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Thursday, October 22, 2009


Hi Joe,

Love your blog. You had a story a few months ago about someone asking people for change so they could get to Easton. Well, I (along with numerous people) was approached in Super Fresh’s parking lot late yesterday afternoon. This was a white guy, early 20’s, aprox. 5’7”, average build, dark hair & close cut beard. He said his car ran out of gas & his wife was waiting for him at the Valero station which is across the end of the lot. I did give him about 50 cents & he left me alone. It was then that it “clicked” about the story you had with the getting to Easton line. When I passed the gas station I saw there was no small, black car in the lot at all. I had my daughter call SPD & went back to the lot & informed a store employee who then informed the manager. This guy was not alone. He had a friend waiting for him. The friend was also a white guy, early 20’s, about 5’10”, very thin & straggly, long, dark hair. They left the lot after the mgr. approached them. Unfortunately it was before SPD got there. Anyway, this scam is not just on the north side of town but on the south side also.


  1. you wasnt scammed, you are just stupid. if asking a stranger for money and coming up with a a cocky story like that then you are just as stupid as a sack of toe nails.

  2. The last 3 times I went to Food Lion on Tilghman Rd I have been approached for money each time turning them down. I have contacted the manager each time via cell phone from my car and they have came right out and chased the people away. I refuse to do any shopping in Salisbury alone anymore.

  3. Anon 10:37
    I'm not stupid. If the "story" had been true I would like to think that I helped him get out of a jam. I would hope someone would help me or my daughter if it was needed. It's just human nature to try & help...if you have a heart,that is.

  4. Naive is a better word. Where have you been? People been pulling this crap for years. Known scam for heroin addicts.

  5. abouit six months ago I was approached in the Food Lion parking lot on Snowhill Rd.,only this was a young women, maybe early 20's, one eye seemed to be looking in another direction, anyway she asked for money and said she did make it to the gas station across the street, I gave her $2.00 ( not knowing of this scam until later) but I noticed no vehicles at all the station across the street, about week later, noticed a guy with a gas can asking some ladies for gas money, they instead gave him a ride to the gas station, ( I guess thats what they did, but that same girl got into the car with the man and the ladies, by the time I realized what was going on, they were gone.

  6. Funny story.. just two nights across my brother, his girlfriend, and i were at the Exxon on Route 50 near KMart getting gas. The pump next to us was open and along rolls up this Black Dodge Neon SRT4 to the gas pump beside us. In the meantime, my brother had already gone inside to pay for his gas & on his way out he approached my brother. He didn't look scraggly. He appeared to be clean cut & nicely dressed. I saw my brother hand him some cash & then he came back to the truck. So of course, I ask him if he knew the guy. My brother then tells me "no, but he said he ran out of gas & needed money and he appeared to be a decent guy so I gave him 2 bucks". All three of us then sat in the truck, watching this guy at the register. We watched him dig in his pockets for change then he walked back outside & asked a few more people for money. He then returned back inside. Finally he came back to his car, went to his passenger side where his gas tank was.. acted as if he was pumping gas (even went as far as taking the nozzle off the pump), quickly put it back, jumped in his car and drove off. Needless to say, this guys a effing idiot. He didnt even realize that all of us were watching him. He also didnt realize that the digital gauges on the gas pump didnt change as he was 'pumping' his gas. This just goes to show that we have worthless people in town even though they look nice and fairly decent, they are thefts. This guy takes off in his car.. not to mention, his car was loud & clearly had a turbo on it. So he has money to spend to make his car 'attempt' to look and sound good yet he's out there begging people for money for gas, which is really used for drugs. He's dumb as hell. His car stands out like a sore-thumb. We had all seen this car around town numerous times & I'd be glad to see him again & get our 2 bucks back.. and perhaps he needs a good punch in the forehead. A$$hole!

  7. I am an idiot as well as I was waiting for the mall to open a few months ago a lady came up to my window and asked for money to get a cab because her car was broken down at the Sears automotive and she needed to pick up her kids. Having my 3 year old with me I did feel sorry for her so I gave her $20 bucks...not having a good feeling as soon as she walked off I put my daughter back in her car seat and took off to see where she went. She got in a white pick up truck and backed out of her parking spot and nearly SH@t when I was hot on her tail getting her tag number. After I investigated I found out the truck belonged to Norman Bromley from Somerset COunty the son was using his truck and that was the girlfriend collecting money...Kudos to the employees who cared enough to run these igornant people off in all the other instances because I can assure you The Centre at Salisbury said it wasnt a concern to them.

  8. great! punch him in the forehead for me too and my $2.00 back, I'm sure your guy knows the girl who ripped me off.

  9. No, the writer of this story is stupid. Primarily for calling the police for something that isn't a crime. Panhandling is as old as the hills. "Can you please give me a quarter so I can buy something to eat?" Gee, wonder if that quarter is really going to go towards a cheeseburger or a cheap bottle of wine? Like the first commentor said, you either give the money know it probably isn't going to be spent on what the person said it would be spent on, or you wave your hand when the person approaches, telling him in a nonverbal way that you're not in the mood today and to just leave you alone. They know.

  10. Panhandling can be the same thing as trespassing.

    If I want to go shopping, I expect to be able access their parking lot, and not be harassed by panhandlers who are mainly scamsters.

    It is in the merchants' best interest to have hassle-free parking lots, or else their legitimate customers will shop elsewhere.

  11. I'm with 402! Panhandling is as old as the hills and the story changes with the times. DUH. Just say you spent all your cash at the stock market machine in the store and lost, and be on your way.

  12. I'd just assume give up my $.50 or my $2 (not more than that)if I don't have a bad feeling because of the one person who might be truthful. It's not going to break me and kindness can be a good thing.

  13. this guy is @ food lion all the time. he lives @ the coinstar !! has a brand new iphone too. courtesy of the people of salisbury.

  14. I agree with 10:53PM. There are people who will (within a limit) take the chance (as along as they don't have a bad feeling). It's not naive and certainly not stupid. However, the season is coming and everyone should be very, very careful!


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