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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Italian Americans


A friend informed me today of how harshly the United States treated Italians living in America during World War II. This was less than 70 years ago, and the number of Italians affected greatly outnumbered the number of Japanese interned.

This story should help us put the treatment of any other group in proper perspective. Check out the link, my fellow Italian American:http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/Italian_Report.pdf


  1. For Gods sake , get over it!
    How are you treated now?

  2. OMG I had no idea this happened. Why is it we never heard of this? God Bless the Italians for not making this an issue. You do what you need to do for your country.

    And detainees complain? Let get their families over here to while we are at it. What is happening?

  3. What about how badly the United States treated the Indians and the Blacks after that?

  4. If I am not mistaken the point of the post is everyone screams reparations. Not the Italians, they have never complained about this. Just interesting that we all have had bad experiences. Keep your eye on the ball, you do what you need to do for a better America. Move forward.

  5. Our Country has been a mess since it was created. Many people seem to think this Country was great in our past. They haven't read much about the past.

    It is because of the evils of our past that we have come to where we are now in the present.

  6. If you want the truth about history read; The Peoples History of the United States of America by Howard Zinn. It will blow your socks off.

  7. Blacks have been trained to be weak and rely on the government.Which is a shame because it wasn't always like this.


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