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Saturday, November 07, 2009

YouTube Views After 8 Hours

no rating 8 hours ago 304 views no rating salisburynews
YouTube numbers after 8 hours on a Saturday evening.
Considering most watched it on Channel 9 today, these are not bad numbers at all.

The Joe Albero Show Has Already Paid Off

134,853 Traffic Rank in US
It was 138,369 earlier today
For what it's worth Folks, when you get down to these numbers and you drop that fast in a matter of 12 hours or so, this is a big drop. If you were ranked 1,000,000 or 2,000,000 it wouldn't be such a big deal. Remember, the lower your numbers the better.

Nightmare On Wall Street

Regulation: Washington is quietly preparing a hostile takeover of Wall Street with a new bill that would put regulators in control of managing asset prices.

While all eyes are fixed on the cobra poised to strike the health care industry, a python is wending its way through Hill banking panels that would squeeze the life from the whole economy.

By Christmas, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank hopes to pass legislation that would create an uber-regulatory body called the Financial Services Oversight Council.

It would give the Treasury secretary power to pick which large finance firms are "systemically critical," or too big to fail. He'd have the final call when the government steps in to save or unwind a troubled firm.

The bill would "essentially turn over control of the financial system to the government and seriously impair competition in all areas of finance," says former Treasury official Peter J. Wallison. It would put the government permanently in the business of picking winners and losers, he adds, creating a kind of permanent TARP.

The Kansas City Fed agrees. In a rare public rebuke, the branch issued a study concluding the bill "could lead to greater political interference." Indeed, such heavy-handed regulation would breed corruption, loopholes, lobbying and the very kind of perverse incentives and distortions in the market that led to Fannie and Freddie securitizing $1 trillion in bad social loans. "It's Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac all over again," said Wallison.

The new regulatory agency can regulate banks, bank holding companies, insurance companies, hedge funds, finance companies and any other kind of company that might be designated too big to fail.

"The existence of these designated companies will impair competition in every market they are allowed to enter," says Wallison, "and will force the consolidation of competitors so that markets become dominated by government-backed giants like themselves."

Under the new regime, designated companies will not be able to finance their affiliates' sales, putting them at a severe disadvantage against foreign competitors. GE Capital, for example, would not be able to finance GE sales of aircraft engines.

In effect, designated companies will fall under the control of the feds, unable to start new activities or enter new markets or perhaps even open new offices without federal approval. "This is a degree of political control of business that has never been attempted before," Wallison says.

And with politics comes favoritism. Bailouts and preferences will go to favored firms, and healthy companies will pay for the cost of propping up their sick competitors. Bad decisions will be rewarded, draining taxpayers. And once the market comes to expect that government takeovers and bailouts will occur, they will have to go forward, lest surprises trigger market crashes.

Slowly But Surely

138,369 Traffic Rank in US
I can't wait to see what happens to our numbers next week. Will Salisbury News drop below the 100,000 mark and get into the Major Leagues? G.A. Harrison predicted we'd fall below 100,000 before the end of the year. Only time will tell Folks but because of YOU we're slowly but surely getting there. Friday was the biggest Friday Salisbury News has ever seen!

Salisbury News Was Right, MSM Now Admits They Were Wrong

On November 5th, Salisbury News broke THIS STORY about the fights that broke out at Bennett High School this week. We stated right off the bat that these fights were Gang Related yet the MSM very clearly stated there was no evidence that any Gangs were involved.

Well, yesterday and today they all started to change their tune. It was almost as if the MSM was trying to challenge Salisbury News the first day we broke the story in an attempt to inform parents they had nothing to worry about.

They were wrong and now it's all over the news that parents do have something to worry about. The days of covering up these kind of facts are over. Salisbury News has changed the scope of information and has such a large audience any more, the MSM is now pressured into telling the truth. This is a really good thing Folks because now you're not left in the dark, especially while you send your children into a public school.

The WBOE must now face criticism, unlike years past. Our goal was to change the kind of news you were receiving and quite frankly, it's working. Don't miss our TV Show at 10:30 AM on Channel 9, (Comcast) of Channel 99, (Mediacom) TODAY where we touch on this exact situation.


