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Thursday, October 22, 2009

George W. Bush Wants To Help People 'Get Motivated!'

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Former President George W. Bush has a new speaking gig.

Bush will be featured as the "special guest speaker" at an October 26 "Get Motivated!" business seminar in Fort Worth, Texas, according to an announcement on the organization's Web site.
Tamara Lowe, the Co-Founder and Executive Vice President of Get Motivated Seminars, Inc., said in a phone interview that the former president will appear live and in person at the upcoming event. Lowe estimated that Bush will speak for roughly 20 minutes. Lowe also said that the company has all the necessary safety precautions in place to host a former president.

Bush's former Secretary of State Colin Powell and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani are set to join Bush at the October 26 event.

The former president is also scheduled to participate in another "Get Motivated!" seminar in San Antonio, Texas on December 2, according to the company's Web site.
"For a limited time only," the Web site says, tickets are available to the October and December events for $4.95 per person or $19 for a group.

CNN is awaiting confirmation from a representative of the former president about the scheduled appearances at the seminars.



  1. It's about time George we need you now more than ever !

  2. Words Bush and Speaker should not be used in the same sentence EVER!!!
    I guess the word "special" provids a sort of disclaimer.

  3. He's not a good speaker but he is honest unlike the usurper we have now .

  4. Honest?
    I guess he was honest about:
    1. Iraq War
    2. Allowing Bin-Laden family to leave the country right after 9/11
    3. Ousting CIA spies
    5.Global warming
    6.Harriet Myers
    7.His "military service"
    The list goes on...

  5. Remember how good things used to be under Bush in August of 08 we had 5% unemployment and August of 09 we had over 9%!

  6. Alex I thought the terrorist started the war, Bin-laden has like a thousand family members should we round up all Muslims ? Armitage outed the analyst hardly a spy actually she outed her self for her secret clerical duties ha ! Global cooling is what the scientist's are saying now ! What about Harriet Myers ? It was Dan Rather who lied about his military service and was fired . better go see your therapist !


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