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Friday, November 20, 2009

20-Somethings Can Go 2 Years Between Paps

New guidelines say it’s enough to spot slow-growing cervical cancer

WASHINGTON - Most women in their 20s can have a Pap smear every two years instead of annually, say new guidelines that conclude that's enough to catch slow-growing cervical cancer.

The change by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists comes amid a completely separate debate over when regular mammograms to detect breast cancer should begin. The timing of the Pap guidelines is coincidence, said ACOG, which began reviewing its recommendations in late 2007 and published the update Friday in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology.

The guidelines also say: GO HERE to read more.


  1. Not a good idea for sexually active women. HPV that causes cervical cancer is rampant in this age group.

    Ladies~better keep your legs closed.

  2. completely separate from the mammogram debate my butt. They are reducing cost every time they issue a new recommendation. What they are not telling us is that they have put a price tag on the lives of those outside the norm. Here is an example4: Save 1m by reducing screening; end of life care for the one we miss only 500k. Hey lookie here We just saved half a mill. Thats the mentality folks. It's all tied to the health plan and the feasability studies that accompany it to vote. The tail is wagging the dog here folks!!!!

  3. A friend of mine got this in her 20's and she was not promiscuous and did not fit the "risk profile."

    If she hadn't had the annual, she'd be dead.

    Does cancer send you a telegram to let you know if it is fast or slow growing?

    Amazing that the first cost cutting recommendations are to women's most basic cancer detections.

    Guess prenatal care will be next. Can't spend money promoting healthy babies. That would be a waste.

    This is sickening.

  4. Coincidence my foot.Again,why are nameless faceless "panels" making decisions that affect OUR lives?

  5. The beginning of health care rationing thank you Obama-bots ! What a bunch of idiots !

  6. I am anxious to see what will happen when some of the male disease check up time frames are announced.

  7. Screw that. I'm still getting mine every year

  8. i want to know why women are being tarketed???? first mamograms and paps...whats up with that? Its not a good idea at all with the cancer rates now days....its crazy and just a part of Obamacare...the govt and insurance companies to save money so they dont have to pay for it....and innocent people die......this country is going to hell...and quick!

  9. theres big money being passed here...money talks recomendations change......you rub my back i rub your and i save billions......as always follow the money!

  10. Women are being targeted because men are making the decisions. If it was their testes they were talking about it would be a whole different take on things.


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