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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Today's Survey Question

What Is Your Religious Faith?


  1. Recovered Catholic

  2. Baptist. Southern Baptist.

  3. Protestant Methodist

    I still take the family to church, but secretly I don't like organized religion.

  4. Agnostic.

    I am open to the possibility of a higher power and want to believe, but am too scientific/analytical to have complete faith in something unproven. Nor do I think any one religion is the "right" one.

  5. Agnostic/Pastafarian

  6. Meandering between agnostic, deism, and atheism.

  7. Former Catholic - now "religion by Michelle". I do not need anyone or anyone elses interpretation of religious morality, getting in between me and God.

  8. 9:49 WHAT you mean you are not listening to Oprah's interpretations? - lol

  9. independent fundamental Baptist, not tied to any organization; following the Bible for my day-to-day decisions. NO, that does not make me a fanatic!! My daily walk with God is a deep personal relationship. And I do associate with people that are now part of the church congregation. I am not a 'stuffed shirt' as some of you will no doubt say I am.

  10. Follower of Christ. He is so Good! Give him a chance he will never let you down!

  11. I am an independent fundamental Baptist as well. 10:05, enjoyed reading your comment. Wonder if we go to the same church? LOL

  12. Like 9:31 I am an agnostic and my thoughts about faith closely mirror his/hers.One thing I am certain of is that organized faiths are loaded with hypocrisy and arrogance.

  13. zen-rasta-catholic-buddhist with a hint of skepticism and deep thoughts intermingled with meditation and the feeling of doing good every day. i believe in GOOD, not GOD, i believe they just forgot to add one extra O in that name.

    life is too short to be indoctrinated into any ONE religion. they are all seeking one thing, and that is GOOD.

    if you do GOOD every day, and every does GOOD every day, imagine the beauty this world can become!

  14. I am Southern Baptist. I do not attend church though, I have my own personal relationship with God. We talk every day and He knows that my heart is pure. I have seen too many pastors personally profit from the congregation. I tithe to those who REALLY need it. I know that counts with God and that He understands. I don't feel that my tithes should fund pastor vacations and nice vehicles to drive and the "finer" things in life. That's my choice. For those who don't believe, I feel sorry for you!

  15. I dont belive. I just cant belive that some one can get preg with out having sex, then giving birth to someone who rose from the dead and has not shown his face in person. I do belive that there was a man who might have preached the about god and had a lot of followers. When he died, someone snatched his body and told a cocky story to make others to belive. With all the death and suffering going on these days, I can not come to mind that there is a higher person who (loves) us and waiting for us to die to be with him. Thats selfesh and crazy to belive. With that, to us, muslims killing them selves to be with 72 virgins in the after life seems crazy right? Well Religion is all crazy anyway.

  16. Fellow follower of Christ doing my best to keep up with Him on this long journey of life.

    10:16, its the people not the religion.

  17. Catholic base, pagan practices, Buddhist meditation, and New Age belief on how the universe works. For me, God is more than we can conceive of, organized religion can't even begin to encompass all that God is or does. We're all created by this God, we all go back to God when this life ends, we all try to learn, grow and become more and better than when we started to take this better person back to the source, our God. For you sci-fi people out there, maybe we're more like the Borg than we know.

  18. Nancy,
    Not all tithes fund pastors vacations and nice vehicles. If they are the right kind of pastor that wouldn't happen. I know of a pastor in Salisbury that once sold his car to fund some of his staff's salaries because not much money had come in. I know a lot of pastors are money hungry, but there are so much more that are not! Sorry for getting off the subject Joe, just needed to give my two cents, thanks.

  19. Agnostic

    i very much dislike organized religion and think that most "churches" are just businesses in disguise. Take Oak Ridge for example... they own a freakin' shopping center! What does a chuch need to own a shopping center for if not to make money?

    most churches are in the business of increasing the number of people who attended, which ultimately increases their cash flow with congregational offerings. its all just a money making racket.

    i think that people should be able to believe in or worship whatever they want without fear that another group of people will chastise them for their beliefs.

    I will raise my son (and any other children i might have) to respect all religions and will not hide him away from learning about them all, if he so chooses to do when he is old enough to decide. It's not my right or obligation to force him into something that may not be right for him.

