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Monday, December 21, 2009

Wicomico County Schools Closed Again Tomorrow

Tuesday December 22nd: School Closed due to weather conditions.


  1. This is so ridiculous, what about all the christmas programs and the parties. I know my kids were excited. The roads really aren't that bad!

  2. whimps. I remember the other year they cancelled schools because the forcast for the next day was "chance of snow" - lol. On the lower shore "snow" means you will see some white pellets falling for about 15 minutes. This decision is only because of possible litigation. let's face it.

  3. i was shopping today an struck up a conversation with a young lady that was from new jersey, she said they got 18 inches of snow an the schools were still open, so what is wrong with salisbury, we didnt get no where near that much....must b the NON driving bus drivers and the old dirt bags in charge of the school system,,,,,,,,

  4. I'm sure it is about saving some money by not having to heat the schools for one day. The BOE is starting to pinch pennies everywhere and this is just the beginning.

  5. 3:55 The 12 month employees have to report, so the schools are already heated. I thought the same thing but have 2 friends that are teachers in the county.

  6. It's not about heating the schools. There will be custodial and office staff in ALL schools today and most schools tomorrow.

    The saving money will be from not having to pay contractors to clear the parking lots. The sidewalks are clear but the lots are still a mess.

    A lot of back roads are still bad, too. There is also water sitting on roads that will more than likely freeze tonight.

  7. 2 days of closure for 3" of snow? We need to toughen these kids and parents up!

    Only way this might make sense is if they are off Wed-Fr for Christmas. I could see where 1 day of school this week could be more of a burden than a benefit.

  8. 3:45, I'm sure it probably is, and I can't blame them. I wouldn't want to get sued either.

  9. 3:45, By law, all sidewalks must be cleared for those who walk to school, for safety reasons. I for one would not want my sixth grader walking down roads that are still have the width they should be. We are not in a New England state that has sidewalk plows....Darn right, If I were on the BEO I would not want the injury or death of any child on my conscience or face big lawsuits...I respectly disagree.

  10. Growing up we used the snowmobile tracks ON TOP of the SIX FEET of snow as the sidewalk... Granted this was a different time and place it still does not explain the "cautiousness" of the board of ed and others... Adapt, Improvise and overcome for pete's sake...

  11. Get over it! The schools are closed and all of you are just mad because the schools can't BABYSIT your kids!!!!

  12. Wicomico schools are closed on Wednesday, 12/23.

  13. Really, closed again...why?

  14. Please Anyone could still sue if the happened on the property and fell. That's BS.

  15. If they wanted the whole week off, why didn't they just schedule it that way instead of taking away the kid's Christmas parties and messing up everyone's schedule??

    They are using this day off not for "weather conditions" but as a discretionary day, that they voted for.

  16. the BOE must be getting good christmas deals and that's my people is the reason why schools r closed..lmao

  17. Why am I not surprised? Educating our kids is clearly not of great importance in Salisbury.

  18. Hmmmmmmmmm, a student having to walk in the streets that are not addiquately safe BS??? I'm sure if your child, God forbid got run over, hurt or killed, you would be totally p!ssed beyond words and you would blame BEO. All of you people who live east of Salisbury may have gotten 3 inches, but in Mardela we got at least 8 until it turned to sleet, then snow again. These back roads are incredically dangerous.

  19. All the kids are doing are watching movies anyway. Teachers are not teaching the last few days before a few days off. The BOE is a joke if they think they are teaching.

  20. I've been a teacher in the county for 15 years and I've never heard of a "discretionary day", let alone voted for one. What does that even mean? Take it from a teacher that teaches in a non-air-conditioned school - we didn't want the days off. We'll only have to make them up in June.
    This was a financial decision, plain and simple. The rest of the week was planned vacation for the holiday. Have you tried to teach youngsters the day before a holiday? It's bad enough even when they haven't had a long weekend of playing in the snow.
    It was a lose-lose situation and I think the decision was made based on what made the most sense from an instructional and financial standpoint.

  21. Amen 3:55. If the roads still need to be treated then treat em. Why is that so hard to do? Yes the backroads suck, why.. because snow removal here sucks, why... because its the shore. How does anything get done around here when excuses are made for everything. I remember years ago that after a few inches of snow there would be snow covered backroads for days after the storm. Budget cuts and money can only be blamed on so many things.

    I moved here from one of the most corrupt states in the country and somehow they still managed to have public services that were very well executed. There is an underlying low standard here that will plague the shore for years to come until more come heres start to raise that standard. This "it'll be alright" BS with horrible service wont last once ppl start realizing that its better elsewhere.

  22. Those public services cost money. If there was big bucks in the budget for snow removal, the taxpayers would be outraged. Really, how often do we get any kind of accumulation here in Salisbury? New York, on the other hand, gets snow all the time and thus budgets accordingly. If you're upset we have a fireboat wouldn't you get upset if big money was being spent for snow plows?

  23. imagine if you had a son or daughter like brooke mulford right now.or if you were the mom or dad.i dont think they are worrying about snow days garbage not being picked up or visits too the hospital.most of the people on here complain about nothing grow up and drop a prayer tonight to some one who really needs it and appreciate what you have now merry xmas

  24. you know, some of actually have JOBS here people. Time off school is no problem as it is planned for but days like this that just POP up for little to no apparent reason are a real hassle. No, the schools don't "babysit" my children but it is the place they are scheduled to be while I am at work (presumably they will be LEARNING something all day...). You people are some of the weakest lawsuit happy critters on the planet. Teach your children to be CAREFUL and teach them all about personal responsibility before it's too late.

