Lighten up Francis. LOL
Bicurious rose does think that she has him because she is now pregnant with his baby.
ReplyDeleteguess he has this girl for a while
So Libertatea (Freedom in Romania) has removed all articles concerning Ruxandra Brooks. I guess they got a letter too. I guess Joe doesnt care as much as they did huh?
ReplyDeleteWay to stick up for Democracy Joe.
Every news outlet and blog in Romania has run this story. Ruxandra's family must be horrified. John Brooks should be ashamed of himself for ruining this girl and her family's reputation.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see your faces when Ruxandra manages to get the tracking done for all the comments above. She probably can't do anything about the Post on Joe's blog (and I agree that's freedom of speech) but with the comments... oh well different story there.
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of precedents in the law which will give access to these details and I hope she sues all your asses for defamation. Every comment is tracked, in case you didn't know by multiple sources. Not just IP addresses (which is a simple, lame way)
PS: Don't you worry, Libertatea hasn't removed the articles just "because of a letter". They are a scandal newspaper with lots of lawyers, so go figure.
..and let's see some proof with comments tracking.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous with "has this girl for a while". check your ISP provider. It says "Mediacom" right? Not going to publish more details here - but I know who you are, where you are and where this info needs to go to.
good luck to you ....and more to follow. Let's see who's laughing next.
Interesting to see what people say when they don't have the correct info...Dave the wave was right on point, BUT 20 years of business...your own boss??? Dave you know as well as most people that know Johnny B that all the businesses he's been involved with were funded by other peoples pocket with the sole intention of NEVER repaying the debt.He is his father's son, both con men that are parasites sucking others dry and moving on to new suckers.Florida doesn't want you, Maryland doesn't want you and the same goes for Delaware.
ReplyDeleteLOL. Holy Shizzle. Looks like somebody was scorned. This story and the comments are so comical.
ReplyDeleteDude should write a book. Is it jealousy or love that makes you all so passionate.
Some sort of weird attraction methinks. Love - Hate ?
Famous in a small town?
I guess everybody has a story
and its gets bigger and bolder
as it grows. Every play telephone?
ROTFL....such Drama...
Get over it and live your own lives.
Joe, ever heard of the Romanian Mafia?
ReplyDeleteJust Saying....
Who Dat!
I agree there is so much freaking drama. I mean thats the way Ocean City works isnt it? Get succesful and you're an a-hole all of the sudden. No one ever remembers the hard work and sacrifice it takes to get to the top only how fast they fall. So be it. Who needs you?
ReplyDeleteI have been coming to OC and Crabcake Factory and before that Terrapin Station and Northside Grille for about 18 years. My husband Gary and I began our courtship watching Ravens games when Crabcake was a little pub. It makes me so mad to see all these people who dont have the balls or ability to look someone in the eyes when they bash them. I dont know wether its ex employees, ex wifes, ex girlfriends or ex friends but some of this stuff is so way off.
Ron Brooks is on of the kindest and generous men I have had the pleasure of meeting. His son is the sole owner and has worked hard through all kinds of adversity to make his business a success. He is young and made mistakes just like all of you hypocrites who write on here. I know for a fact that hes always been the first one to help people out who need it. He spent many years losing money so his employees had somewhere to work year round, he took his employees on trips, gave them bonuses and paid thousands of dollars in severance to a few who left after years of living off his business. Now when hes down the roaches come out of the woodwork to kick him. I am sure he will come out on top and laugh at you stupid freaks and I will have a drink with him and laugh along. You people have no idea what its like to run a business for 15 years in Oceean City. The great majority have never had the strength to even attempt it on your own much less be a good employer.
Like the guys said above. Before you start casting stones...look at yourself...I doubt you can handle the heat.
Its SOOOO EASY to post on here when no one knows who you are....hope it makes your pathetic little lives seem important...but honestly you are just jokes and you know it. That is why you have to come somewhere and hide to voice your opinions and biased facts in public. Why not write a blog and post your names? because you are gutless cowards.
Biff Lomans of the world...well liked and living in a fantasy.
Bash Away. Its all you can do.
Gary & Lauren
Baltimore, MD
LOL Good old Johnny Brooks. You tried to ruin my business and failed.
ReplyDeleteLooks like you ruined your own by yourself. Dirty kitchens, illegal alcohol sales, porn videos and an Eastern European taking you for a green card.
I always knew you were a loser the day my wife rescued you from the beach on Isla Mujeres, Cancun when you were out of your mind on drugs and alcohol. And then you turned around and tried to fuck with my business.
Karma's a bitch eh Johnny?
Your "Limey" friend in Cancun, Mexico.
That's still your site, right Johnny boy?