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Monday, November 09, 2009

Speak Out Against Crime in Salisbury

Attend this evening’s Salisbury City Council meeting.  During public comment ask this simple question:

Will you continue to support the rising crime rate or will you take action against crime, starting now?

Let the Barrie Comegys bloc – Gary Comegys, Louise Smith, and Shanie Shields – know that you want change!  This means letting Police Chief Allan Webster go and putting someone in the job that is more concerned about fighting crime than attacking Mayor Jim Ireton and Councilwoman Debbie Campbell.


  1. We will be there!!

    The Disharoons

  2. G A the D A at his finest! And look who else chimes in.

  3. I hope your effort has a great turnout.

    I've watched this blog awhile now and thank goodness for the town I live in.

    What is happening with your chief of police is ridiculous enough, but in the wake of the crime you have, it's sinful.

  4. If you care about what is happening on the crime-front, speak at this meeting (sign up first and state your address so Louise won't go nuts!). Crime is so bad in this City that people are afraid to go outside their homes. Webster needs to go--the buck stops with him.

  5. I still do not think saying your address on public television is a good idea. Just let Louise go nuts if she wants to act like an a$$- why bow down to HER. She already knows your address when you get up to the podium because of her ridiculous rule of having to sign in if you want to speak.

  6. I say put a female in for police chief. You know for at least 4 to 7 days a month, she is visious and wants to destroy human life! Females with police powers has more B*lls than most men.

  7. Anon 9:43 you are absolutely dead on!

  8. Female police officers rule!! Did you catch the female officer in the Fort Hood incident. Kicked butt and took names!! She was fearless!

  9. If she goes nuts tonight over the address thing do something about it. She got away with it last time. The next day many people on this site went nuts wanting to get rid of her over it, yet nothing was done. She knows no one will stand up to her. Surprise her tonight or fire her tomorrow!

  10. did you know on any given 12 hour shift there are only 8 uniformed officers working. that includes 1 sgt. and one leitenant, leaving only 6 uniformed officers on patrol. If you ask me that is one of there biggest problems, not enough manpower.

  11. Joe,
    Please post this item at the top - the more voices, the more impact.

  12. Anon 12:19 PM, you can thank Cohen & Campbell for that.

  13. could someone throw out some more statistics? like if what 12:19 says is true, how citizens per cop is that? Square miles per cop? streets per cop? banks per cop? that number just seems entirely too small.

  14. 2:06 are you nucking futs or what? How is it Campbell and Cohens fault the police department is down so many officers? If morale wasn't so low due to the lack of leadership in that department maybe officers would stay.

    If Comegys, Smith and Shields weren't so busy spending millions on SFD maybe there would be more money for other things needed in the city, like LEO's.

    If Webster actually made a strong request for his needs he might get it. He throws numbers out to the council and then walks away, if he gets it fine but he doesn't fight for one thing for his officers. He sits his flat ass in those $2,000 chair on the third floor and draws a hefty salary while thumbing his nose at everyone.

    Oh and 2:06 it was Campbell and Cohen that fought hard to get additional officers and vehicles for SPD, NOT Comegys, Smith and Shields. Go listen to the audio that is posted somewhere on this blog.

  15. 2:06 is Lynn Cathcart

  16. 12:19 - that would beg to ask the question, then, of WHERE are the other 80 SPD officers? Talk about a wise use of manpower.....bs.

  17. 12:19PM, You are correct and the six that are working could care less about crime. Police in general are overworked and underpaid for the job they are doing. Yes, we could say they knew the pay when they took the job, but after a few years on the job most police could care less and all they want to do is finish their shift and go home. Like a friend always said, "I get paid the same whether I arrest a few or arrest none." Bad attitude, but true.

  18. Shanie, Gary and Louise--same ol' thing: they are way behind the curve on the crime issue. Neither of them havae been up to speed and pro-active; they've wasted valuable time hanging on to the Barrie regime. Face it, you three, it's time for you guys to Man Up!

  19. Shanie should be screaming about crime after her son was murdered. No she sits there like a bump on a log chewing on her num nums.

  20. When Ted Shea was shot at the BB&T and a call was made to the SPD to state that someone was running in a field, the SPD said to call the Sheriff's Dept!!!!!!!! Sad but true..........

    And nobody has been caught for that crime! Is it any wonder?

  21. SPD claim they have more than 80 sworn officers. You have roughly 35 officers working the street. That is 4 squads. Well, the patrol division who does 95% of the work of SPD. You do have a squad commander which is a LT. A sgt, a cpl and a few officers. Most cpls dont patrol. They just hang around riverside dr or next to Royal Farms on RT 13 and Church st. There have beed MANY TIMES a week the city is patroled by 4 officers. The sgts really dont want to get out there and help. SGT Beaver was the only one who wouldve went out and kicked butt. BUT thanks to a good LT running him out the door. Good job LT P.

  22. Yeah, so where are the other 80 officers???

  23. I'd bet that less than 100 ppl show up. Look around, the only ppl around here that know about crime here are the ones that read this blog. The rest are living the typical ignorant Eastern shore life thinking how great things are. You have decades of work to be done in changing the lazy "it doesnt concern me" attitude of the locals. If you care and are informed and dont show up then you should never complain about anything related to crime in Salisbury again. Thankfully I dont live in Salisbury but I work and shop there and I'm constantly watching my back. The fact that its gotten as bad as it has proves the ignorance around here. Any place else and there would be news specials, ppl marching the streets organizing neighborhood watch programs etc. Instead, here, the chief of police is having a field day as is the SPD with their redneck toys and spending sprees. Gotta love the backwards shore living. Integrity around here is non-existent.

  24. You can thank Cathcart, Comegys, Shields, Smith, Dunn for not keeping promises for competative police salaries.

  25. 2:54 PM I think there may be a few there who dont care but most do care. I had a very close friend who worked there at spd and the few times i did a ride along it was non stop call to call. In policing thats called reactive. The officers do not have time to be proactive, since theyre running there a##es off constantly. My friend does not work there anymore but when he did he was averaging 20 plus calls a shift. Double the amount of cops you have on the street, Saturate the Problem areas of Salisbury so when one of these thugs walk down the street all they see is the po-po, maybe they would think twice about doing dumb s##t.

  26. anon 2:54 is right. going call to call with not enough officers is very draining and frustrating. it is very difficult to be proactive, or even followup on any call that you are on at the time. its not that the police dont care... not many would put up with this crap day to day if they didnt. but being overworked, underpaid, and under staffed for a city this size and with the crime problem it has, many learn quickly that being reactive is the best you can do with what you have. this city needs to learn that more fire trucks and boats is not going to make this city a better and safer place to live. until then, stand by...its gonna get a whole lot worse then it is now.

  27. where are the other officers? theres different divisions inside the police department such as administration, criminal investigative division, animal control, narcotics, traffic units, etc. if you ask me half the officers assigned to these details need to get back out on the street,

  28. can we put wheels on the fireboat so it can driven on the street????


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