In his first “State of the County” address in 2006, Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr. issued a call for the creation of an all-volunteer neighborhood congress. Mr. Pollitt said that the purpose of the congress would be to “bring together all of the neighborhoods of our county for their common good and improvement.” Following that, the Wicomico Neighborhood Congress (WNC) came into being and is planning its second annual convention on Tuesday, October 27th at 6:15 P.M. at Salisbury University’s Guerrieri Center’s Nanticoke Room. Pollitt said that “All are welcome but I particularly encourage members of the many county neighborhood associations to attend.”
According to Cindy Pilchard, the event chairman, WNC President and Salisbury Mayor Jim Ireton will introduce presentations by First Sergeant Tim Robinson of the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Department, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Margaret Enloe and lawyer Michael A. Pretl. Mr. Pretl will advise on how to establish a successful neighborhood association.
The main topics for the convention include promoting public safety and reducing crime; starting a neighborhood crime watch; evaluating water quality in the county and the benefits of building a conservation-friendly rain garden.
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