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Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Poor Analogy

Obama says his public option will not harm private healthcare. As his analogy, he points to state universities and private universities. He says both kinds of schools coexist well together. Using state and private universities as an analogy is absurd.

With regards to state universities, the government provides funding to support them. If Obama wants to apply this relationship to the health profession, he should start funding doctors’ offices and hospitals so that they can afford to see all of the uninsured for free. Instead, Obama wants to provide both with higher taxes and lower fees. His approach is clearly counterintuitive. Why does Obama despise hard working Americans?

Next time Obama uses universities as his example of how his public plan will coexist with private healthcare, you might suggest that the imbecile feeding his teleprompter should repeat junior high school.


  1. He also gave as an example, Fed-Ex, UPS verse the Post Office. He is either a moron or he believes we are.

  2. He also gave as an example, Fed-Ex, UPS verse the Post Office. He is either a moron or he believes we are.

  3. Your average American is not that intelligent. The President was just trying to explain it to these people in a manner in which they could understand.


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