Please don't let Kratovil fool you on health care reform. He shows absolutely no knowledge of what the legislation is all about. As he piously objects to the cost, he chooses to ignore all the other aspects that will destroy whatever care is now available. Panels that will decide if the care is cost justified. Nothing to prevent doctors being forced out of practice. No effort to provide additional health care providers. Huge cuts in Medicare at a time when 30 million baby boomers come into the program. No attempt to increase competing across state lines. The aforementioned do not address the thirteen (13) new taxes that will be imposed while the economy is crumbling.

If Kratovil is truly worried about money to pay for health care, how about legislation to force his fellow congressmen to give up campaign contributions. What do you think Frank ? Send the money you will get from the AG community and the DCCC to the treasury to pay for health care for poor Americans. While ordinary people are making charitable donations of their own money, don't you think it is time for the members of Congress to give up their perks and reach into their own pockets?



As we begin to approach this Thanksgiving season, take just a few minutes to look at the presentation HERE.


Thursday constituents to Ben Cardin's office were greeted by hostile rude staffers when visiting the D.C. office. While most visitors to the nation's capitol had positive experiences in expressing their concerns to their Congressmen about health care reform, Marylanders were told Cardin was unavailable by unhospitable office staff. Too bad that while Cardin was hiding under his desk, his staff lacked the poise and experience to respectfully deal with those that had elected their boss.

Treat Street

Hi Joe- (my two cents)

I’m not sure if anything was ever posted on your blog about the Treat Street event held last Saturday but I wanted to say Thank You for making us aware of it in advance! I took two of my three children, the third is a newborn so she didn’t go with us this year. IMO, it was a HUGE success! My girls (ages 11 & 4) had a great time, and I did as well! It was FUN & SAFE! They had games, prizes, and gave away great treats! I hope they continue to do this year after year, and I hope it continues to grow each year. If I HAD to list one thing to change it would be that I wish it were longer. Waiting in line for their ticket took longer than actually going around to the booths they had set up. It seemed that a good time was had by all and I think it is a wonderful event to continue in the years to come to keep our children safe! I think if you were to do a survey, you would find that many more feel the same!

Thank you again-


ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Martin O’Malley issued this statement today following the announcement that the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has awarded a $2 million to the State of Maryland. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds will expand access to broadband and provide for improved data collection and broadband mapping.

“I want to thank the entire Maryland Congressional delegation for these funds, which will not only expand access to broadband throughout our state, but will in turn expand economic development, create jobs, increase our capacity to provide public safety and health services, and improve the strength of our small business community and our family-owned farms.

“These funds will allow for better, more accurate mapping of broadband in Maryland, which is consistent with our efforts to track Maryland’s progress using innovative, GIS mapping technology.

“This is a major step toward improving the quality of life for our residents, and we are thankful to the U.S. Department of Commerce and the NTIA for this grant.”

What's That Scent

An older Italian grandmother steps on an elevator with 3 obviously high society girls who snub their noses at her as she gets on the elevator.

She picks the 4th floor of the highrise building and notices the only other button pushed is at the top of the skyscraper.

On the way to the 4th floor, one of the high society gals says, “Brittany, just what is that lovely scent?”, Brittany replies, “why Paige, that’s Chanel #5, $100/oz.”

Paige says “How lovely, and Heather, what are you wearing?”

Heather replies “ Oh that’s just Annick Goutail’s d’Hadrien, a steal at $500/oz”.

“How simply sumptuous” replies Paige.

Heather then says to Paige, “My dear Paige, I couldn’t help but notice that the perfume you are wearing, do I get a hint of Caron’s Poivre?”

Paige, just bursting with pride replies, “why Heather, you are quite the connoisseur. You have quite the nose for the best perfumes. This Poivre costs $1000/oz.”

The old Italian woman has about had enough of these 3 and as the elevator coasts to a stop on the 4th floor, they all hear a nearly silent “pfffffffffffffftttttttt”.

The 3 elite socialites exclaim “what is that smell?’

