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Monday, November 09, 2009

Salisbury Invaded By UFO's

Everywhere I looked while riding east bound into Salisbury these flying crafts were descending onto a Farm near the Royal Farms on Rt. 50. I no sooner past this group and the next thing I knew there were a bunch more flying on the other side of the Royal Farms. I had no idea so many people were into this, did you?

As always, click on images to enlarge.


  1. They won't be UFOs for long if they land in front of that combine they will end up as DOA

  2. Joe,
    These UFO's fly out of Bennett airport on Naylor Mill. It used to be quite frequent but this is the first time I have seen so many in a long time. In the summer time there are parachuters that fly out of there too, usually on Sunday. My kids love to watch them.

  3. There are quite a few out of the Airport in Laurel too.

  4. Skydiving is an absolute blast! It's been about 25 years since I jumped, but I highly recommend it to the adventurers out there. Make sure you attend a reputable class - I went to Southern Cross in PA for my first jump! You first jump is usually a static line if you are not jumping tandem with an instructor. They can talk to you from the ground via a radio strapped to your reserve chute! Any brave souls out there?!?!

  5. Come to the Laurel Airport Every Saturday. You can hear them screaming wooooooowwwwwwwwww!

  6. I made my first jump at Cherry drop zone at Fort Bragg, NC well over 30 years ago. We used the old T-10's when I started jump school then came the MC1-1 steerable chutes. Now you want to talk about a ride, ahhhh, to be young again.

  7. Yes, I knew this. I see the plane dropping the parachuters often. They lost one a couple of years ago. His chute didn't open and he landed on Rt. 50.

  8. There is NO way you're gonna get me to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. I would be dead before I hit the ground!

  9. Jumped on my 70th birthday last December 2nd and anxious to to it again. Was a thrill of life time. Sooo quiet, peaceful and what a view. jackkcharl@aol.com


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