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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Major Hwy. Rt. 13 North & South Closed

While the Eastern Shore has been hit with four straight days of rainfall, yesterday afternoon things started getting pretty serious traffic wise. By mid day water from Middleneck Pond started overflowing onto the right hand north bound lane of Rt. 13, (first two pictures).

By mid evening emergency personnel from the City of Salisbury and State Highway closed off the right hand lane and ultimately closed Rt. 13 alltogether by Friday evening.

Many travelers became quite upset because of the way they chose to re-route everyone through a residential neighborhood. Some said it was a 4 mile detour. I personally did not take the detour so I can't be confident of that being a fact. However, they could have warned people much earlier, even as far back as business Rt. 50 and brought people around to the Bypass and back to Rt. 13.

Some wondered why they didn't detour people onto Northwood Drive. Well, Northwood Drive was also under water. What I have provided above is probably more detailed, (photo wise) than most other news sources.

The cause of the problem was the failure to maintain the ditches and pipes. The main blockage was just below the railroad tracks near the Knights of Columbus on Emerson Drive. The pipes that go underneath the R/R Tracks were completely blocked off and they could not find proper equipment to reach down that far and through an additional 10 feet of water to remove the debris. So the City brought in pumps and is currently trying to pump some 6,000 gallons a minute over top of the R/R Tracks and back into the Johnson Lake area. So far they have seen about a 1/4 to 1/2 inch drop in the water level, so don't expect things to clear up any time soon.

Besides all the trash and debris, one of the biggest concerns right now is the structural integrity of Rt. 13. Once the water is removed, many are concerned there may be a huge sink hole and this could be a serious reality.

I spoke to many local residents who said they had been complaining to the former Mayor Barrie Tilghman about the City keeping up these streams and clearing out the debris but they said that the former Mayor kept telling them it wasn't the City's responsibility. However, if you look at all the signs around the property the signs clearly say it is City property, Keep Out! No fishing is allowed and it is enforced by the City.

Because the City failed to maintain these ponds and streams, the photos above are the end result of yet another infrastructure problem in the City. Taxes continue to rise and we were subjected to many years of listening to Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart, Shanie Shields and Gary Comegys stating that "Growth Pays For Growth," this is yet another prime example of how full of sh!t these people were/are.

Money went to paying off questionable developer reimbursements instead of keeping up the infrastructure and now businesses may pay the most serious price should Rt. 13 get shut down. Other major funds went into a new $14,000,000.00 Fire Station, millions more into Fire Equipment, $84,000,000.00 went into a useless Waste Water Treatment Plant and the list just goes on and on. I was even informed today that there are huge poy holes on the brand new North East Collector Road!

Salisbury is a mess Folks. We have some new people in Office and quite frankly I doubt anyone is going to take the bull by the horns and face these major issues head on. Mind you, the Mayor that does do this will probably not last more than one term because they'll be freezing up every ounce of spending and hiring in order to slightly catch up to all of the screw ups Barie Tilghman left behind.

You don't, (with all due respect) hire a House Wife to run a multi million dollar City. There are major responsibilities in taking care of a City the size of Salisbury, most of which were ignored.

What Does Rick Pollitt Mean? The Perfect Storm is Brewing

On the last page of the fancy Power Point Presentation put together by Wicomico County Executive; Rick Pollitt, he has this quote:

“The time has come for our community to consider the quality of public services we expect and demand from our county and then make the necessary commitment to pay for them.” - Rick Pollitt

One must wonder what this means. On the surface it sounds reasonable I suppose, but let's take a deeper look at the Wicomico County's financial woes and Rick's history and where he is going with all of this rhetoric.

