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Friday, September 25, 2009


A city builds a stadium for a sports team. One of the athletes is paid $20 million a year. No Problem.

Another city blocks streets and provides security to make a movie. The actor is paid $30 million for a few months work. No problem

An average person goes into politics and soon becomes a multi millionaire. Again, no problem.

If any of these people would have worked for a bank, an insurance company or any for profit industry, Liberals get their shorts in a knot.


  1. Liberals? Dont you mean EVERYONE? Have you ever listened to sports talk? Those people hate everyone who makes more than like 9 dollars and hour, because that's all they make. Cmon, you can do better than that

  2. No reason why to pay millions to a guy to swing at a ball or a chick to bounce a ball.

  3. Yeah, this is kind of a weak argument. How bout this one:

    An average person gets hired as an executive at a Cigarette Company and becomes a millionare. No problem?

    I do have a problem with that, because they are making money by selling a product that is proven to be detrimental to the health of their customers. Just like I have a problem with insurance company executives making profits by DENYING PEOPLE COVERAGE. I have ZERO problem with insurance executives making profits so long as they don't deny people coverage when they need it most. When they give themselves bonuses by denying rightful claims, then I have a HUGE problem with that.

  4. Sez who? I think it's outrageous that "the common man/woman" will work his/her a$$ off just to be able to keep his/her head above water, when others get paid to play games or stand in front of a camera. I have far more respect for the men I see working to collect garbage on a garbage truck than I do for a professional sports figure or a movie star. The irony here is that the average worker will waste their money to support professional game players and actors while making sure not to miss "entertainment Tonight" or the like. Like I say, "Blinded by the bling..."

  5. If you want to stop athletes from making so much money, stop buying their shoes, stop flocking to any product they endorse, stop mortgaging your home to take the kids to see a professional sports team play.

    In fact, go tail gate at the airport and cheer the platoon of heros coming home (actually sounds kind of fun). Go ask the school teacher for her autograph and recommend he/she gets the signing bonus.

  6. It's the new american work ethic,pure greed.


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