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Thursday, December 31, 2009


If the recent abduction and murder of Sarah Foxwell is a random aberration, as seems the case, the first decade of the current century can be seen as a downward spiral for Salisbury under the tenure of Barrie Tilghman that has taken a turn for the better in the past year. The end of her grip on the City’s government was the turning point, albeit negated in part by the continued allegiance of the “three stooges” on the City Council who remain allied despite the fact that Mr. Comegys was defeated in the mayoral election and Ms. Campbell was reelected to the Council by a huge majority. No doubt the trio led by Louise Smith, view the victory of Shanie Shields by a narrow margin as more meaningful.

But lately the will of the people is beginning to prevail. The police chief is being replaced; Mayor Ireton has rejected the initial “short list” for fire chief, and will consider other candidates for that position. It’s taken longer than we thought this Spring, but the tide has turned.

Of course there are serious problems ahead for the City, many caused or compounded by Tilghman. But imagine how much worse it would be, and surely become, if she or Comegys were the Mayor.


  1. Can we still say "help is on the way"?

  2. BPT- the gift that keeps on giving.

  3. Folks we as a community have made a difference. This blog has given me, a private citizen, a sense of empowerment and purpose. I trust all of you out there share a sense of this too.

    Should Joe continue to offer his time and leadership, and we as his team continue our part in a positive and optimistic manner, our victories will be many. It takes a village folks.

    On this New Years Eve (secular) I want to thank Joe and all of you fellow readers for the posts and responses this year. I have laughed, cried, wondered, yelled, expressed or suppressed every human emotion possible via this blog. But at the end of the day I really feel like I'm a better person for it. Again thanks to all for the involvement.

    See ya next year in the JoeAlBlogisphere.

  4. Forgot to sign

    11:03 is Ray

    I may need help on the fonts and spelling of "The JoeAlBlogisphere"

    I like it Hope you do to Joe!!!

  5. Ray, that must be some bad stuff you are smoking!

  6. This blog has shed light on the roaches infesting our city and county. I don't always agree with what is posted, but the good prevails over the bad. Thanks Joe for your tirless efforts to improve Salisbury. Even if I move to Delmar, DE as I plan to do, what happens in Salisbury has an effect on all the surrounding areas.

    I am looking forward to a better 2010. Hopefully the sun will shine brighter on Salisbury this year and in the future. Home ownership and jobs would go a long way to improving Salisbury. However, many people in Salisbury are unhireable due to drug abuse, criminal records, and lack of education. We have a lot of work to do.

  7. We don't end the decade for another year! That's our school system for you.

  8. Joe:

    This turning of the tide might not have happened without this blog being Barrie's worst nightmare.

    Kudos and Happy New Year!

  9. Joe:

    We need something to remember Barrie -- please post that "headlights" pic again.

  10. It's been a long struggle, thank you Joe. Your unwavering tenasity was an inspiration.

  11. AMEN. AMEN. AMEN. to this post!!!

    RIP dear little Sarah.

    RESIGN Gary and Louise.


    RENEW to all in a Happy New Year.

  12. Joe, what you've done for this community is exemplary. You've exposed more crime and misdeeds than that pansy, finger-wrapped newspaper ever did, could or would.
    Without you we'd be paying more dearly than we already were, and not just in money. Without you most of us would continue to be uniformed, complacent and easy targets for the likes of Barrie Tilghman and her rabid followers.
    Crime would still be up, but we wouldn't know it. The WWTP would still be covered in illegal garbage and discharging a lifetime of crap into the river, but we wouldn't know it. Criminals who had no faces would still be at large. Corruption would be swept under the rug.

    Thanks to you for keeping us informed in the way you do, and best wishes for a 2010 that sees us all coming out of it in good health and happiness in 2011.

  13. Is your head swelling yet Joe?

  14. 1:10


    The decade began on 1/1/2000, so it's been 10 years.

    What school did you attend - wait, let me guess: Sam Hill Institute of Technology!

  15. all i know is that Barrie Batshit is gone, and wee willy webster is also, and some of their butt sniffing cronies. More work to be done. Ya gotta give credit to Joe and others for turning the light on these folks. Joe turned up the heat when it was needed. Everybody focus. It ain't done yet. And don't assume the people left are all AOK. I say get on with it, Joe. You're not perfect, no one is - but you care a damn for others. Glad you're gone, Barrie biotch.

  16. Hey, ya know whut? Yeah, "whut" - lol! I bet the former drunk who was mayor hadda helluva good deal goin' last nite. Sorry i didn't think to get by her place and booze it up with her - then while she was drunk, i coulda tol' her how much she sucked while she was in office. Ah, whut's the use, she woulda been in the same condition she was while she was in. Same thing.

  17. And the decade doesn't even end until December 31, 2010.

  18. Learn to count people. You don't start counting with 0. There was no year "0" so all decades begin with a year ending in "1" and ending in "10."


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