As the old woman leaves the elevator, she turns and says “Broccoli Rabe, $1.75 per lb, have a nice day”


Governor launches online flu update series for Maryland public

– Governor Martin O'Malley signed an executive order today that will permit state and local jurisdictions to utilize emergency medical personnel and other licensed medical professionals who volunteer to join Maryland's statewide H1N1 (Swine) Flu response effort should their services be needed. Under the order, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, cardiac rescue technicians and other medical professionals could be enlisted to give the H1N1 (Swine) flu vaccine to the general public if needed.

“We are doing everything in our power to make sure we are prepared to vaccinate every Maryland child and adult who needs and wants this vaccine when supplies allow,” said Governor Martin O’Malley. “This flu is a disease that we all must take seriously. Daily vaccine shipments are getting larger and we hope that by the end of November we’ll have enough on hand to make the H1N1 vaccine available to anyone who wants it. As the vaccine availability expands, Maryland will be ready to meet the demand.”

Today’s executive order comes as Governor O’Malley launches the first in a series of web updates on H1N1 (Swine) Flu today, including a status update on the spread of the disease and an urge of patience for Marylanders still waiting to receive a vaccination. To date, state officials have ordered 100% of the vaccines available to Maryland distributors, more than 707,000 doses.

Governor O’Malley’s H1N1 (Swine) Flu update can be viewed here.

Currently, emergency medical personnel are allowed limited legal authority to vaccinate each other, not the general public. In addition to certain first responders, Executive Order 01.01.2009.15 gives the Secretary of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) the authority to enlist the aid of other licensed medical professionals to administer the H1N1 (Swine) flu vaccine as long as they have the training and experience to do so safely and effectively.

“This forward-leaning action gives Maryland more tools we can now call upon to protect our families in a timely, safe and effective manner,” said John M. Colmers, DHMH Secretary. “Should we see the need and opportunity, Maryland’s first responders and medical professionals in every community may be adding ‘flu fighter’ to a long list of public service accomplishments where they work and live.”

In Maryland, the five major target groups for H1N1 (Swine) Flu Vaccine equal about 2.9 million people. These groups include pregnant women, parents and caregivers for children younger than six months, healthcare and emergency services personnel, people ages 6 months through 24 years, and people aged 25 through 64 who have certain chronic health conditions. H1N1 vaccine is available now, but many Marylanders have grown frustrated with delayed shipments and the slower-than-expected federal distribution.

Good personal hygiene can reduce the risk of illness frequently washing of hands, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing, and staying home if you develop flu-like symptoms.

Complications and death from flu-related illness are more common among those with serious underlying health conditions. If you have a flu-like illness and begin to experience emergency warning signs, contact your health care provider as soon as possible. Emergency warning signs include:

In Children
· Bluish skin color (for fair tones) and grayish skin color (for darker tones)
· Not drinking enough fluids
· Not waking up or not interacting
· Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
· Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
· Fever with a rash

In Adults
· Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
· Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
· Sudden dizziness or confusion
· Severe or persistent vomiting

Governor O’Malley’s H1N1 (Swine) Flu update can be viewed here.


A passenger in a taxi leaned over to ask the driver a question and tapped him on the shoulder. The driver screamed, lost control of the cab, nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb, and stopped just inches from a large plate glass window.

For a few moments everything was silent in the cab, and then the still shaking driver said, 'I'm sorry, but you scared the daylights out of me.'

The frightened passenger apologized to the driver and said he didn't realize a mere tap on the shoulder could frighten him so much.

The driver replied, 'No, no, I'm sorry, it's entirely my fault. Today is my first day driving a cab. I've been driving a hearse for the last 25 years.'

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day


Saturday, November 7th

Newland Park Landfill

Wicomico County residents are invited to bring their hazardous wastes** to the landfill between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. to the Newland Park Landfill

Bring I.D. (driver's license okay) to identify yourself as a county resident

The landfill will accept:

Gasoline, gas/oil mixes, fuels, acids, cleaners, solvents, automotive fluids, bleach, ammonia
batteries (all kinds), smoke detectors, asbestos, pool chemicals, darkroom chemicals,
household and lawn & garden pesticides, insecticides & herbicides, compressed gas
cylinders up to 30 gallons, paint and paint products (oil based paint, paint thinner, turpentine,
wood preservatives, paint strippers, etc.)

