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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

County Cuts


There was something on the WBOC news about the county cutting 12 of the school crossing guards to save money. Do they make that much money that this would even make a dent in the county deficit? Do you know how many guards there are altogether?


  1. This was done a few years ago in Dallas and the teachers had to pick up the crossing guard duties!

  2. School crossing guards are part of the sheriff's budget. They make a little more than minimum wage for about 2 hours a day of work for the days school is in session.

  3. how about we cut spending and stop cutting jobs....

  4. Crossing guards are a ridiculous expense anyway! Pretty much everywhere there has been a crossing guard, there is a signalized CROSSWALK! So tell me why you need a crossing guard when you have a signalized crosswalk? To essentially read the signal for the kids and tell them when to cross? If your kid does not know how to use a crosswalk then he or she deserves to get struck by a car!

    This would be a good time for all you parents to get out there and make sure your kids know how to properly use a crosswalk! I don't want to hear any bitching about your kids getting hit because crossing guards were cut from the budget.

    oh and by the way, this is a prime everyday example of the reduction in services that we are going to begin to see all because of our good friend, THE REVENUE CAP...you have got to pay some to get some...

  5. I remember an ad in the paper saying 10/hr, 20 hr week...not much to help the budget at all.

  6. Stop complaining and do your part. Volunteer to be a crossing guard if you're so concerned.

  7. 8:40 Yes all the 5-year-old children will be sure to say thank you as they cross the street. Just knowing that you think they are smart enough to cross the street on their own will just make it that much easier for them. Nobody volunteer to assist them now because 8:40 knows they all can get across on their own without assistance.

  8. 9:03,

    Why do you let your 5-year-old walk to school alone? Good parenting there pal...

  9. looks like someone's not protected by the Unions

  10. if the kid is not old enough, mature enough, smart enough to walk to school by themselves, then the parent should either walk with them, drive them, or the kid should ride the bus.

    anon 9:03 - i hope you don't have any kids...

  11. Why not let the Salisbury Police Department do this?? They do nothing else but ride around town and make their presence known. Let them get out there and earn their pay protecting our children.
    Maybe they could enforce the children to use the crosswalks instead of crossing anywhere they please.

  12. Why should this be a function of the sheriffs office? Sounds to me like it should have always been a function of the BOE. Oh yeah, thats right, teachers only work 8:00 to 4:00, and don't get in their way when the bell rings, you will get run over. I think the BOE can either pick up the tab, or have the teachers do it. I believe crossing guards are helpful in certain areas, but I also believe with the vast budget the board has, they could handle this...... Just wait till next year when the county can get a waiver on maintenance of effort and the BOE has to learn to live without!!!! (Bet the teachers still get a raise)


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