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Friday, November 06, 2009


On November 5, 2009, at approximately 8 P.M., the Ocean City Police Narcotics unit with the
assistance of OCPD patrol personnel made traffic stop of a vehicle after the driver of the car sold
suspected crack cocaine to an undercover OCPD detective.
During the stop, the driver of the suspect vehicle was identified as Shanice Eriz Chandler; 24-yearsold of Frankford, Delaware. Chandler and Jennings were taken into custody without incident. It should be noted, that there was a two year old child inside of the vehicle during the drug transaction.

Chandler has been charged with:
• Distribution of Controlled Dangerous Substance, to wit: Crack Cocaine
• Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance, to wit: Crack Cocaine
• Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance, to wit: Marijuana THC

A passenger inside of the vehicle during the drug transaction identified as Sheronda Renee Jennings; 38-years-old, of Frankford, Delaware was also arrested and charged with:
• Conspiracy to Distribute Controlled Dangerous Substance, to wit:
Crack Cocaine (Felony)
• Possession of Controlled Dangerous Substance, to wit: Marijuana THC

A family member of Jennings did respond to the scene to take custody of Jennings 2-year-old child. OCPD Detectives will be following up with social services regarding the welfare of the child.
Both Chandler and Jennings were seen by an Ocean City District Court Commissioner; Chandler is being held on a $10,000 bond. Jennings is being held on a $5000 bond.


  1. oh oh another bible and preacher event minus the tears.

  2. just a local entrapreneur! whitey keepin the man down!

  3. Good to know that tax dollars are being wasted to finance the drug war...these certainly look like two extremely dangerous criminals. Not. And I'm sure their skin color had nothing to do with it, no, not at all.

  4. Let me guess the police officer was white and the suspects, well are black. Looks like another case of racial profiling,LOL. Now I'm sure a white person wouldn't hire these two outstanding citizens and that's why they turned to crime. Change we can believe in.

  5. Are you all crazy? I don't want anyone out there on the streets selling crack, coke, heroin, or any other hardcore drug to anyone, regardless of their race, gender, age, sexual orientation, blah blah blah. Get drug dealers, and other criminals associated with them OFF THE STREETS, no matter what color they are. Great job OCPD.

    Rob S

  6. Is no one else concerned about the child?I see alot of talk about race and drugs but my concern is this poor kid being forced to witness crime.

  7. Well I'm pretty sure race did have something to do with it. And to the jack ass that called them CRIMINALS that they are not. They are regular people who made mistakes in life. Don't act like you never braught any type of drug because I'm pretty sure you have. Your kid(s) probably braught some from them and your just pissed about it. And since you said get all the drug dealers and people associated with them off the streets well I guess that means doctors too. They are the biggest drug dealers. If it wasnt for them half the people on drugs wouldnt be on them.


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