First, here is the entire presentation of his proposal On page 3; Rick claims that Property Tax receipts are controlled by the Revenue Cap. Only partially true Rick. Who among us has not had higher property tax bills in the last couple of years? That is called higher tax revenue. The reason is simply our property assessments have gone up significantly. This has happened at the same time that property values have diminished by a large margin. It's no secret that Pollitt wants to repeal the revenue cap. He has publicly stated as much. From this, I assess he desires to cover his inability to deal with the financial problems of this county. He hasn't been shy about it either, as he has been a public proponent for repealing the revenue cap since his election.

Now his solution is to take most of the money from our reserves, leaving 17 M left over, I presume, to get him through the next election, as he sits back to let the council sort out the immediate cuts. The problem is, by his own presentation, is that we will have an estimated 33 Million Dollar budget shortfall in FY11 through FY14. What is his solution for that shortfall? No one knows.

Pollitt claimed, during his last campaign, that he worked from scratch in setting the city of Fruitland’s annual budgets. If that were true, wouldn’t he have noticed the inefficient in county programs and eliminated them after three years in that office? No. Suddenly we have a huge crisis's on our hands and Pollitt chooses to hang the Wicomico County Council out to dry. Better them than him. All he has to do is propose to take all the reserves and get himself through FY210 and let the council take the fall for the cuts.

Regardless, Pollict has done little to counter act the financial storm that has been brewing for some time. Not even bothering to to put up the needed defensive political sand bags on the assault of our poultry farmers , which is one of the undisputed largest industry in our community. I can't say the council has made much effort to create a better business climate either. Not that being #2 state in the country for worse business enviroment helps much. Clearly the leadership in our state has set the tone.

A large part of the current problem can be squarely attributed to the Maintenance Of Effort requirement.

In short, Mr. Pollitt's refusal to take on the state for requirement that the county provide 46% of it's revenue or $50,000,000 to the BOE, without any control of that budget, or any demand the BOE share in the finical crisis is problematic. A band aid measure by the council was made earlier this year for a Maintenance of Effort Waiver of $2,000,000 Transferring $2 million from the school system’s school construction fund – built from surplus funds from prior years’ appropriations and not from this year’s budget. “ (It) appears consistent with the State education law and the purpose of that fund” was the determination by the Maryland Attorney General’s Office, after a legal matter regarding the move.

A deeper look at the county structure is required to adaquately deal with this financial problem. Unfortunately Pollitts' proposal is a band aid approach and appears to be a Perfect Storm to repeal the Revenue Cap. Instead of dealing with the issue of overgrown government and unrealistic state demands for funding for an entity the tax payer or the council has no budget control of, Pollitt chooses to pacify. What Wicomico needs is someone who will fight for this county and make the hard decisions that are best for our collective future.

To quote Ted Shea -- "we gotta make them feel the pain."

Cross posted at Right Coast

Delmar Mayoral Candidate Tom McGuire

This is McGuire's avatar. I hope his voters don't have mentally challenged children or family members.

Troopers Seek Whereabouts Of Laurel Man

Location: Trussum Pond Self Storage, 11323 Trussum Pont Road, Laurel, Delaware, Sussex County

Date of Occurrence: September 27, 30th, and October 24th, 2009

Suspect(s): Marc R. Wells, 46, who is last known to reside along Hitch Pond Road in Laurel, Delaware, Sussex County

Resume: For several weeks now, detectives have been investigating a series of burglaries to storage units at Trussum Pond Self Storage in Laurel, Delaware.

This investigation led to the identification of Marc R. Wells of Hitch Pond Road in Laurel as the person responsible. On November 11th, detectives, armed with a search warrant, responded to Wells’ Hitch Pond Road address and recovered thousands of dollars worth of stolen property, including a 1995 Dodge Ram pick-up truck. Also recovered were electronic items and power tools.

Unfortunately for investigators, Mr. Wells was not home at the time of the search warrant and they have been unable to locate him since.

Warrants are currently on file charging Marc Wells with several counts of Burglary (felony) and Receiving Stolen Property (felony). Anyone who may know of his whereabouts is asked to call Troop 5 at 302-337-8253.

