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Friday, October 02, 2009

FDA Approved H1N1 Vaccines Contain Ingredients Known To Cause Cancer And Death

Most health experts will agree that vaccine reactions can occur. It is estimated that roughly 1 in every million people will react to their vaccine. Even then, health officials maintain that it is usually a simple case of inflammation at the injection site and/or a slight fever. On a rare occasion, anaphylactic shock may occur due to the patient reacting to a substance that they are allergic to. However, the FDA recently approved four H1N1 vaccines that not only contain very questionable ingredients, but some of those ingredients have even been proven to cause cancer and death.

The FDA has awarded H1N1 contracts to the following companies: MedImmune, LLC (1), CSL Limited (2), Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Limited (3), and Sanofi Pasteur (4). Their package inserts became public knowledge in recent weeks.

All four vaccines list hypersensitivity to eggs as a contraindication (1) (2) (3) (4). This means that it is not advisable to administer any one of these products to a person suffering from a severe egg allergy or egg protein allergy. This contraindication may affect as many as 15 million people (based on a population of 300 million). (5). While parents are instructed not to feed their infant eggs until 1 year of age, these same infants will be exposed to eggs by way of their H1N1 vaccine and/or seasonal flu vaccine beginning at 6 months of age.

CSL’s vaccine (2) also lists hypersensitivity to chicken protein as a contraindication. “While most people who are sensitive to eggs can eat chicken, there is one protein that is present in both eggs and poultry — alpha-livetin, or chicken serum albumin — that can cause allergies to both foods.” (6) It is unknown at this time how many people are allergic to the aforementioned proteins. Going into anaphylactic shock is a very real possibly if one were to receive an ingredient that he/she is allergic to.

Neomycin and polymyxin are listed as contraindications for CSL’s (2) and Novartis’ (3) vaccines. “Neomycin may cause damage to the kidneys and/or nerves. Kidney function and drug levels in the blood may be monitored with blood tests during treatment. Tell your doctor if you experience decreased urination, hearing loss, ringing in the ears, feeling of fullness in the ears, dizziness, numbness, skin tingling, muscle twitching, or seizures which may be signs of kidney or nerve damage.” (7) According to Teva Pharmaceuticals, the effects of neomycin may not be evident until long after the medication has been discontinued. Just exactly how long is unclear at this time. (8) Polymyxin has its own set of possible adverse reactions. “Neurotoxic reactions may be manifested by irritability, weakness, drowsiness, ataxia, perioral paresthesia, numbness of the extremities, and blurring of vision. These are usually associated with high serum levels found in patients with impaired renal function and/or nephrotoxicity.” (9)

Gentamicin (10) is listed as a contraindication for MedImmune’s vaccine (1). It too, has its own list of possible side effects, which may include nephrotoxicity and/or neurotoxicity.



  1. My friend has died, he died of death, which killed him.

  2. drug companies are required to list any possible side effects of meds in the package insert. The regular flu vaccine also contains a hypersensitivity to eggs. Neomycin and Polymxin are common in skin creams and topical antibiotics, used every day by millions. Get a grip everyone. If H1N1 mutates and becomes more virulent then we are in deep trouble. Not everything in the world is a Obama-run conspiracy. I am sure this fear is Fox news inspired.

  3. Anon 2:30 the problem most people have is it hasn't gone through enough studies. The other flag is that the MSM has jammed it down our throats and the trust of the MSM after the last election is out the window.

  4. Anon 2:30...what causes a virus to mutate? If you answer that question correctly you will know why people are not jumping on the bandwagon.

  5. Mercury, adjuvants, live virus, there are many reasons to NOT accept this vaccine.

  6. anon 3:29
    If the answer you are looking for is "the government" or "Obama" or "the flu vaccine" then you are misinformed.

    Mutations arise by one of three mechanisms: (1) by the effects of physical mutagens (UV light, x-rays) on nucleic acids; (2) by the natural behavior of the bases that make up nucleic acids (resonance from keto to enol and from amino to imino forms), and (3) through the fallibility of the enzymes that replicate the nucleic acids. The first two mechanisms act similarly in all viruses; hence, the effects of physical mutagens and the natural behavior of nucleotides are relatively constant. However, viruses differ markedly in their mutation rates, which is due primarily to differences in the fidelity with which their enzymes replicate their nucleic acids. Viruses with high-fidelity transcriptases have relatively low mutation rates and vice versaSometimes during the process of copying the RNA or DNA of the virus, small errors (substitutions in nucleotide base pairs) occur in the copy. These errors are replicated into subsequent copies. If the change isn't fatal to the virus and causes it to stop replicating, then the virus has resulted in a mutation. If that mutation results in a changed protein that enables the virus to survive, infect or replicate better the virus will become more infectious.

    Also, I wasn't aware that there was a flu shot "bandwagon"

  7. your right anon 4:57. I wish we hadn't have taken that polio vaccine either...


  8. my problem is the live virus fact, plus i dont know as to why but everytime i get the regular flu shot i have a very sick winter...im constantly sick...when i dont get the shot i dont get sick....plus the fact that it was pushed & rushed through without any major testing...i wont be somebodys lab rat....its not like the govt havnt done that before....now is it? Plus we all know the pharmacuticals are in bed with the politicians.....Again its follow the money and interests....Even a blind man can see this....

  9. You guys are insane. But its OK. Just more vaccines for those of us that haven't lost our minds...


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