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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Proposed Legislation For Sexual Offenders

Recently, there has been a lot in the news about child sex offenders and their victims.

Dr. Earl Bradley at BayBees in Lewes may have molested up to 100 children in a 10 year period.
http://www.delawareonline.com/article/20091230/NEWS01/91230020/0/NEWS/Dover-sex-offender-charged-with-molesting-child-7" Dover sex offender charged with molesting a 7 year old.

http://www.news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091228/ap_on_re_us/us_maryland_girl_slain Sarah Foxwell’s body was found Christmas Day not far from the Delaware border

These stories are very tragic, and as a State Representative, I want to ensure that all children in Delaware are safe from sex offenders.

Ultimately, I would like Delaware to be the toughest state in the nation on high-risk, repeat sex offenders.

I am currently drafting several pieces of legislation that will affect high-risk, repeat sex offenders and will make Delaware a safer place for all of us.

Proposed Legislation

All high-risk, repeat sex offenders should receive truth in sentencing when serving time for a sexual offense.

If a sexual offender is giving 20 years for molesting a child, that person should serve 20 years of jail time, not 8 or 9.

Any sexual offender who is convicted of a second sexual offense will be served a mandatory life sentence.

We need zero-tolerance sentencing for child molesters and other sex offenders.

For all high-risk, repeat sex offenders, their driver’s license (or state ID) will be stamped with the words “sex offender.”

This tool will allow law enforcement officers to better protect the public from repeat offenders.
For example, a police officer in a routine traffic stop will remember a license stamped with “sex offender” and that memory may come in handy if a child is hurt or kidnapped from the area.

Also, in places with large crowds like the state fair or a busy park, law enforcement officers do not have access to a computer. A stamped driver’s license will alert the officer to the presence of a high-risk, repeat sex offender.

For all high-risk, repeat sex offenders, a special license plate to be designed by the Department of Motor Vehicle that must be registered and displayed on the offender’s vehicle.

For too long child sex predators have been stalking our children, it’s now time we know where they are.

An easy identifiable license plate will not only be a red flag for parents, but we can teach young children to avoid these vehicles and drivers at all cost.

Wisconsin, Ohio, and Alabama have considered legislation requiring sexual offenders to have special license plates on their car denoting their sexual offender status.

All high-risk, repeat sex offenders must register all Internet domain and chat room names with the authorities.

Law enforcement officers can then monitor those domain and chat room names to ensure that the sex offender is not committing another crime through the Internet.

Failure to register domain and chat room names would result in [fine? imprisonment?]
Before leaving prison, all male, high-risk, repeat sex offenders that are older than 21 and have targeted a child younger than 12 would be chemically castrated.

Castration may prevent these sex offenders from harming more children.

For the liberal groups that will claim that this is cruel and unusual punishment; I say so is the rape and victimization of our young children. It is my job to see that children have a safe environment.

Ten states have enacted or are considering enacting similar legislation. Louisiana enacted this legislation in June of 2008 and Europe is also debating this concept.

It will be an additional penalty for a sexual offender to provide a cell phone to his or hers victim without the victim’s parental consent.

Sexual offenders that target pre-teen and teenage girls often hook their victim by giving the girl a cell phone.

There is no reason why a child should have a cell phone given to them by a non-family member that the child’s parents know nothing about.


Sexual offenders, especially those involved in child molestation, often have a high recidivism rate, and are never rehabilitated. Their sex crimes often escalate to include murder.

Sex offenders often target children under 2 years of age because they can’t talk very well, making it less likely for the offender to be caught.

Lawmakers must stand up for kids who are victims of sexual offences because we have the power to protect them.

Representative John C. Atkins
41st District – Delaware House of Representatives

John Adkins is the Representative that had been in contact with States Attorney Davis Ruark and Sheriff Mike Lewis offering any and all Delaware resources the entire time they were searching for Sarah Foxwell. My hat is tipped to this Gentleman for having the STONES to finally stand up to these sex offender and deliver possible legislation that will make these SOB's think twice before they ever attempt to touch another child ever again.

OK Maryland Legislators, what are YOU going to do. Remember Folks, you only get this kind of stuff from Salisbury News.


  1. Thanks for posting this Joe. Good for Delaware. I live in Maryland and hope that our legislators wake up. Perhaps in another day or so we'll see something posted from our legislators here? One can only hope.

  2. John C Atkins is one good man!!!
    Balls of steal and a heart of gold.
    I love my State.

  3. WOW!! I'm glad someone is willing to take a stand!! Ok Maryland step up!

  4. I think the whole country should enact this law. maybe if Delaware does this Maryland will follow. It would be nice that in Maryland it would be called "SARAH'S LAW".

