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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Why Is the Government Not Listening To US?

The people have spoken. Today only 34% still support Health Care Reform compared to 35% that supported HIllaryCare. When those supporting HillaryCare fell to 35%, the Clinton administration dropped HillaryCare like a hot potato and that killed the government push. Something is different today. Even less people still support Government run health care now and the adminstration ignores the will of the people and forges on. Who REALLY WANTS health care reform?

Just WHO wants HealthCare Reform?
The people don't.

Obama is listening to someone. Could it possibly be Andrew Stern, SCIU president? Andrew Stern has visited the White House 34 times this year. Does the SCIU have anything to gain with HealthCare Reform? All health care workers will be forced to join the union SCIU, including even home health care workers. With union membeship declining overall, this would be a nice boost to the membership rolls and all those forced dues that can be used to line the coffers of politicians. After all, the SCIU has a film touting how the union bought a presidencey!

Anyone else?
Tort attorneys have been oh, so quiet. Do tort attorneys have anything to gain with HealthCare Reform? The House bill is a bonanza for litigation attorneys. Any torte reform implemented on a state level, such as Texas, is negated. Furthermore, the House Bill mandates that attorneys can sue for 'pain and suffering' with NO LIMITS in addition to the actual medical costs being litigated.

President Obama, you promised to eliminate special interests and lobbyists in Washington. Now it seems these are the only voices you hear. The people do not want a sub-par inferior plan that taxes, fines, delays, denies, leaves 30 million people uncovered, guts Medicare/Medicaid and sends the government 20 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt. This is not what you campaigned on nor what you promised. LIsten to the people. Although you claim with pride having worked for SCIU all your adult life, stop the favors, be presidential. You are the President of ALL the people and act accordingly, Mr. President.


  1. I want health care reform.

  2. If you honestly believe that "the people" don't want health care reform, you must be living in France, Canada or Great Britain!

  3. Two of the 34% reside right here in Salisbury.
    Along with their food stamps, section 8 voucher, and Obama phone, why not health care too.

  4. Who does the President work for?

  5. 11:25
    Obama doesn't think he works for anyone. He thinks he was annointed as supreme leader of the world and knows what is best for all.


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