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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Obama Likely To Sign $1.1 Trillion Omnibus With 5,224 Earmarks, Taxpayer-Funded Abortions, Needle Exchange

President Barack Obama will likely sign the $1.1 trillion omnibus spending package passed by the Senate over the weekend containing more than 5,000 earmarks, a White House spokesman said Monday, stressing that the number of earmarks had dropped from the previous year’s spending bill.

Obama signed the 2009 omnibus bill last March. It contained 8,570 earmarks. He vowed then that the bill signing was simply wrapping up the previous year’s business – a “departure point” – and that things would change under his watch.

While the president has not made a formal decision yet, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said he will likely sign it.

When asked about Obama’s earlier comment about “far-reaching change” in omnibus spending, Gibbs said, “We’ve seen a decrease of 15 percent in the number of earmarks.

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  1. Sounds like a wild time.

  2. The earmarks need to be reduced by 100%! 15% is nothing!

  3. have you ever heard of anything so stupid!!!!

  4. He would sign nothing with earmarks.

  5. He's the bigest lier that I have ever known. Why are people not outraged about his lying. I would suggest this type of behavior should be grounds for impeachment.


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