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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Notre Dame Sues Ex-Worker Over $29,000 Tip

INDIANAPOLIS – A woman who worked catering events for the University of Notre Dame says it was her lucky day when the school tipped her $29,000 in her check. But now the university is suing to get back the money she says she's already spent.

Sara Gaspar of Granger says in court documents filed this week that she "thought finally something wonderful had happened" in her life when the school paid her a $29,387 tip on April 17. She said in court documents that she called the school's catering department three times about the payment, but didn't hear back until she received a threatening call from the school in June.

Gaspar says by that point, she had spent the money on a new car and bills.

Notre Dame contends Gaspar should have been paid only $29.87, but was overpaid because of a typing error. The school says in a lawsuit filed Aug. 27 in St. Joseph Circuit Court in South Bend that Gaspar did not notify the school about the error, and instead spent the money knowing it wasn't hers.

Notre Dame says it discovered the mistake in May and requested repayment, but Gaspar refused. The lawsuit accuses her of unjust enrichment, fraud and conversion.

GO HERE to read more from Yahoo News.


  1. I'd take the money, since the calls were made and hung up on....

  2. Oops! Finders keepers. Loosers weepers.

  3. Even though this lady should have known that she really wasn't entitled to this money, she did try to get it worked out. I don't know if there is a statute-of-limitations on this type of situation but I think she did all she could. If the money is a problem for the University, they should take it from that fat loser Charlie Weis and his POS football team! ROTFLAMAO

  4. they wrote a check. With her name on it. she cashed it. It cleared. time passed. I say they are screwed.

  5. She knew there was a mistake made and should be held accountable. Unless of course a mentioned earlier the statute of limitations on it had expired.

  6. Anon 9:18 - She did know there was a mistake. She tried to contact them 3x. Her calls should have been returned before 2 months had passed. I think they shouldn't a dime of that money back!


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