(Do you have unused latex paint? Dispose of latex paints in your regular trash after solidifying it by adding dirt, kitty litter, mulch, leaves, etc. and leaving it open to air.)

Things you cannot bring to the landfill for disposal:

Medical waste.
Explosives or ammunition (call the fire marshal to dispose of this at (410) 543-6573).
Radioactive materials.

No commercial, business or industrial waste allowed. Residents only.

Questions? Call 410-548-4395

Grace For Vets

Hi Joe:

I just wanted to let you know about a program that Wash 'N Vac Car Wash is participating in. It is called Grace for Vets 2009. This program honors Veterans and service personnel on Veterans Day with free car washes across the nation. Hundreds of car washes have participated in this program and the list grows every year. This program shows the car wash industry's united support of service personnel and gives our car wash a unique opportunity to say "Thank You!" to the people who sacrafice for our freedom.

Veterans Day is Wednesday, November 11, 2009. Please let everyone know about this program. We believe our participation in Grace for Vets will increase support for Veterans throughout the business community as well as create enthusiasm and patriotism in our workforce.

We know that Freedom is not free. November 11, 2009 is an opportunity for our wash and the car wash industry to show united support for Veterans through the Grace for Vets free car wash program.

The following Wash 'N Vac locations will be participating from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M.:

-1110 Parsons Road in Salisbury (just off Pemberton Drive)
-1504 Northwood Drive in Salisbury (behind Pep-Boys; formerly Bob Lawrence)
-1149 Bridgeville Highway in Seaford, DE (in front of Trinity Transport)

Veterans simply need to see the attendant on duty from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. to receive their free wash. Offer is good for a drive-thru automatic wash or a self-serve wash. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 302-628-8159.


Brian S. Dayton, President
Wash 'N Vac, Inc.

Beef And Dumpling Dinner To Benefit Delmar HS Chorus

The Delmar Chorus Boosters will hold an all-you-can-eat Beef and Dumpling dinner on Sunday, November 8, 2009, from 1-4 p.m., at the Delmar VFW.

Tickets are $10.00 and are available from any chorus member and at the door. Dinners are eat-in or carryout. The VFW is located at 200 West State Street in Delmar, MD. All proceeds from the dinner will support the programs and events of the middle and high school choruses at Delmar (DE) School.

WBOE Addresses Crossing Guard Program

Officials from the Wicomico County School System and Wicomico County announced at a press conference Friday, Nov. 6, that they have agreed on a plan for funding and continuing the school crossing guard program for the remainder of the school year.

The school system will pay approximately $50,000 out of contracted services so that the 13 school crossing guards can continue assisting students with street crossings at Wicomico County Public Schools, effective Dec. 1. For the remainder of the 2009-10 school year, the school crossing guards will be funded in much the same way as the school resource officers (Sheriff’s Office deputies assigned to schools), with the Sheriff’s Office handling the program and funding provided by the Board of Education.

Having crossing guards to assist students at some of the busiest street crossings is a critical safety issue, and the school system holds student safety to be paramount, said Dr. John Fredericksen, superintendent of schools. Other areas of the budget will have to be reduced to ensure funding for the school crossing guards.

The school system recognizes the unprecedented financial challenges facing Wicomico County, and is working closely with the county to find ways to save money while also protecting student safety and education, he said. Earlier this week, Wicomico County and Wicomico Schools received welcome news from the Maryland Attorney General's Office that their joint plan to meet the annual maintenance of effort requirement with a $2 million transfer from the school construction fund was valid. Wicomico's plan was the only one of three MOE plans that received state approval. At the press conference, Dr. Fredericksen presented Pollitt with the $2 million check.

