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Saturday, January 23, 2010

BREAKING NEWS: Multiple Shooting In Salisbury

Reported shooting at 310 Martin Street in Salisbury.
TWO Victims have been shot. This shooting IS Gang related.
One of the victims may have a gun.
County Deputies, State Police and every SPD Officer on the scene.
One witness is helping.
Shooter went out back door onto Baker Street.
There were three assailants and two victims.
One victim shot in the face, the other shot in the chest.
Priority one victims.
These were number one males.
Four-22 cal. shell casings found at the scene.
K-9 Dogs have tracked scent to 403 Naylor Street.
Taxicab with gun in it. Police have the gun and a witness.
Elizabeth and Church Street.
The driver can tell the Police where they took their passenger.
We're told the Sheriff's Department may have a shooter in custody.
We've just been informed the City is also transporting a female suspect in as well.
Both victims will survive.
One male and two females were found at Arby's who are being interrogated.
Perhaps the Taxi took them there. They're claiming they were at Arby's
when the shooting occurred but witnesses claim different.
Police are reviewing the video at Arby's.


  1. 1 shot in the chest
    1 shot in the forehead

    priority 1

  2. wow i think we finally have thugs that can shoot or maybe it was just two lucky shots.that whole area needs to be cleaned up.we might have to ask mike lewis to come in it seems he is the only law enforcement figure around here who can come up with positve results.

  3. I like to call it urban renewal. If we just let them continue then they will clean the place up themselves.

  4. anonymous 8:04, perhaps you don't follow the news much. Innocent people are shot and killed in crossfire like this all the time, especially innocent children.

    There were several guns involved in this crime alone. How are these people getting them. If Webster had done his job in the first place and the Judges weren't so lenient on young criminals, much of this would stop. If Webster and Tilghman would have left Hunter Nelms alone with the Drill Academy, things would have been much better in this area.

  5. Hey Fat Boy Grinch. Hows this for real news reporting. Real time and accurate just like your at the scene.This is why SBYNEWS is #1. By the time you get the story this will be yesterdays news.

  6. Maybe if they were given a rosy opertunity to move into the LIBERAL City Council members neighborhood then they would see first hand there is crime and gangs in Salisbury and give the police the authority to do what they have to do. Their attitude now is for the Police to leave them alone. As for as the Judges and the Courts, that is all politics and we all know the Politians view on protecting the Tax Payer. That is only during election year.

  7. Joe i agree with you 100%. I hate to see innocent people die as well. But in the city we live in there are always gonna be casualties of war.

  8. 7:46, that's what Joe said already.

  9. JOE: If we declare a war a real war on drugs then crime will lower. To say one man, Allen Webster or anyone else is responsible for the crime in Salisbury and surrounding areas is ludicrous. DRUGS and DRugs AND drugs THAT IS THE REASON. POLICE CHANCE THEIR LIVES AND ARREST THE THUGS/USERS/DEALERS AND THEY GO TO COURT AND GET SMACKED. reasons: NO ROOM IN PRISIONS. NOW WE SHOULD HAVE CAPITAL PUNISHMENT ALONG WITH THE WAR ON DRUGS AND YES WE WILL GO SOMEWHERE IN LOWERING CRIME. oH, MIKE LEWIS IS AWESOME. I APPLAUD HIM. BUT HE IS ONE AND HE STILLHAS TO DEAL WITH THE COURTS......IT HAS TO BE A JOINT EFFORT. OH IF I COULD BE PRESIDENT OF AMERICA CAPITAL PUNISHMENT WOULD BE AMONG THE FIRST ID DO ALONG WITH A REAL WAR ON DRUGS...........LAUGH IF YOU WILL BUT WHO HAS A BETTER ANSWER LET THEM COME FORWARD. NOT OUR PRESENT SYSTEM OF prisons that are colleges, etc. where prisoners have more rights than the man/woman who works and obeys the laws.................oh and chain gangs would be in the new system smiling but serious.

  10. so you guys are saying people wont be able to acquire guns if stiffer laws are imposed? Are you that naive to think this is a liberal or conservative problem? or just that stupid? thats like saying liberals let 9/11 happen...fact of the matter remains, if people want guns, they can get guns. if a terrorist wants to bomb our country, it will happen...we will be attacked again. I am for doing everything we can to prevent it, but we will never eliminate it... stop living in a fantasy world people. wake up

  11. anonymous 8:41, I absolutely point my finger at Al Webster.

