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Saturday, December 26, 2009

White Ribbons For Sarah Foxwell

Some are suggesting tying white ribbons around mailboxes and trees in memory of Sarah Foxwell.


  1. I will do this and ask my neighbors to do this as well. Thanks Joe.

  2. I think they were saying red ribbons from the text i got

  3. Joe:

    Another way to honor her is to call Pollitt and Conway and demand that the State and Wicomico County stop using tax money to buy land at outrageous prices, like that farm near Hebron and now parking space for the Civic Center ($300,000 per acre) and use it instead for better child protection.

    Their cry of "poverty" and "kill the tax cap" is absurd with the way they overpay for property with "open space" funds.

  4. I had a red one on my mailbox for the search to let them know I searched my grounds. Are we still doing red?

  5. white represents angels in heaven...

  6. Lets do what is really needed to find out why this tragedy could have occurred with the government bureaucracy that is suppose to protect innocent children. Street talk has it that the State's Attorney for Wicomico County dropped a lot of charges against Leggs, but is now "investigating" them. What's the truth?

    Please find out, Joe. Inquiring minds want to know!

  7. Red signified that you had searched your own property. That chapter is over.

    R.I.P. Sarah.

  8. 5:49 said it and the ribbons on the picture at the top of this post are red.

  9. Those look like red ribbons. Probably red in follow up to the red ribbons Mike Lewis asked be put on properties already searched.

  10. If someone has the ability to made the magnet ribbons like they have for breast cancer, POW, etc. & let us know when & where they would be available & maybe the funds being added to the burial fund.

  11. i think this is a wonderful idea, and i again say thank you to all who assisted and especially those who contributed to the food/rehab area

    gary bratten

  12. yeah. why can't we just keep the red ribbons we put on the mailbox to say we searched the property. better seen, too.

  13. When we decide white or red let me know and I will put it out on the mailbox.

  14. i vote white... in my opinion red signifies too many other things; with that being said either red or white you will be honoring Sara's memory. maybe i will put both.

  15. I vote white - signifies innocence and purity....

  16. I think a red ribbon would stand out the most. Many people have white mail boxes and considering the Holidays are upon us, red would be a great color that stands out. I'm game for whatever but IMHO red would be best.

  17. I think that is such an awesome thing to do. I will for sure. If everyone who was searching for her yesterday will put at the min. of 5 dollars towards her funeral fund they would have at the minimum of 15,000 dollars. That is More then enough to give that beautiful baby girl the burial she deserves!

  18. I like Champs idea: Red, white and green.

  19. white is good...i have been with sarahs family since she went missing...no matter what color you do or how much you donate, they will greatly accept it...they need prayers right now. not us on here trying to figure out what color ribbon to hang..put that time and energy into saying a prayer for sarah.........

  20. Since you're discussing what color ribbon to put on mailbox, why not find out what Sarah's favorite color was and put that color?

  21. I have a question. The word on the street is that they have cleared the scene and people are able to go to the place where they had found her. Was wondering if maybe the community would go there for a little memorial thing, moment of silence to light a candle and lay down flowers and have a moment of silence in her memory On Sunday?

    Ashley Peek

  22. 5:56...how about not polluting this thread with non related political views?.this is about an innocent child not 3ick pollit,norm conway or land purchases

  23. i think purple ribbon... that stands for courage for all she has been thru in her short life.

  24. How about "JUST PUT A RIBBON" any color. map

  25. Thanks, RC. There's a guy on the Facebook group who is having the red/green/white ribbons made to sell as a way to raise money for the family. People who want to help out can get up with him through the "Rest In Peace Sarah Foxwell" Facebook group.

  26. You know, I could see if the Family was ASKING for money to be raised for one reason or the other but the idea of someone using Sarah's Name without permission from the Family just because he CLAIMS he's doing so for the Family quite frankly ticks me off.

    Today I got a call telling me a Pizza Shop was also trying to raise money for Sarah, COMPLETE BS!

    Of course, this Pizza Shop was nowhere to be found while everyone was looking for Sarah but to think others are trying to monopolize off of her death just makes me sick. No one can audit what is brought in and it smells like another Burke scheme to me. Just my opinion.

  27. 07:53, ashley,

    this is a nice idea. can we find out more joe?

  28. Joe,
    I agree whole heartedly. People don't give ur $ to someone claiming to be raising for sarah's benefit. Wait for the details for an official trust to go towards her burial expenses. Anyone trying to increase sales by donating a portion of the proceeds is just a vulture trying to capitalize on the loss of an innocent little girl and should be ashamed of themselves. Hey mister pizza man you want to do something good, give every last dime that is paid to you for that pizza in honor of Sarah. What's that? I can't hear you oh that's right businesses only care about profit not benefit.