Sheriff Mike Lewis proposed the elimination of funding for school crossing guards as one way of meeting the need for budget reductions. The school crossing guard program is one item on a list of budget cuts proposed recently by County Executive Richard M. Pollitt Jr. The Wicomico County Council will hold a public hearing on those proposed cuts at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 10, at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center.

The Sheriff’s Office and the Wicomico County Board of Education anticipate signing a memorandum of understanding outlining the handling and funding of the school crossing guard after Nov. 30, when due to budget constraints the crossing guards will no longer be part of the Sheriff’s Office budget. The future of the school crossing guard program after June 30 will be discussed during the upcoming budget process for the budget year that will begin July 1.

The Kiss

In this photo, PLEASE read the short caption before looking at the photo. You'll notice that "she" didn't care if he was dirty, she didn't care if he smelled like burnt wood, she only knew this man saved her life and she thanked him from her heart the best way she could. Very touching.

Click here: THE KISS

Unemployment Hits 10.2%

The unemployment rate spiked to its highest level since 1983, much worse than expected as employers continue to trim jobs despite other signs of growth.

(CNNMoney.com) -- The nation's unemployment rate rose above 10% for the first time since 1983 in October, a much worse jump than expected as employers continued to trim jobs from payrolls.

The reading, reported by the government Friday, is a sign of the continued weakness in the labor market even though the economy grew in the third quarter following the longest and deepest downturn since the Great Depression.

The government reported that the unemployment rate spiked to 10.2%, up from 9.8% in September. It is the highest that this rate has been since April 1983. Economists had forecast an increase to 9.9%.

There was also a net loss of 190,000 jobs in October, according to the Labor Department, an improvement from a revised estimate of 219,000 job losses in September. However, economists surveyed by Briefing.com had forecast a loss of only 175,000 jobs in October. This was the 22nd straight month of job losses.

"The only good news is the number of layoffs are dropping off, but those who are laid off still aren't finding jobs," said David Wyss, chief economist with Standard & Poor's.

The jump in the unemployment rate was driven up by a large drop in the number of people who describe themselves as self-employed, as well as the number of teenagers who have jobs. The unemployment rate for teenagers in the labor force soared to 27.6%, up 1.8 percentage points and hitting a third straight record high.

Both teen workers and the self-employed are not captured very well in the government's separate survey of employers that is used to calculate the number of people on U.S. payrolls. That explains much of the disconnect between fewer job losses overall and the much worse unemployment rate.

GO HERE to read more.

Salisbury Police Department Press Releases

On November 4, 2009 at approximately 9:42 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to an apartment in the building at 1006 Arthur Court for the report of a stabbing. Upon arrival the officers located the victim, 29 year old Jeremiah Matthews of Salisbury, bleeding from a stab wound to the neck. The officers were able to control the bleeding until the arrival of Emergency Medical Services. The victim also had several stab wounds to the front of his chest area. The victim was transported to the Peninsula Regional Medical Center where he underwent surgery and is listed in stable condition. An investigation by Salisbury Detectives revealed that the victim and the below listed suspect were involved in a card game in the suspect’s apartment. The two (2) subjects became involved in an argument over money which resulted in the suspect producing a box cutter type knife and stabbing the victim several times. The knife was recovered a short distance from the scene.

ARRESTED: William Lee Revel, 29 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland

CHARGES: First degree assault
Second degree assault
Possession of a dangerous and deadly weapon
Possession of a deadly weapon w/int to injure
Reckless endangerment

DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900039477

On November 4, 2009 at approximately 3:04 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police arrested the below listed suspect on an outstanding arrest warrant charging the suspect with burglary and theft. An investigation by the Salisbury Police revealed that the suspect had broken into the fenced compound of a local automotive supply business and had stolen a number of used vehicle batteries. The suspect then sold the stolen batteries to a local recycling facility, where they were recovered and returned to the automotive business.

