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Thursday, October 01, 2009

Islamic Child Abuse/Slavery

Obama loves his Muslim buddies of the United Nations. Instead of apologizing to them for misdeeds by the United States of America, when will he ask them to address the problem in this video. Demand answers! Now!


  1. How in the hell did Obama get elected with this crap going on?
    What is wrong with the democrates ,
    do they hide from the truth? Lets
    see how many will admitt they voted for that SOB.

  2. Yes, its Obama's fault this is going on....Talk about a kool-aid drinker

  3. Yeah it's all the crappy godless commies it's a plot and we are being brain washed with health care crap

  4. You criticize Obama for "apologizing to them for misdeeds". Don't you realize that some of our foreign policy actions in that region have supported regimes such as this? The US is not evil, but it's not some shining saint either. Read a book!

  5. Once again...why is my Grandson instructed TO SING JEWISH SONGS for a Christian Family based cultural event in a Worester county elementary school?


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