    Look, I have been challenging that man for years. There were NO GANGS in Salisbury, until I exposed it. There were NO PROSTITUTES in Salisbury until I exposed it.

    Two of the bigest reasons why things got so out of control for so long. Granted, I agree with you drugs are a big part of crime around here but let me assure you of one thing, while Webster was ignoring MANY of therse issues, Sheriff Lewis & Co. were nailing drug traffic in and around Salisbury for years. What Webster wouldn't do, Lewis did. Webster shut down Task Forces and confused SPD law enforcement officers like there was no tomorrow. Once he learned citizens weren't going to take it any more, he stepped down.

    If Webster and Tilghman hadn't had the control they did for so many years, (I believe) Salisbury would be a much safer place to live and work. The F'ed up, period. They denied the existance of it to the public for years and that's why they did everything in their powers to shut me down.

  12. Mike Lewis reminds me of the movie "Walking Tall", he's Wicomico's version.

    I agree Joe. Look how many innocent people were shot at last year and injured or killed.

    It's not only drugs. People are desperate for money when they don't have jobs. This is a bad place for the prison to be dropping them off. There's no place for them to work. I'm not saying they are the only problem, but it sure isn't helping.

  13. WOW, ALL agencies working together, Webster this is how it works and why it was resolved so quickly. Great Job Chief Barkley.... Great Job....

  14. anonymous 8:19, that's because JT had to wait til he got his inside call from Webster. By the time it came around he was a half hour late and none of Webster's sources would tell him any details. I'm told the former Mayor's cell phone was breaking up because he couldn't understand a word that was being said. After all, it is after 6:00 pm.

  15. I will also point my finger at Webster. If his eyes were moving around observing his surroundings, instead of the college girls, as much as he rode around with the cell stuck to his ear he would have seen the crime and gangs. But then again you have to know what to look for and he must not have comprehended nothing from the conferences he supposedly attended concerning crime and recognizing gang symbols and signs of the presence of gangs. He was / is the Chief and responsible to have the literature and information to train and spread through out his Department so the Officers would be more aware of the signs.

  16. Salisbury should be renamed to Gangbury.

  17. OMG, my husband and I drove thru there today going from RT 13 to the Post office. We went by the Railroad station and we both discussed what a shame it was not being put to good use (like we heard might happen in the past). ..then we continued on towards the P.O. and all the houses had the windows boarded up or cardboad on them. We MUST blame it on the landlords. It all has to do with the fact they only want the money for the rent. They could care less about anything else. That whole area needs to be bulldozed and nice low rent houses put up there like Snow Hill and Berlin. My family lived on Isabella St. and Elizabeth St. many many years ago and they were great streets.... that was a very long time ago..

  18. Just went by the Arbys and the cops were everywhere. Must have something to do with this.

  19. The previous mayor and police chief absolutely are responsible for the rise in crime. When I moved here 12 years ago, there weren't any of the problems like there are now. Murder? NEVER! Now there are shootings all the time, gangs, drugs, robberies, assults, burglaries...it's crazy how much the crime has increased.

    I just hope and pray that it's not too late to get things turned around.

    Thanks Joe for all you do to help spread the word, and to open the eyes of the people so they can get rid of the people who don't do their jobs.

  20. Mr. Burke, now, now, your language just won't get through on here.

    That being said, yes, I exposed the prostitution in Salisbury while the Chief and Mayor were denying its presence. That goes for gangs as well.

    By the way, act like a man and use your name when you attempt to comment here. Until then, your comments will continue to get rejected and everyone will only hear my side of things. Now, you wouldn't want that to continue, would you?

    You're a tough guy behind anonymous, (just like Jonathan) but never man enough to face your enemy. How's that Cat in the Hat mask working for you, pussy?

  21. Joe, don't know wjo Mr Burke is, but I love your CAT IN THE HAT response. Keep it up

  22. JT just sent up another comment demanding to know where the Sheriff was during this shooting. Well JT, the shooting was in the City. However, Sheriff Lewis does reside in the County, not far outside the City, unlike your hero Webster. My hope is that after an 80 hour week, yet only getting paid for 40, he's home with his Family or out enjoying a nice cold beer with some friends. He can't be in all places at all times. Then again, look at your fat ass. You can't be anywhere without a canister of oxygen and twinkies. You see JT, it's people like Sheriff Lewis that work so hard to provide deadbeats like you section 8 housing, food stamps, health insurance and disability checks coming in every month. SAtop bashing the guy and start acting grateful for all that we do for you.