  29. 7:48, I'm sorry, but I've got to say this....you have one heck of a lot of nerve in finding fault of people on here discussing what color ribbon to hang in Sarah's memory.

    I've got a flash for you: It's entirely possible to both pray for Sarah AND discuss what color ribbon to put out.

    Since you're so free with your criticism and advice, and since you've been with her family so much, perhaps you've criticized her family for their failings??? Or is it just us outsiders with broken hearts that get slammed?

    I have the "energy" as you put it, to pray for Sarah AND discuss ribbon colors. Don't you?

  30. if its not white. its not right.

  31. Not meaning to put a damper on things, but if someone has paid for the funeral, why does the family need money?

  32. Good question 5:58. They won't be get getting my money thats for sure! They didn't even have the guts to show their face when the whole community were searching for her & now they are still hiding behind the pastor asking for money - whats up with that???? Sarah will get the nice burial that she so deserves but the family should definately not benefit from her death.

  33. I feel we should continue with the red ribbons as they are on the picture.

  34. Did you not read that they have stopped the funds, My question is how many of you were out there searching? And where is your compasion? These people have been unable to work, how are they going to take care of the other children that are there in the home without some additional help. I went out and searched and it was an honor to do so. How dare us to think that alittle money is enough to replace what was taken from this family.

  35. 606, Well when somebody isnt doing their job, they get fired right? Some of these questions and comments are tipping off the topic. Arguing over what color the ribbon should be. Lame.

  36. So use the color of your choice; the color that best reflects your feelings. The color of the ribbon is irrelevant; it's remembering and honoring Sarah that counts, not petty quibbling.

  37. you judgemental people should be ashamed of yourself. Let the police do there jobs as cops...we are here to support and help as citizens neighbors and friends....being good citizens is what were here to do ...not critisize who didnt take care of sarah or not...we werent there...fact of the matter is...children get abducted all the time...no parent or in this case gaurdian wants there child abducted or murdered and no one that i know checks the sex offender regisry for there new love intrest, i sure dont. stop being so judgmental to a family who just lost a CHILD to such tragity.... do you think sarah wouldnt want to hear the only person who stepped up to give her a home, because she was able is being run down as much as the man who abducted and killed her? you people really have some nerve...and if you werent there in the cold christmas morning to search for her...you have no right! i was there and was at the school the night before....i thought what a great community i live in when 4000 people left their warm homes to be out looking for sarah....now im thinking what a bunch of jerks thier are commenting on here. if you havent a nice word....keep it to yourself...you know what they say about opinions right? this family has been put through enough without the ignorance of your words...let sarah rest in peace and help if you can...if you cant, keep your ignorance of the situation to yourself.

  38. Yes, Ms. Fulton, children get abducted all the time. But, as a supposedly responsible society, the time has come when we must look at cases like Sarah's - and the others to whom this horrible crime happens - and say, "What could have been done to prevent this? Were there indicators BEFORE this happened that were missed?" If we don't learn from Sarah's loss, then it's in vain and this scourge that plagues our society will never change or stop.

    The facts in this case are that Sarah (and her siblings) should've been taken away from that family and found foster homes for their own good. As has been pointed out elsewhere on this blog, many of her elders had arrest records and the family was, at best, dysfunctional. Sorry, but that's how it was.

    You advise us to keep our ignorance of the situation to ourselves. That implies you are / were more knowledgeable of the situation. If so, why didn't YOU get involved with CPS?

    One final bit of well-intentioned advice for you, Ms. Fulton: You say you don't check out potential love interests. Doesn't what happened to Sarah suggest to you (and everyone else reading this) that maybe you should START doing so? Not only for the protection of any children who may be involved, but for your own protection as well. If we haven't learned that much (at the very least) from Sarah's story, we will never learn.

  39. I really really hope people conduct themselves with dignity at Sarah's funeral and what we've seen here will remain here. I would hate for the family to feel like it needs to be a private affair because of some of these comments.

    This is why I am asking people to please stop this discussion until after the child is buried.

  40. white, red, do them both ribbons are ribbons, can't believe you all are arguing over a color
    and yeah back off the family they just lost their child sheesh don't even talk about it After the funeral, its not right.

  41. I suspect most of the outspoken commenters here should be looking in a mirror.

  42. A community should be judged by how it protects the weakest of its citizens: elderly, children, handicapped, etc. We need to do more. Like other commenters, I bemoan the fact that almost every case listed in "Court Briefs" is stet, nol prosse or PBJ. How do we change that? Do we need different laws or different prosecutors or different judges or all three?

