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Friday, December 18, 2009

Republicans Threaten Health Care Read-A-Thon


Republicans threatened to delay Senate business with a health care read-a-thon this weekend, as Democrats kept searching for 60 votes to advance President Barack Obama's signature issue and a forecast of heavy snow added to the list of complications.

At a news conference Friday in the Capitol, Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., accused Democrats of trying to ram the health care bill through with dozens of changes as yet unseen, and promised to do everything in their power to prevent it.

"I think we've made it rather clear we're not going to expedite consideration of the health care bill," McConnell said.

Added McCain: "I don't think it would be outrageous to ask for a bill that we haven't seen to be read."

Democrats, after a week of bitter intra-party disagreements over the compromises Senate leaders made to keep the bill moving, were still trying to come up with the 60 votes needed to overcome unanimous Republican opposition. Leaders kept negotiating with the only known Democratic holdout, Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska, on tough abortion restrictions that he would accept.

Meanwhile, as the weather forecast called for up 20 inches of snow in a city easily paralyzed by much less, senators were put on notice they could be needed to vote on procedural questions before 8 a.m. EST Saturday.
GO HERE to read more.


  1. Someone needs to stop this disaster of a bill that the American people have rejected ! The Democrats won't listen to the people and will pay a price for years to come !

  2. If the bill passes , get ready for some some bad a$$ $hit to happen around the country.

  3. This Obamanation has got to be stopped any way it can.
    The last election was a coup funded by George Soros and orchestrated by ACORN.
    You dumb lefties out there don't realize the rights and freedoms you are willing to give away by supporting these communists!

  4. Good for them. Anything to leave this open to the American public to read.... not likely at 2,800 some pages. An American shame, or sham... Jost say "NO".

  5. I hope it comes from the people instead of government !

  6. I've had enough OBAMA TRAUMA !

  7. Nelson sold out, because he got a deal where Nebraska will have a different set of rules than the other 49 states. This is disgusting!!! Taxpayers in every other state will now be paying for nebraska's medicaid. Freaking criminal.


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