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Friday, October 30, 2009

2,000 Pages Of Mandates, Taxes, And Bureaucracy

This morning, House Democrats held a press conference to unveil their health care reform bill, which they claim will expand coverage for all and decrease costs. Sounds good, but once you peel away the “feel good” rhetoric, there’s nothing to be excited about. This 2,000-page bill includes a job-killing employer mandate, an individual mandate that requires Washington bureaucrats to define what kind of coverage is acceptable, burdensome tax increases, Medicare cuts, and a huge expansion of Medicaid that will break already strained state budgets.

You see, the Democrats are playing a game of bait and switch when they talk about the costs of this legislation. For instance, they say that costs will be kept under the arbitrary $900 billion cap that President Obama has requested. Well, they’ll stay under the cap simply by expanding Medicaid eligibility. In other words, they’ll be shifting the costs off one set of taxpayer-funded books to another set of taxpayer-funded books. And, don’t forget: we just had to bail out those states in large part because their Medicaid budgets were bleeding them dry!

Social Security is broke, Medicare is broke, Medicaid is broke – and all of them were created with the best intentions. But we have to face reality. Our deficit is at an all-time high. Our debt is nearing $12 TRILLION with no signs of slowing. We’re on a crash course for financial ruin. This isn’t conjecture, it’s basic economics.

Republicans have put forth alternative after alternative taking a patient-centered approach -- not focused on government, focused on you -- that will keep costs down, but each and every one of them has fallen on deaf ears. They weren’t even considered by Democrat leadership. Yesterday’s Chicago Tribune did a great job highlighting several of these Republican alternatives that won’t break the bank (a bank that’s already bankrupt).

GO HERE to read more.


  1. Do any of you understand the end is near in some form or another? It will never be the way it was, ever again. Aint denial a bitch.

  2. The Republican alternatives listed here are merely talking points. Do any of these actually take the form of bills to be considered in Congress? If not, then maybe the truth of the matter is Republicans dont want any health reform; they are happy with status quo - broke medicaid, broke medicare, outrageous premiums, routinely denied coverage under the auspice of "pre-existing" conditions, crazy medical malpractice insurance rates, and health insureres exempt from anti-trust laws, just to name a few of today's problems with healthcare.
    Either craft legislation or be quiet. The problem needs fixing and if Democrats are the only ones willing to put solutions on paper in the form of a Senate or House bill, then those will be the only options to vote on.

  3. Support the public option. Stop the madness.

  4. The public option is madness !


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