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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Wicomico County Wants To Start Charging For Fire Services

I was surprised to read Pending Bill 2009-14 on the Resolutions and Bills page of the Wicomico County website. They are creating a new requirement for a open burning permit -- at the cost of $100 -- but -- more importantly -- they are going to start charging land/home owners for emergency services rendered. Here are my problems with this bill:

We pay taxes to cover these expenses
We will be charged at rates -- although the bill gives initial fees -- which may change at any time. This is giving the County open authority to determine what fees should be set whenever they please. If they see that this is becoming profitable, they will continually increase fees to increase income with no restrictions.

We have no control over the charges - if I was burning leaves in my backyard (which I will not be permitted to do anymore due to the new 200 foot restriction) - and a passerby calls 911 because he does not know the source of smoke - I will be charged for the call and each piece of equipment dispatched.

The reason this concerns me so much s this is another back door attempt at adding "taxes" on the citizens without increasing taxes. If this passes, it will open the door for fees to be charged for all county services in addition to our normal taxes. Could you imagine that if a tree falls down on the road from your property and you get a bill from the county for removal from the road -- and you submit the bill to insurance but they pay only a portion - so you are responsible for the rest AND your insurance rates increase? Or -- if someone passing by calls the ambulance because they thought they saw someone hurt on your property -- so you receive a bill from the ambulance for responding to a call? How about you receiving a parking ticket AND an invoice for the deputy's time to write the ticket? Right now it sounds a bit far fetched -- but this legislation opend the door for this type of abuse.


  1. I can go as far as letting them charge for a open burn if its to allow them to burn down and old house for a new one to be built... or if they want to use it for training... However, I will not be forced to pay for something that is already in my taxes as is, and for some lackey to call 911 and I get charged...

  2. People this just one of the entitlements we are supposed to get for our tax dollars that are being taken away. Someone explain to me how tax dollars go toward community / non - profit organizations that are not entitled to any tax dollars and are supposed to raise their own money but our entitlements are being taken? The County Executive and his administration is following the Obama / Democratic play book. It is time we hold our own local Tea Parties in front of the Government Office Building. Maybe Rick and his Good Ole Boys will see Wicomico is tired of their high taxes going for non entitlements. Watch out for your piggyback taxes to rise in the next Legislative session. It is already above 60% which unless the law has been changed is a violation.

  3. If the call made is not valid the person calling should be charged! I mean if someone thinks they see a legit fire they should investigate further before calling in equipment that may not be needed.

    It would lead to the citizens suing the rescue departments for bringing excessive equipment in an attempt to gain more funds though, which in the long run would cost the state and local governments more money than just leaving it the way it is.

  4. Pollitt & Shea say, every day:

    "We gotta make 'em feel the pain to get 'em to kill the tax cap!"

  5. if you think charging for services is new, when was the last time you called an ambulance???? i got a $400 for a ride within salisbury for my daughter. tax money at work.

  6. If the county has cut all non-essential services and trimmed spending to the bare minimum, and then the choice is between raising fees on those who use services or raising taxes on everyone, then certainly raise fees. Those who use a government service should bear the cost for it, not every taxpayer in the county. Given the current flab in county government, though, I'm not sure we are there yet. But raising fees is much better than raising taxes, in general.

  7. Once the charge is levied, you will never be able to get it removed.
    This is typical government!
    STOP this people BEFORE it starts!

  8. If that is passed, then cops should charge for their services too. EVEN though the taxes are used to pay for police services. So another thing, if the fire service does not do a good enough job, can we call the Better Business on them for lousy service? Hell if thats the case then SPD would be shut down!

  9. maybe they should also start charging for the services provided by the county school bus services. Charge every parent for what it costs to have their child picked up and dropped off!
    they could also charge a franchise fee to the post office which you would have to pay to receive your mail!
    Want more, vote for the likes of obama, cardin, mikulski o'malley, kratovil, pollit again! lmao!


  10. WOW! Completely ridiculous!

  11. Folks:

    Call Rick's press secretary, Fineran, and ask why. Be sure to apologize for waking him up.

  12. thats what most jurisdictions do in MD already do...it'll be an ad valorem metro fire tax of $500 plus $200 for calls

    unfortunately insurance covers this

  13. We pay for this with tax money.
    You know like the landfill, it is supposed to be paid for with tax money, and the county is making a bundle on there tipping fees. Oh that is now that k towsend is gone.
    So you will pay or your house will burn down.
    No one will do anything .

  14. This has to be something the Health Dept. is benefitting from because the Chiefs of the Wicomico County fire departments have not had any discussion on this matter. It certainaly will not go into the pockets of the fire departments themselves. It is another way that a State mandated agency (Health Department) is milking funds from County citizens. Do not blame the county fire departments on this one, this is a public relations nightmare for them. If the local fire departments do not have the trust from their own citizens they serve then monies donated will decrease.

  15. Rick you must not like your job. Well buddy we can fix that. Now try that again.

  16. Wow. Some of you are waaaay out there!

  17. Wicomico County really doesnt offer many services....Water and sewer?No,dig a septic tank and well.Trash pickup?Nope get a dump sticker or hire a contractor.

  18. Before the county charges for fire services they should set some standards for fireground officers. It's sad that county departments are still electing and appointing untrained people to be Fire Chiefs and other fireground positions

  19. That is where the County Goverment should get involved. They should set the standard for educational requirements for fire officers. One day this County will be a part of a lawsuit over actions taken by an elected "fire officer". It seems to be the Good Ole Boy system when it comes to electing fire chiefs. "How many lunches can a person buy to win an election?"

  20. 10:35 AM,

    Where are you from, the landfill isn't funded from taxes and then charge tipping fees. The landfill is an enterprise account. It funds itself through tipping fees and its recylcing efforts...... Just another example of the lack of knowledge that most people have about government. BTW, you all voted for a county executive. Remember, that group voice, they talked you all into it. Now you have to live with it. I said no to that question, but that is what happens when you believe everything you are told. VOICE always talked about waste. Their new ideas to save money arent that great. In fact, most of them will cost the taxpayers money and accomplish nothing. User fees are a great idea. They help to offset some of the costs incurred, and should be absorbed by the people using the services, not just everyone. BTW, if a tree falls from your yard and across a road, why exactly do you think you shouldn't have to help pay to clean it up? Eveybody wants to cut government spending unless it happens to be something that they want or use. BTW, all of you who compain about the money the Executive office has cost the taxpayers, legal dept., PIO, Ted Shea, etc., remember that the same stupid majority who voted for the Tax Cap, is also the same stupid majority that voted for the Executive form of Govt. Now live with it.

  21. There is a telephone number you can call the emergency services line to let them know you are planning to burn (I don't know it off the top of my head). You give them your name, number, and address (they check to see that you are outside city limits). This call is free. It makes emergency services aware that you are burning, this way if someone calls and says they see smoke, they call you back to check that everything is ok with your fire. Only then, will they dispatch if there is a problem or if the fire is coming from somewhere else. You are also supposed to call them back to let them know when the fire is safely out. I have no problem if they fine someone for not reporting their fire, but a "burn tax" is not the way to approach this problem!


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