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Friday, September 25, 2009

Secret White House Letter To G-20

I still get a thrill whenever I get my hands on a confidential memo with “The White House, Washington” on the letterhead. Even when–like the one I’m looking at now–it’s about a snoozy topic: This week’s G-20 summit.

But the letter’s content shook me awake and may keep me up the rest of the night.

The 6-page letter from the White House, dated September 3, was sent to the 20 heads of state that will meet this Thursday in Pittsburgh. After some initial diplo-blather, our President’s “sherpa” for the summit, Michael Froman, does a little victory dance, announcing that the recession has been defeated. “Global equity markets have risen 35 percent since the end of March,” writes Froman. In other words, the stock market is up and all’s well.

While acknowledging that this year’s economy has gone to hell in a handbag, Obama’s aide and ambassador to the G-20 seems to be parroting the irrational exuberance of Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke who declared last week that, “The recession is very likely over.” All that was missing from Bernanke’s statement was a banner, “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.”

And the French are furious. The White House letter to the G-20 leaders was a response to a confidential diplomatic missive from the chief of the European Union Fredrik Reinfeldt written a day earlier to “Monsieur le Président” Obama.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. The U.S. is beginning to have a hard time dictating to everyone how we are going to enslave their populations with our form of progressive taxation. Other countries aren't going for it - including China (the Communist Country).
    There is widespread desire to de-peg from the dollar on world commodities markets. Oil, Iron, Copper, are all pricing too high because the dollar is worthless.
    The more our government prints money, them more expensive these commodities become on the open market (inflation).
    The bottom line is these countries know one thing: if you don't go along with U.S. Central Bank plans, you will get bombed.

  2. Damn right. If they don't like the way we run our economy, they can go to hell.

    They need us. Not the other way around.

    And the commenter is right. If they mess with the dollar we will bomb them into submission and then take their natural resources.

    Greatest military on earth.


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