  5. I have offered to help in any way possible to change the laws in Maryland. As I stated nothing will be changed by ranting on a blog. We need to arrange a meeting some where some how that will allow us all to join together for the common cause we can all appreciate: our children. Let's stop talking about it and DO something about it. Right now everyone's eyes are open in a few months people will begin to push it to the back of their minds and lose sight of why it is we need the laws changed/adhered to.

  6. Great to see this kind of action moving forward so quickly, but please folks don't be fooled. This is one person. Way to many bleeding hearts out there to push all aspects of this type of legislation through without real changes in who WE put in office.

  7. You will not get support for this in our reps from this area! They are too ball-less.

  8. S Barnes, You crack me up! Nothing will change by ranting on a Blog. Where's Barrie Tilgman, Chiefy Webster, Mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart, John Jacobs, Jim Rapp, Carrie Samis, shall I go on? Oh, I should add, where's Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen and Jim Ireton?

    This Blog has served the community extremely well and has helped to make massive changes. Besides, look where tens of thousands gather each and every single day to get things started. Did you read about this in the Daily Times today, NO! Did you see it on WBOC or WMDT, NO! However, YOU WILL!

    Give credit where credit is due. This Blog isn't just Joe Albero. It's about all of YOU.

  9. A Concerned Mardela ParentDecember 31, 2009 at 9:16 AM

    I think Maryland needs to wake up...how many more innocent children will have to be murdered before they do? At least Delaware can take a stand against these sex offenders, now Maryland let's see who can take the stand for our children here....you say the children are our future...there won't be any children if this doesn't stop now. All I ever hear from employees that work at DSS and CPS is that they don't make enough money...well you know what you shouldn't because you don't do anything to followup on cases or even intervene when you should. I, as a parent, know we can't be with our children every minute, but at least we should feel we have some sort of protection when we are not. I agree there should be a lot harsher penalties for these sex offenders. I am curious if there has even been an attempt to change any of the legislator on the sex offender laws as of today. Maybe if it was one the legislator's children, grandchildren we would see some immediate changes huh? Once the crime has been committed and a criminal is charged there should be no early release, keep society clean and let our children be our future not the sex offenders......Thank you Joe for all you do...You have been great with reporting everything as usual. I know that you have put in countless hours but I know this is what you do and that is what makes you who you are. Again, thank you Mike Lewis and all the fellow LE and many other organizations that helped assist and bring Wicomico County to a halt so that they can refocus on what is important, OUR CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!

  10. This will never pass as is. There is no way to enforce always carrying a license on person. The offenders will borrow or rent cars so they aren't driving around with 'child molester' license plates. And, chemical castration will be the first thing to go. This legislation seems to be more focused on male offenders. What about all of the female offenders that have a much different M.O.? They don't have penises, so they use other means. Also, they aren't caught as often. In many cases they help male offenders gather their victims.

  11. Wow....you know I have been asked to sign petitions on FB and other outlets to start a Sarah's Law, but when I asked what this law would be exactly I never received a response. Not even what they think the law should be. In my opinion Mr. Atkins has the right idea and would have my vote for Sarah's Law. This is what we are talking about Maryland. I'm tired of hearing about the monster's rights. What about my kid's rights?

    Once our kids hit a certain age we have to let them spread their wings a little and gain some sort of independence. And as we know all teenagers think they know everything. They meet people and just know that this guy or girl is so wonderful and would never do anything "bad" to them or anyone. Why do you think these horrible crimes keep happening? If these laws passed our children would see, without a doubt, that these people are bad. Before we let them "spread their wings" we can educate them that the license plates don't lie. It would even be easier to teach my 5 year old what to look for. I see it as win win.

    We need more representatives like Mr. Atkins in all of our states. I do not look at what party a person belongs to, I look at what they stand for. That means more then Rep, Dem, or Lib to me. Help us help our children, help us let them be kids.


  12. Chemical castration wow bet that'll make em think twice before committing an awful crime on a child!!! Leave it to delaware!

  13. I 100% agree with his whole post!! Just one thing I'd like to see added is harsher punishment for first timers as well. He speaks of "repeat" offenders and thats part of the problem. We cant sit around and wait for the inevetible. We know they will repeat. Some (most) of these 'first time" offenders have already committed a sexual offense and were placed on PBJ, NOl Pros and Stets! Thats where the legislature needs to start. More motivation in the States Atty's office to prosecute the offender is what is needed. Quit dealing and punish these evil doers the first time! I have been combing the Maryland Case search site for days now since Sarahs murder and I can tell you that Stets are indeed a card that the States Atty plays often! You'll hear things like the taxpayers couldnt afford to try all these cases. BS! A child's protection is where I want my tax dollars going! We need a States Atty that is willing to try all these cases to the fullest extent! Put them away the first time then you dont have to stand beside the Sherriff trying to explain a death of a child that the State may have prevented.