Audrey Scott Elected Chairman Of The Maryland Republican Party

Bowie, MD – Today former Bowie Mayor and Secretary of Planning in the Ehrlich Administration Audrey Scott was overwhelmingly elected Chairman of the Maryland Republican Party by Republican Central Committee members at their convention to serve the remainder of former Chairman Jim Pelura’s term that expires at the end of 2010.

Scott, a party activist for years, was excited by the Republican prospects in 2010. “I thank the members of the central committees for giving me the opportunity to strengthen our party and make us competitive in all Maryland races next year,” said Scott. “There is a wave for change building. Recent Republican victories from the top of the ticket down including those in Virginia and New Jersey clearly show that voters are tired of governments at all levels playing poker on wasteful projects while turning to taxpayers to cover the table stakes. In Maryland, Republicans need to catch the wave and become the agents for change that voters are demanding.”

Scott has run for office ten times and elected six including three times as the Mayor of Bowie. She gained national attention in 1981 when she ran against Steny Hoyer for an open U.S. House seat. Hoyer won by a small percentage. She has been actively involved in Republican politics in a number of areas from a foot soldier at the grassroots level to precinct and campaign chairman to an outstanding fundraiser. In 1981, Scott was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, where she served for 12 years as General Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of Community Planning and Development and, in the George H.W. Bush administration, as a Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of Congressional Relations.

“When I ran for governor, (Audrey) was one of the most solid people in my campaign and I could always count on her,” said former Maryland House of Delegates Minority Leader and gubernatorial candidate Ellen Sauerbrey. “She’s not a person who tells you something and you have to worry about it. If Audrey tells you it’s going to get done, it gets done.”

“She knows the issues; she knows the players and she is someone who is dedicated to winning next year and bringing us together,” said Louis Pope, National Committeeman from Maryland,

Today's Nature Photo By Scott Phoebus

These Photos Were Taken In Downtown Laurel De. Today
The Ducks Don't Seem To Mind The Flooding

SBYnews Moves Into League of Its Own

As a contributing columnist for SBYnews it has been an honor and privilege to have participated in the success of this media. Looking back I've witnessed first hand how this electronic media has catapulted itself into Delmarva's No.1 news provider slot - now surpassing The Daily Times.

The Daily Times is no longer considered our areas primary MSM source - that is of course unless one redefines the very meaning of MSM to now mean - Main Stream Media No Longer.

As with the other up-and-coming rising media celebrity stars including FOX News, Rush Limbaugh's -EIB Network, now SBYnews is blazing new territorial grounds garnering its fair share of the major news market. SBYnews audiences are continuing to expand and its influences are not only being felt State-wide and regionally -but also - nationally.

So why has this website become so popular among our regional viewers? I believe that part of the allure lies in the fact that SBYnews has primarily immunized itself from the adverse influences that have tainted and tarnished the image of the traditional mainstream news medias.
There are stark similarities between FOX News and SBYnews in that they both have not succumbed to the temptation to being 'bought off' by special interest.

Bottom line - SBYnews is continuing to grow leaps and bounds while others are on the verge of collapse. I wish to personally thank all of the other contributing columnist for helping to make SBYnews No. 1. Their future looks to be extremely exciting.

The WCBOE Has Done It Again

I am not sure if it is at all schools, but there is talk that a few schools in Wicomico County will not be celebrating Christmas this year in schools.

NO Christmas parties, NO Christmas trees, NO decorations., NO Christmas cards.

What is going on? Is this from the Board of Education or the few principals who running schools like are dictators and not there to serve. They are longer are looking at the best interest of students, but pacifying the very small population of parents who complain about a Christmas tree in the foyer or getting a pencil with Santa Clause on it? We no longer have a Christmas break, but the Holiday break.

