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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Missing The Point In The Fox-White House Spat

Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post has a remarkable column today about the White House's decision to ostracize Fox News. She's entirely right about this both being a waste of time and creepily reminiscent of the anti-media jihad waged by the Nixon-Agnew regime. I've already said as much, as have others. But what's remarkable about Marcus's piece is the depressing conventionality of its circle-the-wagons rationale, something I've grown accustomed to seeing whenever the mainstream media seeks to protect one of its own. "

Certainly Fox tends to report its news with a conservative slant -- but has anyone at the White House clicked over to MSNBC recently?" Marcus asks. "Or is the only problem opinion journalism that doesn’t match its opinion?"

Pardon my sarong but is she for real? Why straddle the fence to project a phony objectivity when most regular Americans - the 99.9% who don't work at mainstream media outlets - can figure out when they're getting the story with a dash of opinion on the side. I don't believe the White House accomplishes much by keeping this story alive, but it's hard to take MSM bloviators seriously when they claim to be shocked - shocked - that someone is calling out Fox for being sympathetic to conservatives and the Republican Party.

Don't fret about the psychological repercussions on Rupert Murdoch and his minions at Fox. They're big boys and girls over there and they can take criticism. (Well, sometimes.) But after serving as a sounding board for the Bush administration's two terms, this may be the network's high water mark. Management must revel in being a White House target. Taking on the most powerful institution in the world - well, it doesn't get any better than that. Just the other night, in fact, Bill O'Reilly was triumphantly reporting on his show that the spat had done wonders for Fox's ratings. Wolf Blitzer can be excused for banging his head against the wall in frustration.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. In his speech to Congress a few weeks ago, President Obama promised "we will call them out" referring to misinformation merchants in the media. He is doing exactly what he said he would. Nuff said.

  2. 9;59

    Obama is the one that puts out misinformation. The White House has yet to prove anything that Fox has reported on is false.

    So if you Obama sheep think that it is OK to have people in the White House that are self avowed communist(Van Jones), people that think Mao Tse Tung (Anita Dunn) was a great philosopher, people that think animals should have the right to be able to sue in court (Cass Susteen) then you just go right on supporting this American hating man you worship.

  3. 11:47...you my friend are the America hater.

  4. 12:23
    Why, because I dont want to wake up one morning and find out that we have become like Venezuela.

    I can't believe that you people on the left either don't know ,or don't care what type of people Obama has surrounded himself with. Remember, he was the one who said to judge him by the people that he surrounds himself with.

    Since when did it become accceptable to have communist, marxist and Maoist in the White House?

  5. Keep drinking the kool aid 2:04. Hannity serves crap sandwiches every day at 3, Beck serves seconds at 5

  6. Well tell me where I am wrong. These are things these people have said themselves. Keep watching people like Olberman and Madow and you will continue to be in the dark. As for the Kool-aid it is you Obamabots that have the monopoly on kool-aid and you bunch are definately full of crap.

    In addition you guys can try to change the subject, but you and the White House have not been able to refute any of the facts.

  7. There's an old saying that goes something like, "dealing with the press is a lot like having lunch with a lion. It's fun, but remember the lion eats last." Obama, be careful of the battles you pick. Be very, very careful.


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