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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Obama Socialist/Marxist Connection

It is critical that the American People know the truth.
Long Live Christ Our King,
Jack Ames Director Defend Life


  1. Registered socialist???
    You people must be getting desperate.
    Why don't you stick to local issues, like your fire truck, boats or whatever.
    On the other hand keep b!tch!ng.
    It's actually amusing.

  2. Does anyone know if any of Obama's Czars ever spent any time in the U.S. Military??

  3. this looks like the "5 degrees of separation" game

  4. Long Live Christ our King? What in God's name does that have to do with anything?

    So, socialism = bad, unchallenged, unseen, no proof of its existence monarchy = good?

  5. There is not enough room on the chart to include all of his radical pals. Which might include some that comment here.

  6. Socialism does equal bad


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