  23. Joe I appreciate your comment at 1031 PM. I feel exactly the same way about that moron. He should feel fortunate that he is able to mooch off the government and thank the people that support him. Does he think he is entitled to his welfare?

  24. 10:44 the answer is YES, he does feel entitled to what he gets and more.

  25. surviver salisbury be there

  26. Knowing that all the crimes of years past were covered up by the DT or Wboc, why do ppl continuously make comments like, "crime was never bad here until Webster was chief bla bla bla." Newsflash, crime has always been bad here, look at some of the stats all the way back to the year 2000. Its bad and it wasnt reported then either. So while the ignorance is still being continued ppl think at one time it was actually safe here. Thats almost too pathetic to repeat. Gangs, drugs and robberies have been on the rise in the area since 2000. Why, because nearly ever single major employer in the area has vacated the shore. Drugs and gangs move in when jobs move out. Ppl around here are lazy, simple as that. Work is an inconvenience. You cant get contractors to show up and nearly everything else is performed in a half-a$$ed way. Welcome to the shore. Easiest way to fix all these problems, MOVE!! What microscopic amount of charm here is ruined by the ppl and the large amounts of violent crimes.

  27. A .22 caliber? Are these "shooters" serious? As long as gang members commit to shoot one another local authorities should provide the gangs with higher caliber weapons so that they can thin out the numbers for us. Higher caliber legislation would be in order to eliminate high medical cost being unpaid (gangs don't provide health insurance) and repeated opportunity for innocents being in the line of fire. Furthermore since it's a forgone conclusion these folks are going to shoot at each other perhaps police should hold "open range" days to help increase accuracy and effectiveness of the shooters.I see potential here to help these individuals be better gang members as well as raising self esteem by increasing the street credibility of a gang member being known as a "good shot". Gov. O'Malley you reading this? You can even say it was your idea.
    Chip Carper

  28. I am confident, that as always, the Sheriff offered the assistance of his department and would have (if he didn't) come ot the sccene himself, if needed.

  29. The city is Ivan Barkley's territory and his men were there and on the job. Keep up the good work SPD! Thanks for the assistance from the county and state police officers.

  30. Two victims with a single gunshot wound each and the Salisbury Fire Department sends

    Paramedic 2 with 2 personnel from Station 2
    Engine 2 with 6 personnel from Station 2
    Engine 16 from Cypress Street with 3 people
    Assistant Chief 1 from Cypress Street with 1 person
    Paramedic 16 from Cypress Street with 2 people.

    At least 14 people from the Salisbury Fire Department with 2 ambulances, 2 brand new fire engines and a Chevy Suburban. Think of the expense that cost the city tax payers for purchasing that equipment and paying those salaries. Did those 2 gangbangers really need that many fire trucks from the fire department?

    I thought the city was in difficult financial times with budget cuts?

  31. Can someone tell me why Station 16 was dispatched for a fire engine to assist a Princess Anne ambulance with lifting assistance at the front door of the ER at PRMC? Do you mean to tell me the nurses, techs, doctors and maintenance workers are to good to step outside to help lift a stretcher? PRMC is the largest employer on the Eastern Shore and they can't even provide lifting assistance on their own property?

    Is the city of Salisbury getting compensated for this lifting assistance? NO!

    Is the city of Salisbury paying for the salaries of 4 firefighters as well as fuel and maintenance on a new fire truck? YES!

    What if there is a fire and that fire truck is committed to waiting for the Princess Anne ambulance to get to the ER?

    What if one of the firefighters injure themselves?

    How much is this costing tax payers?

  32. 3:04 hospital employees will not help any ambulance unload any patient outside the hospital this includes lifestar or heart to heart they also call the fire dept if they need help unloading a patient.

  33. Poplar Hill and ECI take alot of criminals from Baltimore and place them on work release and then release them here not back in Baltimore This is a big part of the problem its been going on for years

  34. The police spokesman stated this was not gang related. If thats so then why did 911 dispatchers warn units responding to use caution because it was gang related ?

  35. Anon 4:50 PM I wish I was the mayor because I would put a stop to that crap real quick. PRMC would be getting quite a hefty bill from the city.

    By the way why won't their staff help unload their patients from the ambulance?


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