Yes, Christmas is celebrated by many Christians as the birth of Jesus Christ in which I firmly believe also, however, most Americans do not relate Christmas and this birth together. They celebrate by giving and being with family. How dare the school systems take away these things from children who look forward to having a Christmas party at school and making Christmas decorations for Christmas trees at home? The tree at my house has numerous ornaments made in school which are keepsakes to me. My children have also brought home gifts for me that were made in school. For many children, this is the only gift they have to give to their parents. Okay, not all teachers make things with their students, but the majority of teachers do with their own money. Sometimes the only gift these kids get are from their teacher. How dare we stop doing the things we have done for hundreds of year just to satisfy the small minority who are offended? I am offended that the majority no longer rules! I am offended that my rights and the rights of my children are being overlooked! I am offended that the Board would allow this! Will they have Christmas decorations in their offices? Next they will be taking the books out of the school libraries that relate to Christmas and any other holiday.

Parents need to take a stand for what WE believe in and quit letting the handful of parents who disagree take control. Stand up and voice your opinion. Look at history and what has happened in our school systems when the voice of a few have been heard. Now it’s Christmas they are taken away.


Saul Alinsky wrote a primer entitled, "Rules for Radicals." Most people are familiar with Alinsky's teachings influencing Barack Obama as a community organizer, in Chicago. However, this is not about Obama. It is about what I read in some comments posted on this site. It is also about the going on of some Salisbury politicians. There is no way I can know if they have read Alinsky's book, but their actions sure look like it.

Alinsky's rule number twelve (12), "Pick the target, Freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." seems to be the guiding principal behind the actions of some of Salisbury's political leaders. I might add some of the comments also follow rule 12. A few other Alinsky principals might apply. -
* In war the end justifies almost any means.
* You do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral arguments.
* Generally, success or failure is a mighty determinant of ethics.

Of course there is much, much more to Alinsky and his teachings. The few things mentioned here are enough to bring into question the motives behind the attacks on Joe Albero or others that try to present, what they perceive as the truth. One definition of Truth is "reality."

Sincerity is also appropriate. Facts can be disputed by rational people with a different view, but what is real and the sincere belief that what one sees and hears should be taken as fact can only be disputed by those with an ulterior motive.

Bless you Joe for being like Diogenes, seeking the honest man.


What A Wonderful Feeling!

Hi Mr. Joe! Was not sure where to post this on your site because it did not pertain to what was already posted so I decided to send it to you.

I had to run an errand today no matter how bad the weather is. As I got home, I decided to check my mailbox. There at the mailbox also was a young man in full military uniform that was hard to not notice. I did not want him to think I was a nut case but I walked over to him and asked if I could shake his hand. He replied..Sure! I said..I would like to thank you personally for all that you do and I appreciate it. He smiled and said, Thank you Mamn. Let me tell you..his smile lit up my day today! He is someone's son, grandchild, brother, nephew or husband. I don't know but I no longer care about the dreary day. He has worse things to worry about when he is serving and I hope he has a good visit home here! Say thank you to anyone who is serving our country in person if you can. It's a wonderful feeling! Whoever you are young man..please stay safe!


Salisbury Police Department Press Releases

On November 12, 2009 at approximately 1:40 pm, Officers of
the Salisbury Police Department arrested the below listed suspect on an outstanding arrest warrant charging the suspect with theft. The investigation of a theft reported on November 1, 2009 revealed that the suspect took U.S. Currency and prescription medication from a residence without permission. The suspect was known to the victim.

ARRESTED: Bruce Culver Bennett, 28 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland

CHARGES: Theft (under $ 1000)
Theft (under $ 100)

DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200800039152

On November 13, 2009 at approximately 2:25 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Monkey Barrel Bar and Grill for the report of a fight. Upon arrival the officers met with employees of the business who advised that the below listed suspect had assaulted another customer then had become disorderly with the business’s employees.

ARRESTED: Michael Kirby Wells, 23 years of age
Hebron, Maryland

CHARGES: Second degree assault
Disorderly conduct

DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900040380

Obamacare’s Medical-Device Tax

Higher taxes, lower research spending, and pink slips for scientists.

