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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another Letter From Salisbury University

A Salisbury University Student reported that she was assaulted by a stranger in the intersection of Eastern Shore Drive and College Avenue. On 10/14/2009 at approximately 4:30 P.M., the student was walking along College Ave when a man operating a vehicle in the area yelled for her to "come here." The man asked the student "Where do you live?" and then grabbed hold of the student; however, she was able to break free and run away.

The suspect was described as an African-American male in his late twenties, and of average build. He was operating a black four-door sedan.

This incident occurred in the corporate limits of the City of Salisbury, and was reported to both the University Police Department and the Salisbury Police Department. As a result of recent incidents of crime on and around the University campus, the University Police Department is working in cooperation with the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office and the Salisbury Police Department to enhance measures for the protection our campus community.

Anyone who may have information about this crime is asked to contact the Salisbury Police Department: (410) 548-3165; the Salisbury University Police Department: (410) 543-6222; or, report anonymously to Crime Solvers of the Lower Eastern Shore: (410) 548-1776.

The following personal safety tips apply wherever one resides. Taking precautions may lessen the likelihood of becoming a victim. Increasing awareness of crime prevention techniques may decrease the opportunity for a person to commit a criminal offense against you.

If you feel uncomfortable walking alone on campus or to nearby off-campus locations during the hours of darkness, call University Police for an escort (410-543-6222).

Basic Personal Safety Tips:

1. Stay alert. You are your own best protection.
2. Trust your instincts. If something or someone makes your feel uneasy, use your cell phone to call 911 for police assistance.
3. Do not walk or jog alone after dark. Walk in groups, there is safety in numbers.
4. Walk in well-lit areas and stay near the curb, away from alleys, entry ways and bushes where someone could be hiding.
5. Avoid short cuts. Walk where there are other people present.
6. Let a family member or friend know your destination and estimated time of arrival.
7. Walk confidently, directly, and at a steady pace. Make eye contact with everyone you pass. Don't talk to strangers.
8. Wear clothing and shoes that give you freedom of movement. Avoid carrying a purse or too many items.
9. If you are being followed when walking, change directions, vary speed. Go to a well-lit area where there are other people. If followed by someone in a car, turn and walk in the other direction. Record the license number.
10. Report any suspicious activity or crimes to your local police department.

Please report any suspicious activity or suspicious person to the police department immediately. If possible, use a cellular phone to call 911 while maintaining visual observation of the subject(s).

Chief Edwin L. Lashley
University Police


  1. What a surprise right? Black male......seems like its always a black male...but i guess im just being racist, right?

  2. This is the 4th crime in 2 weeks involving SU students. Salisbury is a pit!! WHEN IS SOMETHING GOING TO BE DONE!!

  3. 9:32 the only way its EVER going to have "something ....done" is when the citizens start arming themselves and shooting the stupid bastar-s first time they "bother" someone. I'm serious.

  4. what dummy walks up close enough to a stranger's car, especially if you are a woman, that he can grab you. Someone needs to read a few more McGruff the crime dog comics before being allowed to walk to streets by herself

  5. It might be a good idea for these students to carry pepper spray and learn how to use it.

  6. Stay away from black males is the best way to be safe .

  7. good thing SBY has no crime problem

  8. SU continues to buy property and grow grow grow,
    this is a beautiful thing, except that being in salisbury wasn't factored in.
    I guess nothing will change until we lose another young female student - remember the old mall ?
    The single incident finished off that mall and SSC took a hit too

  9. How can we keep ourselves safe when it's clear you can't go anywhere in Salisbury without danger? I appreciate the rhetoric about being "armed", but seriously, how many of us are willing to do that? I've made a decision to stay home, with all doors and windows locked, after dark. AND IT'S MAKING ME REALLY MAD that I have to live like this.
    Clearly whatever SBY is doing isn't working...
    "Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results", Mr. Ireton...are you listening at all?

  10. First she was stupid for going up to a stranger she obviously didn't know. Second you idiots that are saying it is always a black person are racist. Third the SU police have a ton of officers they should get off of their lazy butts and patrol more often.

  11. @ 8:37. It is always an African American person... Read the reports. Obviously she wasent the smartest, but this crime right around the campus is really starting to get old. Screw Marylands lack of CCW Permits, I'm about to start carrying as I refuse to become prey.

  12. There are two societies and the gap between them continues to grow, there is nothing you can do to stop it.

  13. Mayor Ireton: "Another crime? I know! Let's have a downtown party! Bring the new fireboat for the goodwill cruises! Don't forget the video camera!"

  14. I have an orginal solution-decoys!Why hasnt anyone thought of this?Obviously all one needs to do to get jacked is walk around late at night around SU.Take some police cadet volunteers,dress em like the average SU freshman and turn them loose.A set of handcuffs and a big pistol -$1000,the look on a muggers face when he realizes hes been had-priceless!Dont wait around til one of these kids are killed.

  15. They don't even need to walk around late at night. This happened at 4:30 p.m.


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