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Monday, November 30, 2009

The Daily Times Refuses To Protect YOU Like Salisbury News Does

It's been almost 5 years since we started this Blog and throughout those years I have been challenged by almost every Department Head, Mayor, Chief of Police, you name it.

I have been sued and I have defended my rights as well as your rights to the very end. I have been thrown into a multitude of Grand Jury Trials, (many of which you are not even aware of) so much so that they finally told the Chief to go pound sand.

So why such the hastle? Former Mayor Barrie Tilghman and Salisbury Police Chief would do almost anything to get to my SOURCES, YOU! I stood firm and never once released any of my sources. I have even had to tell close associates within the Sheriff's Department and the State's Attorneys Office, no comment, even when I thought the cases were stupid and what would it matter if they knew a name anyway, I still didn't budge.

Moving forward to today's Professional MSM Journalist like the Daily Times, they fold and give in so fast they couldn't forward the information fast enough. If you think you're safe making comments on the Daily Times, think again. Check out THIS ARTICLE by James Fisher with the Daily Times. Even though the comment was mild and NOT considered to be a threat, the Daily Times gave in and delivered the IP Address as well as e-mail address. DUH, are you people actually that stupid.

"SPD apparently used that subpeonaed information about the delmarvanow.com user to determine that Campbell was not at risk of being harmed." Then why did you allow the subpoena in the first place? You could have DENIED it and fought it like I would, but no, the Daily Times gave in and gave out information about one of their customers KNOWING it was not even considered a threat.

I'd be VERY careful in what you say on their Website. They'll sell you out for even the simplest of matters, unlike Salisbury News. Chiefy Webster is batting a thousand with the Daily Times and has lost every opportunity he has tried against Salisbury News.


  1. The news that the times provides is always from another source. They have not been schooled in ethics nor do they have any values.
    They are starving for any news. The blogs have ruined them!

  2. The Times perpetuated this dog of a story until even advanced life support couldn't do anything for it. The plug should have been pulled early on, instead of filling peoples' heads with what amounts to totally made up crap, courtesy of Barrie Tilghman.

  3. You know how I interpreted that?

    "Uh, oh. This is one of our buddies talkin' smack. Now that we know, we'll say it ain't a crime."

    Fisher just gave it away.


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