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Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009-2010 School Year To End Tuesday, June 15, With Makeup Days

Closings due to inclement weather and poor road conditions on Monday, Dec. 21, and Tuesday, Dec. 22, will be made up on Monday, June 14, and Tuesday, June 15, in accordance with the approved school calendar for 2009-2010. The approved school calendar designates five days at the end of the school year as makeup days in case of school closings. The calendar for this school year is still subject to change by weather closings and other factors.


  1. instead of extending the summer days why can't they take away from the professional days or presidents days or some other day??

  2. I totally agree, Why take more of the summer away from the kids, I dont even think our kids should go for half days at the end of the school year, makes no sense, but I agree take a couple of professional days instead!!!!

  3. I agree with Nikki!

  4. I agree also. Why is it that Delmar and other counties don't seem to have to make up their snow days? How much will our kids learn in schools with no air conditioning in the middle of June?

  5. why did they even have to go to school for two days & now they have to go make it up bcuz ohh its snow on the ground lets close school they could of gone

  6. the sad truth of the matter is that the school has to account for so many days of attendance each year even if the students are sitting there at the end of the year not doing anything at all..lesson plans and teaching is well finished by this point....sorry I have already planned my vacation and my children will noy be there for the two make-up days

  7. I believe that the reason Dlemar doesn't make up days is because they use hours for state accountability whereby Wicomico uses days.

  8. 134
    Your piss poor atitude could cost your childs school ayp!

  9. to 3:38, I was in the education system for over 15 years, both in Baltimore City, Baltimore County and here on the Eastern Shore. So I am speaking from experience in the classroom and so sorry about the freaking ayp...just one more thing that goes with the no child left behind that is leaving so many of our children behind


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