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Monday, December 14, 2009

Mike Dunn Back To His Old Ways Again


I had lunch yesterday with someone who said they heard that Mike Dunn went way over the top at a meeting at the University the other day. The meeting was for improving neighborhood and university relationships.

Terry Cohen was talking about something having to do with landlord laws and Dunn interrupted with something like “I can't listen to any more of this” and proceeded to loudly personally attack her in front of the group, which included several university deans, the president of the student government, John Pick, a county councilman and several others from the community. The tirade went on for several minutes and nobody could stop him.

It was a morning meeting and Dunn allegedly showed up wearing a baseball cap, which they said he wore pulled down low over his eyes through the entire meeting, and that he even kept it on when there was a moment of silence called for by the meeting's president for a recently deceased student.

I heard from another source that he did something like this a couple of weeks ago at another university-community meeting, but I can't verify it.

Sounds like he's the same arrogant a*****e he was when he was on council, and that maybe he needs to have his medications adjusted again.

Have you heard anything?

Rick R.


  1. OMG, he looks so inebriated in this photo.

  2. As we all saw clearly from his days on the Council, Mike is a very sad case. I hope that at some point in his life, he conquers all his troubles.

  3. Dude that was some killer weed :)

  4. As rude, self-centered, aggressive and twitchy as Dunn is, I don't think that "killer weed" is his drug of choice.
    I would guess he's more like a crankhead. Speed kills, Mikey.

  5. Okay, let's go over this again.

    Unless you're a woman, you take off your hat indoors, in church, during the playing of National Anthem, and when someone is offering a prayer.

  6. This guy wants to run for office AGAIN? Not a snowballs chance in hell.

  7. I saw him a week ago on campus. He looks like he's aged fifteen years since he quit council and moved to the county.

  8. What office does he want to run for??

  9. County council, I heard.
    Once he's in, the University will have an insider to promote its expansion into the county south of Dogwood Drive. No wonder they keep him around.

  10. So, he gets in, the people who want him in (the university) gets what it wants, a huge piece of commercial property is taken off the county tax rolls, he gets a big, quiet bonus from "unknown sources", then gets out, like he did on city council.

  11. He had a substance abuse problem when we were in High School. I have heard from those who know him now that it still exist. His actions would clearly indicate that this may be an explanation for his strange behavior at times.

  12. Can you say Slumlord?

  13. Even the bright-colored rooms in his house doesn't lighten his spirit.

  14. I have stopped donating to the local public radio station and I will not donate to them while Mr Dunn is an employee. It is sad to do that, but I could not stomach the thought that my dollars could possibly pay part of his salary.

  15. im sure he call fit the whole thing in his mouth!!haha

  16. whats the sign say behind him,liar! perfect.....

  17. Something else altogether dumped me onto The Green One's disgusting site. It's like a train wreck. I had to look.

    He is very upset by all these personal comments about Mike Dunn, even as he posts the same vile type comments about councilwomen's looks, etc. Hypocrite.

    Anyway, what I wanted to say is, I do not know Mike Dunn, but I have watched him (as well as other council members) on PAC14.

    If he displayed that kind of behavior at SU, they should make him resign whatever that position is.

    As for The Green One's statements about Terry Cohen being "ignorant," he should be blessed with a 10th of her brains and knowledge.

    How can he even comment on what her comments were at that meeting?

    Was he there? Or did Mike Dunn feed him his unbehaved take on it?

    Sorry to bring it up here, Joe, but I would like people here to stand up for the good members of council who take a beating from these terrible types.

    I think people should also leave off personal attacks, even on people like Mike Dunn. It certainly lowers us to their levels.

    Thank you and Merry Christmas,

  18. I was told years ago that he had Chronic Fatigue. Is that the same as being on drugs?

  19. Dunn looks like he's going to make a run for county council? Why, so he can screw the taxpayers with more debt and fewer services, just like he did with the city? So he can pull some fast land deals, like Sassafras Meadows and the WalMart property and the firehouse property?
    While our county council might be dysfunctional and imperfect, adding Herr Dunn to the mix will make it a disaster, and not just in the short term. We'll be living with the results for generations.


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