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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bennett Middle

BOE approved Fruitland to get Bennett Middle earlier today.


  1. Where? At the circle?

  2. How about lets stop building schools enough people have computers now learning from home should be an option with all the violence in schools I'd like to keep my G rated kids away from the X rated ones.

  3. I believe that its going to be located on vaccant property off allen rd....here comes the pitch for another new sewer and water plant......Maybe the City will start paying attention and get there "code enforcement officer" now to go enforce the building codes and get that trashy corner at the Y in the road cleaned up...

  4. Can they/will they change the name to something like Fruitland Middle or Disharoon Middle? (Fruitland's original name was Disharoon's crossroads) although, on second thought, they'd probably name it after Obama...

  5. This is absolutely BS!! The BOE has over 90 acres on College Avenue to work with! They can relocate the middle school students to the old Bennett High while they tear down the Middle School and rebuild (or vice versa). Why spend MORE money on additional property when you already have enough to begin with? Not to mention, the reason for upgrading and widening College Avenue was reduce the traffic caused by both schools on that street. If they were going to relocated and lose half the traffic then the extensive upgrades were completely unnecessary!

    In addition, this is going to cost the tax payers more in the long run in logistics alone! Currently, buses drop off students at Bennett Senior and then drive across a parking lot to drop off students at Bennett Middle. If they relocate the school to Fruitland they are going to be paying for cost associated with the time and fuel to drive from Bennett High on College Ave to the Middle School in Fruitland.

    Your average Bluebird school bus gets 6.6 MPG. If they relocated the Middle School to Fruitland it would increase the route by approximately 4.2 miles one way; 8.4 total daily. With diesel fuel averaging about $2.60/gallon in 2009 and a 200 day school year it would cost at least an additional $661/per school bus per year. If there are 20 buses in route to the school each day, that would cost an additional $13,220/year in fuel alone. It may not seem like alot, but look at the other things that money could buy elsewher in the County...

    Let's not forget the $2Million it will cost to purchase the property. The County will also have to upgrade the infrastructure around the new school site to handle the increased traffic volume. The additional costs are ridiculous, especially when THEY ARE NOT NECESSARY!!!!!! It just doesn't make sense to me-the BOE is out of control, but yet the rest of the County is facing furloughs and possible layoffs? Its just another case of robbing Peter to pay Paul...

  6. Down at the Y where none of the businesses have to pave their parking lots or even mark them. Everybody else up north has to though. Sneaky Pete painted stripes on stones. Does that conform to Fruitland's building code?

  7. Barack H. Obama Middle School is the proposed name. It has the support of the County and State at this point.


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