WHEAT RIDGE, Colo. - Call it Freedom of Speech. A billboard recently erected in Wheat Ridge compares President Barack Obama to a terrorist and questions his U.S. citizenship.
The billboard, located at 4855 Miller Road, shows two cartoonish images of Obama wearing a Muslim turban and reads "PRESIDENT or JIHAD?"
It also says "BIRTH CERTIFICATE - PROVE IT!" alluding to the conspiracy theory which claims Barack Obama was born in Kenya rather than Hawaii, which would disqualify him for the office of President.
The words "WAKE UP AMERICA! REMEMBER FT. HOOD!" appear on the bottom of the billboard.
The sign belongs to a car dealership.
"Since Fort Hood, I've had it," owner Phil Wolf told FOX 31 News Friday. "You can't suggest things. You can't profile. You gotta call a spade a spade."
"Everything I have read about Mr. Obama points right to the fact that he is a Muslim. And that is the agenda of what Muslim is all about. It's about anti-American, it's about anti-Christianity," Wolf said.
The Anti-Defamation League condemned the sign, as did AM760 radio host David Sirota, who discussed the sign and interviewed Wolf on his program Friday morning.
GO HERE to read more.
I wish I had the money for some billboards. More people need this message!!
ReplyDeleteTell it like it is great billboard
ReplyDeleteyeah, it,s all Obama's fault...
ReplyDeleteIt's Obama's fault that the FBI didn't follow through of their initial investgations of Hasan...
It's Obama's fault that the Army allowed him to continue his radical Muslim practices...
It's Obama's fault that the supervisors and officials at Walter Reed didn't do anything anything for the SIX years he displayed signs of paranoia and schizophrenia...
It's Obama's fault that the war extremely disturbed Hasan...
Get over yourselves people-everything that goes wrongs isn't Obama's fault! I hate the majority of what the man has done in office, but to blame him for the Fort Hood shooting is ridiculous! If anything, the development of this incident began way back in Bush's first term...
obama bin laiden,,,,what a dumb ass,, a foreigner running america. this country has a bunch of dumbass running it, thats y were in the shape were in.........did i mention salisbury is run by dumb fucks to,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ReplyDeleteI'm not defending terrorism here and I am not Muslim either, but I will defend the good Muslims of the word with this comment.
ReplyDeleteAll you folks that want to kill of the Muslims, hate the Muslims, bomb all the Muslims, don't let Muslims in America, etc. can consider themselves no better than Hitler. Hitler's spat of genocide and racism is no different than what you all want to do to the Muslims. Only difference is that Hitler did it to create a superior race, you folks are doing it because you are simply scared!
And its not about the Muslims being "anti-Christianity." Notice how other Christian countries aren't being attacked like the US is - They are anti-American Muslim groups (not Muslims as a whole), not anti-Christian!
And we were getting attacked by terrorists long before Obama came around...
The fact is that Obama still won't release his Birth Certificate. Just a fake Certificate of Live Birth that Hawaii issued to anyone.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the con-man in chief hiding?
Hmm hmm hmm!
Well, it does make you think.....
ReplyDeleteThe non+American president wants to recind the court decision against IRAN to reimburse the relatives of the dead MARINES those bastard bombed. His reason is to not upset the Muslim World. I say BS and nuke the Bastards. Post it on FOX.
ReplyDeleteNot one word of outrage from you kill, kill, kill types about another terrorist:
ReplyDeleteThe Good Christian and Good American...
Timothy McVeigh
Your rants against the government and people not like you sound just like him.
So which of you will be next to blow up an American building as support of your radical point of view, killing hundreds as he did, perhaps thousands next time?
Hate won't get us anywhere. Let's focus on the facts, otherwise we look like fools when we're proven wrong & then no one will listen. The true Muslim faith is peace loving, the people who want to take us down are RADICALS with their own agenda.
ReplyDeleteYou mean like the way Obama's associates did ? Bill Clinton helped create Timothy McVeigh going after people who just wanted to be left alone by government I don't back blowing up buildings but I understand the frustration with a government that refuses to listen to the people .
ReplyDeleteIf you think Timothy McVeigh and the Nichols guy were all alone in the OKC bombing,you should reconsider.Evidence and logic points to them being backed by real terrorists.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI'm not defending terrorism here and I am not Muslim either, but I will defend the good Muslims of the word with this comment.
All you folks that want to kill of the Muslims, hate the Muslims, bomb all the Muslims, don't let Muslims in America, etc. can consider themselves no better than Hitler. Hitler's spat of genocide and racism is no different than what you all want to do to the Muslims. Only difference is that Hitler did it to create a superior race, you folks are doing it because you are simply scared!
And its not about the Muslims being "anti-Christianity." Notice how other Christian countries aren't being attacked like the US is - They are anti-American Muslim groups (not Muslims as a whole), not anti-Christian!
And we were getting attacked by terrorists long before Obama came around...
10:42 AM
This person just rambled on and said NOTHING!
Where are the "good Muslims" condemning these acts ? And where is the evidence of Timothy McVeigh being backed by terrorist's ? or is that just more empty statements from the lying left ?
ReplyDeletesnake oil salesman from a snake