Incident: Assault 2nd, Disorderly Conduct, Disturbing School Operations
Date of Incident: 11/05/2009
Location: James M. Bennett High School, 300 E. College Ave, Salisbury, MD.
Narrative: On November 5, 2009, at approximately 7:55 a.m., deputies of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office School Resource Division received a report of a fight in the cafeteria, at James M. Bennett High School, 300. E. College Ave, Salisbury, MD.
Deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office School Resource Division responded to the incident and observed numerous students involved in an altercation. Sheriff’s School Resource Deputies and school staff were able to restrain all parties involved in the altercation. The SRO Division is conducting an ongoing investigation along with the Wicomico County Board of Education to identify any other students who may have been involved in the fight. Several students involved in the altercation were transported to the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office and charged accordingly with various offenses. No serious injuries were reported during the altercation at James. M. Bennett High School. Deputies learned through their investigation that this school disturbance stemmed from an assault which occurred on a school bus on November 4, 2009. The Salisbury Police Department, along with the Board of Education, is investigating the incident on the school bus from November 4, 2009.
The following juveniles were detained and referred to Juvenile Justice for adjudication
Juvenile referral for a 15 y.o.a. juvenile male Assault 2nd Degree, Disorderly Conduct, Disturbing School Operations-Released to Parent
Juvenile referral for a 15 y.o.a. juvenile male Assault 2nd Degree, Disorderly Conduct, Disturbing School Operations-Released to Parent
Juvenile referral for a 16 y.o.a. juvenile male Assault 2nd Degree, Disorderly Conduct, Disturbing School Operations-Released to Parent
Juvenile referral for a 16 y.o.a. juvenile male Disorderly Conduct, Disturbing School Operations-Released to Parent
Juvenile referral for a 17 y.o.a. juvenile male Assault 2nd Degree, Disorderly Conduct, Disturbing School Operations-Released to Parent
Juvenile referral for a 16 y.o.a. juvenile male Assault 2nd Degree, Disorderly Conduct, Disturbing School Operations-Released to Parent
Juvenile referral for a 15 y.o.a. juvenile male Assault 2nd Degree, Disorderly Conduct, Disturbing School Operations-Released to Parent
Juvenile referral for a 14 y.o.a. juvenile female Assault 2nd Degree, Disturbing School Operations-Released to Parent
Juvenile referral for a 14 y.o.a. juvenile female Assault 2nd Degree, Disturbing School Operations-Released to Parent
those little cockroaches need stepping on before they start shooting us like Ted Shea or stealing and robbing us blind.
ReplyDeletePoppers...(Remember how Jiffy-Pop crackled when it cooked.)
ReplyDeleteMy daughter was there! Just awful. Yes Gangs!!! all Gangs there is a problem. Do something please it is BAD
ReplyDeleteIf this was a prison it would be called a riot, so why is it an incident at the school? The definition of what happened doesn't change because of the place where it occurred.
ReplyDeleteWe need segregation back!!!!!! Didn't have these problems when we were seperated!
ReplyDeleteAnd I am helping to pay for a Brand New School for these dudes with my hard earned tax money to give them all the luxuries. In just a short time, the school will look like the slum lords took it over.
ReplyDeleteFirst, we need law enforcement to admit that there are gangs in schools and neighborhoods. We need the Board of Education to admit that there are gangs in schools. As long as they continue to deny the existence of gangs, IN SCHOOLS, and in the community, nothing will get better. Stop sticking your head in the sand. It isn't going away.
ReplyDeleteid like to know if any of these individuals are back in school on friday?...maybe its time to start protecting the students that want to be there instead of the dead beats that dont......"no thug left behind"...
ReplyDelete"My daughter was there! Just awful. Yes Gangs!!! all Gangs there is a problem. Do something please it is BAD"
ReplyDeleteDo something please? Do something please? With what?? The county has NO MONEY, the Sheriff's office is spread so thin you wouldn't believe it, and no one can do anything about it until that stupid tax cap is removed. You people just don't get it do you, NO INCOME FOR THE COUNTY MEANS NO PAID EXPENSES which means no more police protection. In fact, don't be surprised if you see less police services in the very near future. Hey VOICE, thanks!
Yup is sure is BAD, and it's only going to get ALOT WORSE.
10:15 you need to grow up. Segregation is not the answer to anything. Do you think the white kids are innocent? You would cringe if you knew how many of the white kids were dealing dope in the schools. You would cringe if you knew how many of the white kids are gang bangers. This is about society as a whole not a race of people.
ReplyDeleteBackward thinking people want everything the way it was but also want the rewards of forward thinking people. You can't have both. You either go back and do without or you move forward with society and make the correct changes needed.
Want to change the school board? Keep your little darlings home. Don't send them to school. The schools make money for every child present on a daily basis THAT is why they don't suspend or expel the hoodlums of all races. Money is doled out by attendance. Want to make them listen to you. KEEP YOUR CHILDREN HOME. Many of them don't want to be in school anyway. Many are there to make money and they are making more in a week than some of their parents.