Obamacare promises to make medicine cheaper by making it costlier. Case in point: The Senate Finance Committee proposes a brand-new tax on medical devices.

Manufacturers of pacemakers, stents, heart valves, artificial hips, motorized wheelchairs, and other therapeutic instruments may have lobbied this tax in half. But whether they endure the $40 billion now in the Finance Committee’s bill or a $20 billion backroom bargain, Obamacare foolishly would hike taxes on companies that generate health-advancing, life-saving mechanisms.

This Senate measure would slap a ten-year, $4 billion annual tax on medical implements that retail for $100 or more. “The $4 billion excise tax works out to a surcharge equal to $11,000 per year for every American worker employed by our industry,” Braun Medical CEO Carroll Neubauer wrote in October 22’s Huffington Post.

GO HERE to read more.

Support Your Law Enforcement


I'm the mother of Deputy First Class Brian K. Heller who gave his life June 14, 2000. He was trying to keep our streets safe for your family and our family. Its about that time of year when I try to encourage families, friends, law enforcement agencies to decorate in blue lights for the coming holiday season. By placing one blue light in a window of your home, you'll be showing your support for officers killed in the line of duty and those who continue to work America's streets. By placing strings of blue lights outside your home, at the departments, and throughout the community , law enforcement officers will understand that they are appreciated!

The color BLUE is symbolic of PEACE. By displaying your blue lights, you will be sending a dual message that you support ---America's peacekeepers and that you hope the coming year will be a year of safety and peace.


Mother of a fallen officer
Connie Widmann

Postal People

There was a man who worked for the Post Office whose job was to process all the mail that had illegible addresses.

One day, a letter came addressed in a shaky handwriting to God with no actual address. He thought he should open it to see what it was about.

The letter read:

Dear God,

I am an 83 year old widow, living on a very small pension. Yesterday someone stole my purse. It had $100 in it, which was all the money I had until my next pension payment.

Next Sunday is Christmas, and I had invited two of my friends over for dinner. Without that money, I have nothing to buy food with, have no family to turn to, and you are my only hope. Can you please help me?

Sincerely, Edna

The postal worker was touched. He showed the letter to all the other workers. Each one dug into his or her wallet and came up with a few dollars.

By the time he made the rounds, he had collected $96, which they put into an envelope and sent to the woman.

The rest of the day, all the workers felt a warm glow thinking of Edna and the dinner she would be able to share with her friends. Christmas came and went.

A few days later, another letter came from the same old lady to God.

All the workers gathered around while the letter was opened.

It read:

Dear God,

How can I ever thank you enough for what you did for me?

Because of your gift of love, I was able to fix a glorious dinner for my friends.

We had a very nice day and I told my friends of your wonderful gift.

By the way, there was $4 missing.

I think it might have been those bastards at the post office.

Sincerely, Edna

Vaccine Discussion


There has been lively discussion by the commenters on the vaccine issue. I think it a good idea to post another article dealing with accusations that all vaccines and H1N1 vaccine in particular, are dangerous to human health.


Each of us need to consider the evidence presented by all parties before making a decision about vaccine safety. It is a subject that few of us possess expert knowledge, yet it is also a topic of tremendous importance.


Genzyme Drugs Contaminated

Here is an article about drugs which are contaminated with steel and rubber.


Health Risk


Not only will you be able to see the Show on all the television stations, channel 9 Comcast, 99 Mediacom, we'll also have the show available and ready to go right here on Salisbury News at 10:30 AM today.

Don't miss today's show Folks! It's ALL about Crime with facts and figures you've never seen before.

Salvation Army Schedule Update

Thank you, to all that have volunteered thus far. There are still time slots that need a committment. Invite your friends, neighbors, family, social clubs, civic organizations to spend some time to help those in need.

To volunteer contact the Salvation Army. Call the Kettle Campaign headquarters at 410-749-RING (7464). or send an email ringabell4tsa@verizon.net