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Monday, November 30, 2009

Another Shooting In Salisbury

Two number one males in a black Lincoln Navigator shot at an individual in Salisbury. More to come.

A male was shot at THREE times at the Exxon near Vine & Washington Street. He was leaving the Exxon on foot and they shot at him three times.


  1. Somebody went on a collection run.

  2. Do you think the Iamsickandtired duo know what's going on, probably not.

  3. Chiefy Webster: WHERE ARE YOU?

  4. Its a shame when the simple things that hard working families used to enjoy like a movie on the weekend or a simple trip to grab a bite to eat has become dangerous due to these scumbags.

    I never in a million years having been raised here my entire life thought Salisbury would become what it has today.

    Maybe the City Police should put off trying to catch people speeding and not wearing seatbelts for awhile and gain back control of these streets. Because all I see lately is the crimes around here becoming more violent by the day.

    Whats it gonna take some innocent child standing in the wrong place to get killed before people and the Police have had enough?

    I guess its easy to point fingers and lay blame when your fed up, and maybe im wrong.

    All i know is something needs to be done and done fast. This city which used to be a nice place to live,retire,raise children has becomes a scary place to live. Solutions? Anobody? DISGUST!

  5. he's doin shots with Scary Barrie

  6. The public needs to start protecting themselves period. Get a gun while you can. Sick and tired of living our lives around a bunch of losers. Take back your city people.

  7. Anon 7:47
    He's not coming out to play tonight, too scarry out there in the land of Shootersbury.

  8. Hello Mayor Ireton, Time to implement plan Z! Get Serious Help!

  9. Bet that million dollar fireboat will scare all those criminals away.

  10. City PD writes traffic tickets and seat belt violations because they are safe doing that not as much danger getting shot at. If they were to actually fight the real crime they might get shot. Come on Salisbury and get a real Top Cop on the job and soon. The way its going now you won't be able to go out after dark in this area without armed bodyguards. Time for Maryland to get real about crime and open up the right to carry and then watch how fast crime goes down.

  11. what a joke I have 4 kids and am scared to let them out after dark but my wife got a ticket for not fully stopping at a stop sign where are the priorities spd?

  12. 7:55 I totally agree with you. It makes me sick to hear about all the dirty politics and violence in the city where I grew up and still love. Please Mayor fix it! NOW! There are many many many men who would do a much better job than the current Chief. Put more funding towards the SPD! Get more officers! Pay them more!!! We don't need a fire boat! We need more manpower and less dirty politicians like Webster.

  13. Please don't blame the police officers. Their hands are tied. They have to listen to the higher ups (the Chief among them), and they all very limited on what they can do, as in can't chase, can't do this, can't do that... if they could fight back like they want to, things would definitely change in this city!

  14. Either Salisbury givesthe cops money, officers, and equipment or have an open wear carry permit put into effect. Prepare to defend yourselves people. The strong survive

  15. Help is on the way!!!

  16. God help the fool that steps wrong my way...They may never know that one day they may pick the wrong person....Take back ur streets...

    Webster is scared

  17. Having guns is not the answer, truth is most of you probably have never used one and you would be more dangerous than the criminals with that kind of power in your hands.

    We need to attack this problem at its core and that is a mayor and city council that are wasteful, inefficient and anti-business.

    Pay attention and understand that when you neglect to participate in an election or understand what is at stake, you are just as guilty as the criminals running this town.

    Let the wealth creators do their jobs and you will be surprised with how fast this city turns around.


  18. 10:10 PM

    I am so sick of hearing don't blame the police officers.

  19. sailsbury maryland gone cazy

  20. 11:01
    The "core of the problem" is the culture of these suspects. These animals are lazy pieces of sh!t who would rather take what someone else works for, than go out and earn a decent living. Their culture is one of taking. If there is no handout for them, they just steal what they want.

  21. Carrying guns is the answer ! Any state that has the right to carry has lower crime rates !

  22. to JG
    Having guns is not the answer? I take offense to your statement that a gun in the hands of an individual defending his business is as dangerous as a
    gun in the hands of a thug! This is just another simple minded Liberal idea!
    If the Punks in the black hoods had a level playing field, those sissy boys might just have to go out and get a job like Mr. Knowles.

  23. Hey 11:01p - JG you may be one of the dumbest a--holes ever. Thing is if there were a real danger of a victim having a gun the end result would most defiantly change. A thug or criminal does not want confrontation therefore would stay clear of an armed citizen. Attacking the problem at the core would be arming yourself to protect yourself. The only other way that would be possible is that everyone had a pop-up-cop in his pocket to magically enact when needed. To blame the police force and mayor for crimes like this is just plain dumb as well for they cannot be in all places at all times. The right to carry a concealed weapon is a huge responsibility and cannot be taken lightly therefore self defense courses should be mandated for a ccw permit and then issued to all who wish to obtain one.

  24. I despise Webster! He is a total loser trying to look like "pretty boy" bald head and all!

  25. What can 7 cops on a squad do to battle hundreds of unemployed thugs whose only source of income is whatever they can steal?

  26. What's the big deal folks, this IS a daily occurance in this town, you just don't hear about it. It's our dirty little secret.

  27. A nother drug dealer off the street for now. Let them shoot each other.

  28. Is this the incident listed as "SUSPICION" at 554 p.m. on the daily calls for service?

  29. Everyone needs to watch the movie
    "Law Abiding citizen" because that is what is going to happen if the wrong person is affected.

  30. i didn't see this at all on the call log we need a curfew just so we don't have to be out there.

  31. 8:39.... those 7 cops can at least TRY to do something rather than sit back and do nothing. If they don't step up, who will? Is it up to the citizens? Instead of handing out parking and seatbelt tickets in the church street area the cops need to get serious and get agressive! 90% of the time they know the 'licts who are up to no good to begin with. Keep the pressure on them til they decide Salisbury isn't the place for them any more. The courts need to back the the PD up too, no more failures to prosecute! That would help a whole heck of a lot!!! The only people being found guilty in the courthouse are in traffic court. It's ridiculous!

  32. JG, the city council majority is very "pro-business" if you are a slumlord or hack developer.

    But little business people they hit with big tax hikes and let the criminals kill us off.

    I'm a former.


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