KEEP YOUR KIDS HOME! Try it for a week, a few days. Let the BOE answer to the parents. Take the bull by the horns for a change. Quit crying on a blog and go do something about it, otherwise you get what you got.
Stop relying on the police agencies to rectify obvious social ills, they are crime fighters not high school babysitters.
The kids in the school said this fight was gang-related. The county says there is no evidence of gang activity. DUH! The kids SAID SO is the evidence. They're called witness statements.
ReplyDeleteUnlike the city of Salisbury, the BOE does recognize that their are gangs in our schools.
As a BOE employee, I have personally been to trainings on how to recognize gang activity and report it to the SRO's and administration.
6:58 what is done with that information once you report it? That is the problem in this area. Everyone in authority wants to give the impression that life on the shore is warm and fuzzy, its not. How long did Barrie Tilghman and Chief Webster maintain there were no gangs in Salisbury? Instead of being proactive we're now at the point of being reactive. This approach only makes things worse instead of better.
ReplyDeleteAs a BOE employee, I have personally been to trainings on how to recognize gang activity and report it to the SRO's and administration.
ReplyDeleteSo what happens after the training? Your resume gets longer and the gangs still roam the school.
The DT mentioned that one of the arrested had a loaded gun in their backpack, and they were released to a parent??!!! What is to prevent them from going to the gang and getting another gun, and then be at the school parking lot this morning to finish business? If the parents where doing their job, they would not be in a gang, so what makes the court think they are responsible enough to supervise them after the arrest?
ReplyDelete6:42 i totally agree
ReplyDelete8:21 let me tell you a story about parents of thug children. Not all these kids come from single family homes or low income families. A long time ago the children of a neurosurgeon and a prominent accountant broke in and robbed a surf shop. They stole some high priced items including surf boards. These kids were shipped off to private schools, out of the area immediately. One of them returned home on summer break only to be arrested for dealing pot. I don't know where either of these young men are today or what they have done with their lives but, they had every opportunity money could buy. Instead of taking advantage of the opportunity they chose to be nothing but teenaged criminals. Money did take them out of the area but they still committed the crimes. They never saw the inside of a courtroom because their daddies made restitution to save themselves the embarrassment of their actions.
ReplyDeleteSo don't be so quick to judge the parents of these kids. One size does not fit all.
Released to parents lol The parents are only 10 years older than them anyway. WCSO will get a notice in their inbox saying they do not wish to follow through with any charges at this time. In the next 2 years, I bet you most of these kids will drop out and be a VIP of the court system and WCDC.
ReplyDelete"Released to Parents" is the crime here; on the same day Mr. Ruark sends out his press release saying gang activity will be hunted down and dealt with harshly.... like I'm going to send all you kids home to your parents!!! Aw, shucks, Davis! thanks for the days off to run the streets while our parents are at work!
ReplyDeleteChange these "No touch" laws, and allow these kids to be locked up.
as a single parent of teens that attend bennett...and i can assure you that my children are not criminals, honor roll students at that. well, according to my kids it was gang related, and the kids that were fighting were yelling out gang names (bloods and west main somthing) they have been there for years (not over night)...kids that gang bang dont start over night, these kids are recruited from elementary school.
ReplyDeleteand i have to say that parents need to be more strict on their kids. start making them accountable for their actions.there's nothing wrong with discipline.
are they going to be expelled gang activity should not be tolerated. its school and some kids are actually trying to get thru, and have college goals, it would be ashame to have one of these law abidings teens injured or killed. send them to jail they'll be right at home.
ReplyDeletei think that for serious crimes, and gang related (even suspicion of gang related crime), children should not be released to their parents so quickly. hold them for a while, question them, keep them in a cell let them see just where their life is heading.
ReplyDeletei am so ready to take my kids out of that school. if any of my kids ever participated with something like this, i wouldn't pick them up. they need to understand that there are consequences for this type of behavior!!!
not to make excuses for these teens, but, what is there to do for teens in salisbury? all after school programs go up to 13yrs, and others are so expensive.
It is definitely not a race thing either. Ive seen both sides (being bi-racial)and there are good and bad people of all races.
I mean...look at Columbine, who would've thought?
Parents (first and foremost), teachers, authorities, police, judicial system, and the community all need to stop babying these kids, and make them accountable for their actions. Stop worrying about how they are going to react to discipline...obviously they do not care about themself, their families, nor their communities...otherwise they would not be so violent...or involved with gangs....
For those that don't know:
ReplyDeleteGangs are in our middle and high schools.
Crips, TTP Bloods, ABM, West Main Chain Gang, MS13 and there are several more!!!!!!
Second Generation now!!!!!!
West Side Posse?
East Side Posse?
Puerto Rican Posse?