  15. I love Mr. Adkins idea. And, YES, we need to do something while emotions are still raw. In a few months, people WILL forget. I have been so upset for years with the way sex offenders seem to have all the rights, while the victims have no rights. It is time to stand up and demand from our representives a change in the laws with sex offenders. THEY WORK FOR US THE PEOPLE. I have already emailed everyone of my representives, congressmen, senators, O'Malley, Obama, Nancy Grace, and many more. I am fed up with Maryand and all the liberal crap that goes with criminals that have rights. What about the victims. I will continue to have a voice....I am my children's advocate.

  16. I say maryland needs to do the same!Are our officials smart enough to help maryland? Are they willing to help protect these kids? Lets see!

  17. Joe, so you were not just collecting items for the blog working round the clock last week? Being able to post this right now right here looks like you were working to join the forces and effect some change. You actually want us to believe you were hoping to turn a negative situation involving many upper level decision makers into a forum to enact positive change? Plus you kept us informed as the situation unfolded. Wow Joe you really are messing up your bad boy somewhat narcissistic image. What in the world are the other outlets going to sensationalize now if you appear nice and community orientated?

    Seriously Joe thanks and way to go.

    S. Barnes this is called "Conscientious Networking" and blogs do a good job getting the troops in once the generals agree on points of discussion. Your email read like you and you were having a discussion of opposing beliefs. Don't post them anymore it's weird!!


  18. Joe i say DAMN RIGHT!! My sentiments - exactly. I have stated on here several times that we all should be concerned about the future of protecting the children of this world we've created. Long ago i've stated castration was an excellent idea!! And lets get 'em the FIRST time. Gives no chance to repeat NOTHING. Liberals who don't agree should realize being lenient and offering a second chance for crimes against any child is why we have as situation such as this. Or the hell with it. We know who they are. We'll take care of it ourselves the good old fashioned way. Some of these bastards start disappearing, maybe then the idiotic lawmakers will get off their collective a$$es and change the laws for stiffer punishment.

  19. Chemical castration is too kind. I think we ought to band them like the pigs that they are!

  20. Anyone here old enough to remember our own Robert ("Bobby") Baumann?

  21. 100% correct and the majority should back this and if our represetatives don't GET ride of them. Tired of lawyers, liberals, tree huggurs taking up for these animals. Option two have the liberals with kids house these high risk animals maybe they will have another opinion

    great job run for president.

  22. 9:34
    Using all caps is considered screaming. No one likes to be screamed at. Please hit your cap locks button and odd number of times.
    Thank you

  23. Now This is a REAL man!!!! Kudos to standing up and putting in motion what you believe in. Thank you for ALL the help with locating Sarah. It only took one phone call and you stepped right up!!! Awesome.
    I also concur MARYLAND what are you gonna do? Delaware wasted no time in putting something in motion to protect our children. Let's see how this goes down.

  24. If these creeps know they will be put away for life if caught, do you think they will maybe start to kill more of their victims to hide the evidence? Im not saying they would be easy on these creeps. I just dont know how it will all work. Something has to be done to get them off the street. Maybe ship them all off to 1 prison in the USA with all the rest of the perverts and let them have each other.

  25. If Delaware does enact tough legislation and Maryland doesn't, guess where the sex offenders will be setting up camp?

  26. 10:13 I remember the joke that Bobby got in trouble at the library for bending over the pages.

  27. Just heard WBOC will be covering this tonight. SBYNews, Delmarva's News Leader?

  28. What about chipping this offenders with a gps tracking chip. They do it for vehicles, why not criminals?

  29. 9:34, stop with the all caps!
    I didn't even bother to read your post past the first sentence because of the all caps.
    If you want to be read, then don't yell.
    You can get your point across just fine in regular type.

    I am all for very strict punishments. As far as the castration, this will not stop the molester. They don't necessarily have to use their genitals to commit this crime but I've said for a long time that castration needs to be happening.
    As far as the post about women comitting these crimes as well, yes they do but not in the numbers that males do and how are you going to "fix" a female's organs to not get "pleasure" during a sex offense?
    Just a thought or two.

  30. My question regarding the latest case is who & why are the judges not held accountable for the lack of time giving to these offenders? The laws are in place - it is up to the judges.