    Thanks for reading :)

  20. Methodist / Wesleyan

  21. I definitely know there is a higher power out there. I love the whole pot pouri of the religious faiths. The scriptures of the bible definitely ring true. I feel closest to the higher power while alone in my garden and at my lowest point emotionally. There is no way to deny the feeling of walking into a church, such as, Saint John's Church in NYC. The feeling is overwhelmingly warm.

  22. Doubters will never believe the truth. And God does not reveal His truth to unbelievers. But once you take the step of faith in believing, with all your heart, God will reveal Himself to you. He did to me and I've not looked back since I started following Christ Jesus. And no one can take away the peace and joy I have found in a personal relationship with Him. Amen and Amen!

  23. Annon. 11:06

    First, let me apologize. No, not ALL pastors are like that and I should clarify that. I have just seen too many that ARE greedy and it makes me sick to see innocent people who are trying to do the right thing and barely have enough money to survive, paying their tithes to the "bad" ones.

  24. A Jesus Christ following Methodist.
    HE is "MY" light and "MY" salvation. Without my faith in HIM, and HIS love for me, I am just an empty shell.

  25. follower of He that is faithful even when I am Faithless...

  26. "One thing I am certain of is that organized faiths are loaded with hypocrisy and arrogance."

    That is because PEOPLE are in churchs. No more hypocrites or arrogance in church than out of church.

    I am a born again Christian, and yes, due to sin I too am a hypocrite at times, and I'm sure arrogant too- just like the poster of the qoute above.

    Hence the need for a savior.

  27. None. I live my life with morals I believe in. Organized religion is the root of all evil. Too much has been done wrong in the name of religion.

  28. I am a proud follower of Jesus Christ, without whom I am nothing. he is the Light of the World.

  29. Mirror of Life.

  30. Conservative jew who was raised going to camp ramah in ny and united synagogue youth (USY)

  31. Gun carrying, Bible reading Christian. Like the ones our loser President hates.

  32. Nondenominational Christian

  33. Christian man and proud of it!! any single Christian ladies between 30 and 40 looking for one?

  34. Independent Pentecostal, and not tied to any denomination. I have found that most denominational pastors are more concerns with pacifying than preaching, supper rooms not upper rooms, and manipulation rather than ministry. How can I say that, because I've been ordained for 22 years, pastored/copastors for more than half of those years, and have no time for imitation.

  35. Athiest. In my opinion, god is nothing more than a myth that people made up to explain this world & give themselves purpose.

    myth (mÄ­th)

    A traditional, typically ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that serves as a fundamental type in the worldview of a people, as by explaining aspects of the natural world or delineating the psychology, customs, or ideals of society: the myth of Eros and Psyche; a creation myth.

    Sounds a lot like god to me.

    However, I respect people who believe in god. To each his own.

    I guess we'll all know the truth when we die.

  36. Recovering Catholic

  37. Catholic, but I must admit to having some trepidation about some of the symbolism and rigid teachings.

  38. Catholic and proud

  39. 100% atheist... and i'm surprised there are not more

    In Richard Dawkins new book he states that "more than 40 percent of Americans think that we were created by God within the last 10,000 years", and that all life currently exists in the exact same form in which it was created. That means 40 percent of Americans would rather believe fairy tales than thousands and thousands of examples of true undisputable scientific evidence. Scary.

    Rob S

  40. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    Some folks refer to us as Mormons.

  41. I don't claim one and not sure if I want one. I was never baptisted.

  42. atheist.

    And I don't think there is any such thing as an agnostic.

    If you believe in a god then you are a theist of some sort. If you do not believe in a higher power/god then you are an atheist. You either have faith/belief in god or you do not.

  43. Christian ex- Catholic, now going to United Methodist church. With Christ, I re-invent myself each day!

  44. A proud follower of Jesus Christ.

  45. 10:45 and 11:27....I agree with you .I am not and would not knock religion per se'. It is for each individual to decide for his or herself.What I meant in my original post is that organized religions are too often influenced too much by people within them who have agendas other than true spiritual belief...like so many other things it becomes about "power"..to me that is hypocritical.

    By arrogance , I meant the notion that there is one true religion...I personally cannot conceive of a God that does not have room in his heart for beleivers of all faiths and for individuals who lead righteous lives.

    Didn't mean to offend.

  46. I have a direct connection with God. You'd be surprised, it really cuts down on the dogma.

  47. Methodist and sad that we are not allowed some of the traditional things that have been allowed from the beginning of this country.

  48. I am a Christian..I love my church :o) EWC


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