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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

TV Station WTOC In Savannah, GA Turned Their General Manager And VP Loose To Tell It Like It Is!!!

If video doesn't show, GO HERE.
Watch this video folks!


  1. The good folks in George need to vote that man into office somewhere. Tell it like it is, bro.

  2. Amen Brother !!!!!!!

    Basically we "White" Americans are failing one another. Period

  3. I gree with most everything this guy said.
    However , I will take it a step further , There may be good muslims , but I wouldn't take the chance. This is a religious war no matter what you think. There is only one way to phrase this war ,
    WIN , anyway possible. Sorry about that you liberal SOBs.
    My neighbors won't even admitt they voted for that SOB. What a bunch of cowards!

  4. You hit the nail on the heat.So sad but so true

  5. Bravo!
    Think Salisbury's stations would ever have the sensibility to deliver such a honest editorial?

  6. This man is right on the money. I would vote for him in a minute.

  7. If you want candy coated opinions with this guy around - better visit the M&M's machine...Great Commentary!

  8. A voice for us that feel the same way. Kill the cancer now or we'll all be sorry.

  9. I say we vote this guy into the White House!!! He thinks the way our government needs to start thinking. I wish we had that kind of news anchor around here.

  10. This guy is spot on!!

  11. Loved it! I used to be so proud to be an American. Not so much any more. I still am in shock that a muslim won the american vote though. our whole world has changed radically. I feel overwhelmed with the amount of things to be outraged about, I can't keep up with the negative changes to my freedoms/way of life.


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