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Friday, September 25, 2009

Obama Likes Tyrants and Dislikes America . . . And Here's More Proof

Michael hits the nail on the head . . . and then comes this: The Obama administration has notified Congress of the State Department's intention to contribute $400,000 to foundations run by Muammar Qaddafi's two children — $200,000 each for daughter Aisha and son Saif. Saif, you may recall, is the son who escorted the Lockerbie terrorist Abdel Baset al-Megrahi home to a hero's welcome in Libya after President Obama sternly "warned" Qaddafi that there was to be no hero's welcome.

Illinois Republican congressman Mark Steven Kirk (House Appropriations Subcommittee on State/Foreign Operations) has sent Obama a letter asking him to rescind the funding.

Could somebody please tell this president that this is not just Annenberg Foundation cash he's passing out to his personal terrorist pals like Bill Ayers but American taxpayer dollars he's doling out to the terrorist tyrant behind the murder — in just that one incident — of 270 people, including 189 Americans.

Just 40 months to go. God help us.


  1. Come on Joe,
    You know full well that Obama does not make these decisions. The financial masters make these decisions. What we see on television is theatre.

  2. Yo 8:41,dumba**...he's the p-r-e-s-i-d-e-n-t, you understand that?? HE can say NO. He's also the person Qaddafi referred to as 'our son!!' The one who doesn't have a corrupt friend or associate in the world! If you disagree, name one, just one. Then I'll give you a list longer than your arm of his corrupt buddies.

    Open your eyes to the truth dummy

  3. 9:51
    Hear here.

    Duh. That's why we vote! Our elected officials make decisions. That is their job.

    Sure people and corporations can donate to their campaigns, but they don't determine how our elected officials vote.

    If they don't vote the way we want them to vote, we will not re-elect them. That is the way it works.

    Obmama has a lot on his plate. I don't think he is capable of doing the job.

  4. 9:51- hear here??? That must be English you learned via obamamaniacs. Also, what does this post have to do with corporations giving money to politicians? It's about obama buddying up with his terrorist cronies, read and comprehend the post before commenting!!

  5. Obama refuses to meet with the British Prime Minister, but he will meet with the lunatic from Iran. "Birds of a feather, flock together."

  6. Outrageous actions for a U.S. President.
    Impeach the wolf in sheep's clothing.
    Actually, for those who listened, he claimed he would remake this country.
    How sad, many, 10 million, did not listen.

  7. They need our $$$$$$?
    Those oil theives have enough to support their own 'foundation'.

  8. Just another way this communist is throwing away all of our tax money instead of helping Americans. Unfornately we are Americans and expendable to Obama because we are standing in his way to creating a New World Order. Therefore we have to suffer as he tears down America to start from scratch and create a total government contrlled country.

  9. Quaddafi,if he is your "son" do us a damn favor and take him back to Libya with you-his wife too.

  10. What is the legal justification for the State Dept to contribute these monies?
    Does't congress authorize spending?

  11. I'm sending Rep. Kirk an email to thank and encourage hime to push this recinsion.

  12. The State Dept's U.S. Agengy for International Dev. was/is considering sending money to Libya.
    Apparently the grants to Qkadiff's children is only a small portion of those monies.
    Do we really need to send our money to terrorist states?

  13. When will they learn it is not their money to give? The only change in Washington is the party spending our money. Each in their turn spend more than the previous group. I guess the winner will come when the country is bankrupt.


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