  25. 11:52 you dont have to spend TONS of money on plows. Subcontract the work to local businesses. There are plenty of dump trucks around, attach a plow to it and you have an instant snow plow. I should have known that ppl would use "the budget" as an excuse to have poor snow removal. Whats sad is that horrible public services are allowed to continuously occur and that the local ppl seem to think these practices are acceptable.

    BTW Delaware had clear roads after the storm and I dont hear any of its residents complaining about that, or the tax money used to clear those roads.

  26. Suck it up and get over it. Wicomico County schools close when there is any frozen precipitation and that is just the way it is. When the county decides to invest in more plows, salt, and personel maybe things will change. Snow removal is not a high priority when the budget is prepared because there are many years that we don't get any snow. It simply is not worth it for the county to maintain a large fleet of plows and trucks. My kids are upset that they missed the holiday activities planned for today but guess what they will have to suck it up and get over it too.

  27. Its not a road condition issue, it a issue with some lawsuit crazy son a gun that would get their ass all in a tizzy because the bus slipped in the ditch and want to sue the board of education. I too can remember going to school back in the sixty's with snow well over a foot, and I lived way down in Whitehaven.But my how things have changed over the years !! It's Christmas , why not give the kids a few extra days for a season that is enjoyed mostly by them !

    12:36 PM

  28. Did anyone take a moment to think about the county and city workers that where stuck working all weekend? You people complain and snivel about the poor service; many of the roads that I traveled are clear of ice and snow. Guess what? That means someone plowed while you were going about your weekend business those guys worked their butts off.

  29. I live on a side road outside of the city, and our road is still very bad with ice and re-frozen snow/slush. Several school buses go by here twice each school day, and would really struggle with the conditions like this. Although it's sad that these days will be added back in, I completely understand the decision to protect the kids who would be in those buses. Good call. NOW, if you want to talk about WHY our road is still nasty with ice we can do that, but that's another discussion.

  30. This is the Eastern Shore. Things are a bit more relaxed than up north.That probably why you moved here to start with.Why not let them be kids and play in the snow!
    They were going to be out on Christmas vacation Wednesday anyway.What could they get done in one day.Be thankful for what work has been done to clear the roads. Twenty years ago you would have been snowed in for a week.Chill out,enjoy the day !

  31. 8:38 thats the exact reason things are so screwed up around here. That same "relaxed" description is why nothing gets done here. Grow a set and get the work done, then you play. Teaching the age old shore philosophy of giving excuses why you cant work will once again prevail. Relaxed here means lazy.

  32. Maybe you should all realize that the state kept all the money that usually goes to to county for these types of things. What should they do? Spend money they dont have? If you all are so concerned with this, maybe you should contact your local state representative and ask the the counties be given back their portion of money so that we can have these things. I did see a couple of county salt trucks out Saturday and Sunday, but they were only plowing and salting the main roads. The one in front of my house (airport rd) was clear by Sunday afternoon.
    Do any of you watch the news, or are any of you aware of the state keeping money that rightfully belongs to the taxpayers in this county? Maybe instead of using all of this energy bashing local govt, you should redirect it towards the state. The state roads certainly has not had to do without. They have the luxury to hire tons of private contractors to help them with their state roads. To the commentor who suggested the county hire private contractors, if they cant afford to pay their own people and use their own equipment, how are they going to afford to pay somebody else? That would be like saying, "I need to paint my house, I can do it myself but I cant afford the paint, I know, I will hire someone else to paint my house". DEE DEE DEE

  33. Citygoer:So why did you move here anyway? Cheap propery,lower taxes or just to surround yourself with lazy people ? Grow a set and go back where you came from!Our lazy butts where just fine without the crime,drugs and gangs the imports have brought to our area.It's one thing to move here and enjoy the erea for what it is but don't come here and try to turn it into the hellhole you left.

  34. If you don't like it.
    MOVE out!!

  35. 12:18 - Please don't tell people to pray and then sign off "merry xmas" It's CHRISTmas. Merry Christmas! - And I totally agree. Matter of fact, I've all ready prayed once today that Brooke makes it home for Christmas as she is suffering from side effects and didn't make it home today.

  36. there are far more obese people on the shore as well...maybe that plays a roll in the laziness factor...and lack of teeth.

  37. Anon 1:15. You honestly believe that the crime, gangs and drug activity is all because of "imports" moving here? The majority of those "imports" happen to be retirees. I havent seen any retirees arrested for the numerous armed robberies and drug dealings. Who says I dont enjoy the area? There are positives to the shore but I'm not going to sit back with the local "blinders" on and deny the truth about things.

    I'd love it if ppl werent lazy here but there are plenty of signs that its true. Look at some of the houses around, trash in their yard, broken down cars, overgrown/unkept yards, backroads lined with trash debris and absolutely no pride in ownership whatsoever. It doesnt cost anything to pick up your own trash or donate that broken down car, yet it sits there. If it isnt obvious just by looking around then you need to go visit a much nicer area and look for these subtle hints of laziness, you wont find them, trust me.

    MD and "low" taxes....thats funny.

    I have no idea how I'm making this place a "hell hole" but ignoring and denying blatant problems isnt doing anyone any good either. Look what "ignoring" the crime has gotten us?


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