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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Trend Watch! CEOs Apologizing Via YouTube

Trend Watch! CEOs Apologizing Via YouTube

Want to see a bunch of corporate executives apologizing? Thanks to the magical internet, now you can!

Attention Digital has collected several YouTube videos of CEOs apologizing for one reason or another: Domino's Patrick Doyle, for the infamous snot-food video; Matel's Bob Eckert, for its run of toy safety violations, and the Maple Leaf Foods robot, for listeria in its products. The article missed it, YouTube also has a video apology from United Airlines' Jim Goodwin (oooo, I just want to take him home and rub his belly...)

Having all of these collected in one place is nice because it allows consumers to get a sense of apologizes as a genre. Apparently, bad lighting and monotone reading from a teleprompter are a plus. Of course, CEOs can always get help from this guy when they need it.

CEOs apologize on YouTube [Attention Digital] (Thanks to Johnny!)


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