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Monday, November 09, 2009

One Year Ago Today

So tell me Folks, are we any better off today than we were a year ago?


  1. Yes. At least we know what to expect with Kratovil. Gilchrest was a RINO. And in the next election without all the young and minorities showing up at the polls a real conservative will win.

    And by the way, I suspect Gilchrest would have voted for the health care bill.

  2. No,
    Wayne was a man of integrity and conscience, in spite of not being conservative or liberal enough for you, those are rare items to have in a politican.

  3. Gilchrest only made one mistake. He turned his back on his party, without changing party affiliation. As an independent, he probably could have won reelection. But it was too late by the time he realized he couldn't win the primary without backing the party. I even sent him a email one year before the primary suggesting he change his party affiliation, but I never even got a reply from him or his office. He had become, like many in congress, aloof and not responsible to either his party base or his constituents. He brought it on himself. At least Kratovil is listening to his constiuents, both democrats & republicans. My representative, who I didn't vote for, is listening to all of us, so I think we are better off than we were with Gilchrest.

  4. The democratic leadership took Kratovil aside and said "look we know you represent a difficult area, we have enough votes, so go ahead and vote no". If this had been tight he would have voted yes.

  5. I do believe that Kratovil should be given credit for being one of the 39 Dem's herd who voted against the unconstitutional health care bill. Hats off on this one Mr. Kratovil.

  6. Wayne had an ideaolgy. He was a liberal. Kratovil has none. He's told how to vote and when by Madam Pelosi and his uncle Steny Hoyer.

  7. 11:02
    Why the remarks that it is "unconstitutional"? The bill followed all proper channels. Is this going to be the new death panels or he is not a citizen crap?

  8. Only a fool would believe that Pelosi didn't ALLOW Kratovile to vote against the health care bill as his vote wasn't needed. He is still a week knee rubber stamp for the liberal machine.

  9. Isn't there a way on-line to see how our reps in Congress voted?

  10. gilchrest should have been sent packing long ago! He was and is a liberal and showed his true stripes by backing kratovil! kratovil needs to be sent packing too! if pelosi needed his vote he would have given it!

  11. For all of you folks wanting to give credit to Kratovil vredit for voting no, remember his cap and tax vote.

  12. I don't know what you people want. He voted no and thats still no good enough for you? I voted for Harris but Kratovil at least seems to me like he is making decisions based on what he believes is right not what people tell him to do. Cut him some slack for getting this one right.


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