  31. Joe Albero, I cannot even BELIEVE you would have the nerve to lump people like Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen in with destructive "people" like Mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart, BPT, et al.

    Terry and Debbie have been the ONLY ones voting in the best interest of the city for years now - and for so many times that I've lost count.

    Even Ghanima admitted in his post that Terry has been in constant communication with people in the community throughout the recent tragedy.

    You are one back stabbing SOB, as many times as I've seen you defend Debbie on this blog. And now you lump her in with people like MIKE DUNN? SHAME ON YOU! Debbie Campbell works her butt off for this city, and YOU KNOW IT. If that's how you treat your friends, then I thank God you're no friend of mine.

    And by the way, you've just lost a long time reader - not that you care since your Alexa rankings show you're the # 1 web site in the known universe. I guess that really all that matters, isn't it?

  32. Good Audits guarantee future funding. Sorry!!


  33. Yeah. treatment works. I agree. Here's the treatment. a. remove their sex organs. b.-three fingers on each hand. Problem Solved. Oh, and yes - and that's after the first time sex offense with a minor. As for an adult sex offense? The same. Then sit back and watch these crimes decline. We can fix our society. Only if we really want to. Anom 10:22 said "let the liberals with children house these criminals, and rehab them. I agree. If they want to "treat" & rehab them, have at it.

  34. SBY news up. wboc - ah, nope. delmarva now? you're kidding me, right? Ya want news? Stay here, folks. Joe's gettin' it done. And some fool wrote in saying being heard on this blog does nothing. ex-mayor barrie the nutcase & the spd ex-chief would be inclined to disagree. To them i say; Good Riddance. Get on with it, Joe. Good Job! The message is: you want to be the person in charge? Then damnit you had better be prepared to bring it straight and true. Or get gone.

  35. anon 10:41, I had your same thoughts when I read the proposed legislation. That the perp will try to eliminate the victim/witness has become a reality in states with the 3 strike and you're out laws.

  36. The mandatory life sentence for a 2nd degree sex offense is a little off the wall. In MD atleast, statutory rape is a 2nd degree sex offense. Contrary to most of what is believed most victims of statutory rape were willing participants to sexual relations.

  37. My co-worker said that in one state not sure which one but a sex offender has it stamped on their driver's license and vehicle tag. Could this be a thought for Maryland and Delaware? Michele of Delmar

  38. AGAIN, if you dont agree and think YOU can rehabilitate these animals, sick pieces of crap then PLEASE! PLEASE! let them stay with you, your family and kids for the time of their sentences. I will then be a believer of you and them. If you don't want them in your house, neighborhood then you are as big a part of the problem as them!

    Wow, when the needs of 1 out way the needs of many we become a society that is screwed.

    When we let scum lawyers get dirt bag molesters off because of loop holes. The lawyers should do time.

    We need to go back sometimes when people would not be found after doing what Leggs did to Sarah. He would have resisted somehow on arrest with me...

  39. Please give me a break. We are not even that strong on terrorists. And by the way not all sex offenses are in for the same offense. When a teenager is a teen than he or she should know better. Look at the pregnancy rates. I blame them on schools and the fact that we cannot disipline our children the way e used to be able to. Get a grip. You cannot rape the willing especially teenage boys. They are not that all innocent. Teens can get away with alot of stuff because there parents don't care, the parents are afraid to punish their children, and The fact that Once a teen lies than they will do it over and over and over. I do not feel bad for teenage boys who do stuff and get away with it.

  40. Joe:

    You should be pointing your finger at out local members of the Maryland legislature -- Conway, Mathais, Elmore, Colburn and Stoltzfus -- who are the ones who make the laws on this matter -- not members of local governments.

  41. Chemical castration is effective. Read this article:




    I don't think that the license plate legislation would help because some offenders don't own vehicles.I believe that a chemical castration law should be enacted in Maryland. It will not be easy because of the ACLU challenges.

  42. 4:43 Joe already did that, look for the post Have You Seen These People?

    Good for Delaware but it has nothing to do with Maryland. Isn't Atkins the same one that assaulted his wife?

  43. Hey, michele of delmar says a license plate with a sex offender stamp on it? I like it. Makes for a good target. Get your rounds racked boys!

  44. Chemical castration? No. Remove their organs. all of it. Stamp their foreheads. Then they can try and explain forever why they did what they did. That is until they're disposed of. Quickly. And as quickly as another one surfaces, do the same. Quickly. No housing. No costly maintaining. Maybe it will bring deterrence from further offenses, maybe not. But let's get rid of the ones we can.


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