  43. "Let he without sin cast the first stone". I praise the volunteers,the law enforcement agencies, the suppliers of food and water, and all the other citizens who prayed. Also thanks to the funeral home, the anonymous donor and any others I missed.

    We ALL came together...lets try to stay together.

  44. Stets are a disease of this County. Made me sick to see Ruark on TV beside a man that really cared and does all he can to put these people away. Good Job Sheriff keeping your true feelings inside. Wish you'd let him have it right there live. Ruark and his team are the life of the STET. Just go on Md. Judiciary search and see for yourself. States atty's record may be some astonishing number of wins, but its just because they only try what they know they can win. Hey Ruark! Sheriff is 0 and 1(searching for life) with a little girl gone. How many stets are you gonna re-open before his record gets worse?? Sheriff's a good man with no support in local law!!!! Feel for you Sheriff,but moreover I feel for those that have Stets hanging over loved ones that may be the next search in the County. Sickens me to know I/we pay for such incompetence in our local system. What makes these professional, judges, lawyers (defense and prosecuters) alike think they are above the law and deal, connive, and possibly even corrupt their way around a poor innocent child that needs help?? That's the problem here! It's not about the child! The courts are about who knows who and who has the most money!! Just visit a case anyday of the week and you will see. Sarah Foxwell would have had a nice Christmas like most kids in this world had it not been for a bunch of lawyers and Judges sitting around and discussing what was best for the SEXUAL OFFENDER! May God take care of her and those that share her tragic ending in the past and future and may God have mercy on those that gambled this fellow would not break stet rules.

  45. I find it strange that there was never a sign of the family while the search was going on--no plea from the parents, the aunt, any grandparents,etc. to find their child and no word of thanks to the thousands of people who searched on a rainy Christmas morning. But now this family wants the public to contribute money?? For what(the funeral expenses are paid) and for whose benefit? Am I the only one that finds this a little strange??

  46. You have no idea the hell this family went through. They couldn't work, all they could do was sit around and wait. They wanted to go out and search but Sheriff Lewis did not want them out searching, even after civilians were aloud to go out. I'm all for giving a donation to the family, bills need to be paid, there are other children in the home that need to be cared for.

  47. The Daily Rag keeps making this comment I copied and pasted below. There was also a comment by our chief law enforcement officer about other victims. If this toothbrush is a child's toothbrush then it makes me wonder if indeed there were definitely other victims.

    "Police searched a 2003 Dodge pickup truck Leggs reported driving Dec. 23 and found a toothbrush and lollipop; however, sources close to the investigation say police do not believe the toothbrush belongs to Foxwell."

  48. Anonymous1144am, i agree that "what could have been done" is a question everyone has...including myself..we can't change the past!But again, for one second and put urself in the shoes of this family....i sure hope they aren't reading this,they r dealing with enough...we are not here to judge....none of us! what we have is a family..you say disfunctional...who is dealing with a tremendous loss, dysfuntional or not,they still loved sarah.now is nor the time or place to slam them. Slam the accused, he killed an innocent child..not her family.And yes, i do know close friends of her family...they are all distraught. Sarah was a precious innocent victim of a sick deranged man with a record of hurting children....not her aunt or family...the fact Again is he could have done this to any child....or any family...hes a sick criminal..he has showed this in the past...
    To Sarah's Family & Friends...Im deeply sorry for your loss.

  49. I honestly feel that the court system needs a HUGE overhall and has failed US ALL!!! It is ridiculous that a man of this capacity could be walking the streets and given the chance to hurt someone else. I just don't understand why a precius child has to die for our court appointed officials to start caring, worrying and doing their jobs. These "sex offenders" should be handled case by case basis instead of as a whole. There are men that have girlfriends that they didn't know were not of age and is now on the sex offenders list, even though they got married and had a kid. Mostly because the parents were pissed and not that they molested or raped this person. That means they are treated the same as Thomas Leggs cause its the law. Just seems ridiculous to me. Anyway...thank god Sarah was found and God Bless the person that was kind enough to pay for her funeral expenses. This family has so much to deal with and will never be the same. I feel for all of them. I would donate money if for anything to help with the other children that are her siblings. Imagine what they are going through and imagine that they have to worry about food, electric etc while the family is struggling to survive, emotionally, mentally and financially. I def am not opposed to donating. I am so devistated by this as we all. I have questions about things but I keep them to myself for now. The blame is on Thomas...he is the sick bastard that did this. We can only hope someone will treat him the same way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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