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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Social Security Benefits


I received my social security benefit amount statement today.

Based on the CPI(consumer Priced Index) there was no rise in cost of living in 2009. My benefits will remain the same as last year.

I have experienced some major increases at the food store and many other places. What do they consider cost of living?

I do know that the federal government employees are getting pay increases , isn’t that considered a cost of living increase?

I think everything has increased . This sucks , do you know anything about this crap."

Yes, it's called, Obamanomics. How's it working for you now!


  1. The CPI Is Obamanomics? Obama didn't change the CPI formula...

  2. Yep. Fed employees are getting a 2% across the board increase PLUS an area based increase "to keep par with the private industry". I didn't think there was any private industry employees left to keep par with.

  3. CPI is based on a number of indexes, housing, energy, groceries, etc., it is based on a trailing twelve months. The calculation has not changed since the mid 50's. Not Obama's fault. Actually the price of fuel and housing are driving these numbers this time around. Question: Did you complain when the CPI went up an average of 5.5% from 2002 - 2008?

  4. Your SS payment is not going up, but your Medicare deduction is going up.

  5. USA Today just reported that Federal workers on average make over 71,000.00 per year versus an average of 41,000.00 in the private sector.Also that their retirement and health care benefits are 2-3 times better than a private sector employee and to rub salt into the wound nearly 20% of all federal workers make over $100,000.00 per year. No wonder their is no money left for those on social security who actually have paid for their benefits and the salaries of these over paid federal workers! Welcome to the future.Welcome to Obamnonomics!!

  6. I got mine as well, and yes I'm pissed off. But the country will be saved by poor people, again.

  7. I beleive this is the first time ever there will not be a yearly raise for Social Security; thank the usurper for that!

  8. Yes, my mortgage went down, my electric bill is at an all time low, and water rates are in the basement. Also, the kids' tuition has been reduced, gas and oil are almost free, and taxes have hit an all time low. Boy, this is GREAT!
    To make it even better, my job disappeared as well!

  9. No, federal employees aren't getting a cost of living increase. Their pay was raised for other reasons.

    Obama's done a lot of crappy stuff, but this isn't one of them.

  10. anon ss is not raising cost of medicare this year so we are getting an even break for now.

  11. That is the change everyone voted for. Get used to it.

  12. Dear 3:10
    The CPI may have went up 5.5% from 2002 to 2008 , however the raise that social security has got for those years is very small.Of course
    I didn't complain , you idiot. Have you ever complained when you received money. You missed the point entirely . There will be a time in the near future when you will start thinking before you speak. Then again , maybe not , you are one of the sorry a$$e$
    that voted for obama.

  13. Quit complaining, my state retirement pension will actually be going down because the COLA is actually a minus 2 % not like SS which can not go below 0

  14. The Federal Reserve Bank has inflated the money supply by $2Trillion over the last year.

    As Ron Paul says, that by definition, is inflation.

    There are more dollars in circulation than one year ago.

  15. Thanks to all the people who point out facts that are obvious to anyone besides the blind Obama haters. Obama did not create the CPI; it's the same index that is responsible for adjustments every year. Same goes for the federal pay raise. No wonder the right always falls for the "swift boat" attacks every election; alot of you are just too lazy to think about the facts BEFORE you pass judgement.

  16. 4:59
    We are not Obama haters. We are America lovers, but we hate to see what Obama is doing to it.

  17. To 5:26
    As illustrated by this post and many of the comments, you "hate to see" what he's doing so much that you don't even realize that this is not some policy that Obama dreamed up. If you think this is Obama's fault, I hate to see what else you blame him for.


  18. It's odd how almost no one voted for Obama, but he won the election by nearly 10 million popular votes and by 192 more electoral votes than the other side got.

    If he were performing better since he took office, a lot more people would be admitting to having voted for him.

    Lemme hear ya now, Obama haters: Start calling me an idiot and pissing and moaning about how it's all the fault of "The Socialist president."

  19. 7:13 pm: I don't think it is that nobody voted for him, I think it is more that the people who voted for him aren't admitting it. I would love to take back my vote!

  20. Just for the record, the CPI growth from 2002-2008 was more like 2.5% per year. In the beginning of 2002, the CPI was 177.1. At the end of 2008, it was 210.23.

  21. People are out of work everywhere, the deficit continues to grow because of medicare drug benefit we could not afford. To whine about a raise takes real nerve.

  22. 8:06 "love to take back my vote"

    Why? He put forth his plans in the beginning and he has pushed for those plans this year. Health care reform, winding down in Iraq, ratcheting up the war in Afghanistan. Maybe you were one of the "swooners" that the right always complained about. I thought that the right was just mad that their candidate could not rally people like Obama; now I see the swooners really did exist. LOL

  23. obama is taking away from the white's and giving it to the blacks we. got change all right

  24. 3:16, so I guess whites are not recieving extensions to unemployment benefits, tax rebates, medicaid, medicare, social security. I guess none of the stimulus-funded projects hired whites and no whites will drive on the new roads/bridges being built. In fact, your comment is so stupid, I feel even dumber for responding.


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