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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Should You Do Business With Wicomico County?

More and more reports continue to come in from vendors who do business with Wicomico County and are very disturbed at their lack of payments.

One business hasn't been paid for 180+days now and the County has the nerve to keep contacting them and asking them to do even more work for them.

I happen to know the Green Hill Country Club is in the hole for more than $18,000.00 owed to the County and are making payments of $750.00 a week to pay off their debt. Now mind you, this is not taxes owed because it's in their accounts payable and no one within the County that I spoke to had any clue that much money was owed and or for what.

So is it that bad that businesses owe the County and that's the reason the County has delayed payments to the businesses providing services to the County? I can't answer that question. All I know is, things are much worse out there than anyone wants to admit and this is your warning that IF you do business with the County, you better get some kind of guarantee you'll be paid within the net terms you contract with them.


  1. Joe, what else happened with Rick and the county council yesterday concerning the remaining $6 budget cuts? I wonder if cutting the $6 million will free up money to pay these vendors.

  2. I applaud them for at least making payments and trying to pay off that debt, whereas I'm sure that there are plenty of other businesses in the area who are not even attempting to pay their taxes.

  3. anonymous 1:47, you clearly don't read very well. It's NOT taxes.

  4. Cash Flow issues??? System issues??? check. check.


  6. 2:43 Well in this county booze=Taxes

  7. I can tell you exactly what it is, its the new accounting software coupled with a bunch of slack ass employees in the accounting and finance department! You know, the really expensive new municipal accounting software that they HAD TO HAVE so that it would be easier to manage the County's money, easier to track purchases, easier to manage accounty payable and receivable, take less man power, etc? Well that really expensive software did NONE OF THAT! It created more work for employees in other departments but then the folks in Accounting and Finance get pissed off when something isn't done right-accounts do accounting Not inspecters, engineers, admins, etc. right? Then the Accounting and Finance department wanted to hire more employees (during the whole budget crunch too!) and move into a bigger office but I thought that the new expensive software was supposed to reduce man power? Then you have the problem where old account numbers don't match up with new account numbers, account budgets, creating accounts and the process of purchase orders (good idea, but it takes forever because some people don't like to do their job efficiently). And the biggest reason why these accounts haven't been paid is most likely because the people in Account are simply lazy and/or don't do their jobs the way that should.

    Take your pick from these reasons, but I can guarantee you that it is not because the County doesn't have the money-The County may be broke but it'll the pay the bills!

  8. Who sells booze on account?

  9. 4:09 Sorry but the accounts payable person busts her a$$ constantly and has no backup. There is a slacker issue but it is not the lower level employees. Again-Tone at the top. You have an unbalanced payroll of too much management and not enough worker bees. In this climate basics need to be met, not supervisors of each area that do not touch the work.
    Remove the layer and make it flat. For the two supervisors you could have four more clerks to take care of quantity.


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