ARRESTED: Sherry Lynn Parks, 38 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland

CHARGES: Fourth degree burglary
Theft (under $ 1000)
Theft scheme (under $ 1000)
Malicious destruction of property

DISPOSITION: Released to Central Booking
CC # 200900038597

On November 4, 2009 at approximately 4:52 pm, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Blockbuster Video Store on South Salisbury Boulevard for the report of a theft. Upon arrival the officers met with store employees who advised that the below listed suspect had stolen movies from the store and had fled from the area. Officers located the suspect several blocks from the store and recovered the stolen property. The suspect was also found to be wanted on a Maryland Department of Corrections Parole Retake Warrant.

ARRESTED: Anthony Rene Everett, 48 years of age
Salisbury, Maryland

CHARGES: Theft (under $ 100)
Md Dept of Corrections Parole Retake warrant

DISPOSITION: Released to central booking
CC # 200900039423/200900039432

On November 5, 2009 at approximately 2:30 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Thirstys Store on Snow Hill Road for the report of a burglary. Upon arrival the officers observed that an unknown suspect(s) had broken the glass out of the front door of the business and had made entry into the business. The suspect took cigarettes from the business then fled from the scene.

On the same date, at approximately 4:00 am, Officers of the Salisbury Police received a call to respond to the Center City Exxon on South Salisbury Boulevard for the report of a burglary. Upon arrival the officers found that suspect(s) had broken the glass from the front door of this business and had also made entry. Several items were taken from behind the counter of the business by the suspect, prior to his fleeing from the area.

Video surveillance from these businesses indicated that the same suspect was responsible for both burglaries. This suspect is described as:

1. White male, approximately 5’09” tall, medium build, light
facial hair, wearing blue jeans and a grey hooded sweatshirt
with large black stripes horizontally across the front.

If anyone has any information concerning this incident, they are asked to contact the Salisbury Police Department at 410-548-3165 or to contact Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776.
CC # 200900039485/200900039487

Happy Birthday Stacy Sakai

Today is Stacy Sakai's Birthday Folks. If you happen to see her today, wish her a Happy Birthday.

Teens Suffer Record Unemployment

The jobless rate for teens stands at an all-time high of 27.6% as opportunities for young workers dwindle.

(CNNMoney.com) -- Americans of all ages are being hurt by the weak job market, but the nation's teens are in a particularly bad spot.

The unemployment rate for teenagers in the labor force soared to 27.6% in October, up 1.8 percentage points from the month before and hitting a third straight record high, the Labor Department said Friday.

That compares with a 10.2% jobless rate for the nation at large.

"What we're seeing is a very tough market for everyone, but teens in particular who are looking for work just can't seem to find it," said Jim Borbely, an economist at Labor Department.

The surge in unemployment among 16 to 19 year-olds comes as the weak economy has forced a growing number of adults to compete for jobs that teens normally fill in industries such as retail and food service.

That's a big problem for teens, who are generally seen as less qualified than adults because they have fewer years of work experience.

At the same time, older workers with families and mortgages typically elicit more sympathy from employers than teens, who are seen as mostly interested in pocket money.

Given the challenges facing teens in the workforce, many have chosen to give up looking for a job altogether.

According to Labor Department statistics, the participation rate -- the percentage of teens who work -- fell to 36.2% in October, which was the lowest since record keeping began in 1948.

"Because of this dearth of opportunities, many teens aren't even bothering to look for work," said Sophia Koropeckyj, an economist at Moody's Economy.com who specializes in labor issues.

GO HERE to read more.

Don't Miss The Dog Show Today At The Civic Center

Opening day, (Friday) is always quiet for the Salisbury Kennel Club, since everyone is at work and so forth. However, this year things seemed to pick up over last year.

Saturday is always their biggest day and Sunday isn't too shabby either. The Eastern Shore has proven to enjoy this event year after year and the attendance proves it. If you're looking for something to do this weekend, this is the event to go to. If you're considering a pet, go see these dogs and ask lots of questions.

Dog Shows are the perfect place to find out who's the best breeder, how much a quality dog might cost you, what kind of temperament each breed might have, you name it.

Enjoy The Show!

