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Monday, November 02, 2009

Time For America To Clean House


  1. hear, hear. excellent poster. this wouldnt be neccessary if the politicians would listen to and do what the people of this ask them to do. these govts are out of control and something will have be done to correct it. thanks sjd

  2. I can agree with this because there are crappy politicians on both sides of the aisle. Just hope this doesn't spark more of the dumb@$$es screaming about "armed" revolution. Your revolt is at the ballot box.

  3. We need real conservatives, not the type of republicans that we have not and definately not the libs. It's a long shot but maybe it's really time for that third party.

  4. 10:29, yes, time for a third party that will stand up for the facts, make decisions based on the data, stick to the constitution, and not blindly follow idealogy

  5. NOw that is what Im talking about, awesome poster...

  6. Absofrigginlutely!!

  7. Hell yeah...kick them all to the curb...nomatter what party they belong to.


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