It's Pretty Sad When City Employees Can't Even Care For Their Own Work Place

"Get ready for another influx of Salisbury University students into the community. Today, beginning at 9 a.m., students will gather for the second annual "I Love Salisbury" cleanup day. They will spend today cleaning up public properties in the area, including the Salisbury Zoo and other parks, elementary schools and the Downtown Plaza. The event, organized by the Student Government Association, is designed to make a statement: "I love Salisbury."

So how many jobs can be cut from the City's payroll while these fine volunteers care for the City. The Downtown Plaza, well, I can see that. However, the Zoo and local Parks, unbelievable! It's pitiful, (IMO) that such a group would even have to consider going into the Salisbury Zoo and clean up the mess left behind simply because the Zookeepers, (who sit on their a$$es 1/3 of the day) are too lazy to do their jobs. Joel Hamilton should be ashamed of himself.

In these hard times, the Mayor should consider closing down the Zoo and not dump millions into new buildings and upgrades. They have proven they cannot care for the animals. They have proven they cannot care for the grounds. Yet the Mayor and Council continue to dump millions of dollars into a money pit that is clearly a failure.

This is Salisbury Folks.

Goldman Sachs, Citigroup Got Swine Flu Vaccine

NEW YORK (AP) Some of New York's biggest companies, including Wall Street giants Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, received doses of swine flu vaccine for at-risk employees, drawing criticism that the hard-to-find vaccine is going first to the privileged.

Hospitals, universities and the Federal Reserve Bank also got doses of the vaccine for employees who need it the most, such as pregnant women or chronically ill workers, according to the city's health department.

In order to receive the vaccine, companies had to have their own medical staff. Distributing large doses of the vaccine to such businesses is "a great avenue for vaccinating people at risk," said Jessica Scaperotti, spokeswoman for the city Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

But critics said Wall Street firms should not have access to the vaccine before less wealthy Americans.

"Vaccines should go to people who need them most, not people who happen to work on Wall Street," Democratic Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut said Thursday.

"Wall Street banks have already taken so much from us. They've taken trillions of our tax dollars. They've taken away people's homes who are struggling to pay the bills," union official John VanDeventer wrote on the Web site of the 2 million-member Service Employees International Union. "But they should not be allowed to take away our health and well-being."

Meanwhile, the director of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sent a letter Thursday to state and local health departments asking them to review their distribution plans and make sure the vaccine is getting to high-risk groups.

GO HERE to read more.

The Myth Of '08, Demolished

WASHINGTON -- Sure, Election Day 2009 will scare moderate Democrats and make passage of Obamacare more difficult. Sure, it makes it easier for resurgent Republicans to raise money and recruit candidates for 2010. But the most important effect of Tuesday's elections is historical. It demolishes the great realignment myth of 2008.

In the aftermath of last year's Obama sweep, we heard endlessly about its fundamental, revolutionary, transformational nature. How it was ushering in an FDR-like realignment for the 21st century in which new demographics -- most prominently, rising minorities and the young -- would bury the GOP far into the future. One book proclaimed "The Death of Conservatism," while the more modest merely predicted the terminal decline of the Republican Party into a regional party of the Deep South or a rump party of marginalized angry white men.

This was all ridiculous from the beginning. 2008 was a historical anomaly. A uniquely charismatic candidate was running at a time of deep war weariness, with an intensely unpopular Republican president, against a politically incompetent opponent, amid the greatest financial collapse since the Great Depression. And still he won by only seven points.

Exactly a year later comes the empirical validation of that skepticism. Virginia -- presumed harbinger of the new realignment, having gone Democratic in '08 for the first time in 44 years -- went red again. With a vengeance. Barack Obama had carried it by six points. The Republican gubernatorial candidate won by 17 -- a 23-point swing. New Jersey went from plus 15 Democratic in 2008 to minus 4 in 2009. A 19-point swing.

What happened? The vaunted Obama realignment vanished. In 2009 in Virginia, the black vote was down by 20 percent; the under-30 vote by 50 percent. And as for independents, the ultimate prize of any realignment, they bolted. In both Virginia and New Jersey they'd gone narrowly for Obama in '08. This year they went Republican by a staggering 33 points in Virginia and by an equally shocking 30 points in New Jersey.

GO HERE to read more.